Ah yes, the Gwen hate. I remember. In TDA, the reason why everybody is hating Gwen is because of her breakup with Trent. If there’s any Total Drama character that I would blame for Gwen getting in trouble, it was Heather that opened Pandora’s Box, and Justin and Geoff made major contributions to the worsening of the situation. If there’s anything Gwen is doing wrong, she isn’t using her common sense. If she did, she would’ve stayed in the contest longer and everyone would know that Justin is being a total jerk that was trying to set her up. Instead, she claimed to break up with Trent to excuse herself from trouble and listened to Justin when he says that she owed the Grips. Not only she lost a relationship and the contest, but this also put a curse on her throughout the rest of the series.
Back to when I talked about people hating Courtney and her fans. Although Courtney is pretty and has a stronger sense of morals than the rest, people have the right to hate her. She was not being fair in the contest (like when she refused to jump, but told people to not vote her off), she treated others wrongly (like what she did to Harold), used lawsuits to get everything she wants, and acted like a child at times. But to hate her fans or for her fans to hate her haters, they don’t have the right to do so. I don’t know why the fandom was so toxic ten years ago, but in their defense, they were mostly kids or teenagers that didn’t know any better as everybody acted like this when they were little. But today, there’s no reason to act like this. Those internet kids from 10 years ago are adults today, and if they act like this, then there is a problem. I could say that bad parenting is why we have a generation of immature people these days, but since people in professions are acting this childish too (such as baseball players, politicians, and columnists), it could be because of emotional instability in increasing population. But yes, today’s fandom is horrible.