What's Bothering You?

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I've been having issues with my left knee lately (in case you don't know, that's the knee I had surgery on in January 2018). Lately, if I sit down for too long without getting up, then I can't put any weight on my left leg without my knee hurting really bad. I had to limp back to my dorm after wind ensemble rehearsal today because I sat for about an hour and 15 minutes, and when I stood up my knee was in agonizing pain.

My mom thinks it may be arthritis, but I'm too young to be having these issues already. I'm gonna set up an appointment with my surgeon, hopefully he can tell me what the problem is and how I can resolve it.
I've been having issues with my left knee lately (in case you don't know, that's the knee I had surgery on in January 2018). Lately, if I sit down for too long without getting up, then I can't put any weight on my left leg without my knee hurting really bad. I had to limp back to my dorm after wind ensemble rehearsal today because I sat for about an hour and 15 minutes, and when I stood up my knee was in agonizing pain.

My mom thinks it may be arthritis, but I'm too young to be having these issues already. I'm gonna set up an appointment with my surgeon, hopefully he can tell me what the problem is and how I can resolve it.

Actually, it may very well be arthritis! I had surgery on the big toe of my right foot and now whenever the weather changes, I can barely walk! However, I also have a bad back and my hands hurt as well and I haven't had surgery on either of those. I think some of it might be determined by genetics?? Medicine confuses me.
I've been having issues with my left knee lately (in case you don't know, that's the knee I had surgery on in January 2018). Lately, if I sit down for too long without getting up, then I can't put any weight on my left leg without my knee hurting really bad. I had to limp back to my dorm after wind ensemble rehearsal today because I sat for about an hour and 15 minutes, and when I stood up my knee was in agonizing pain.

My mom thinks it may be arthritis, but I'm too young to be having these issues already. I'm gonna set up an appointment with my surgeon, hopefully he can tell me what the problem is and how I can resolve it.

I also think it's not too early to be arthritis. Granted I don't know much about it, but seems like it could be. Might be a different form?
Guess I'd be better off ignoring my edgy silent treatment male "friend" but jesus what is wrong with you...
I just realized I forgot to get potted sakura flowers on Pocket Camp and now I'm reeeeally bummed out :(
I just realized I forgot to get potted sakura flowers on Pocket Camp and now I'm reeeeally bummed out :(

:( feels i almost forgot mine too but then i was like **** gotta get the stuff...glad i did! sorry for you though :(

sooo that nugget actually texted me back basically the same stuff as last time he had to poof like this... why can't you just tell me without dissing me for weeks when i just sent like idk a fun few pics and asked if you wanted to do something. then you proceeded before doing stuff with other people and like dissing me completely. if something happened i wish you could just talk to me like any other instead of giving me the silent game shoulder like every time. you need to stop being so passive-aggressive and following like every order you get... but fine if you wanna be that against me and you can't tell me what _i did_ you have issues. it's pretty tiring trying to be there for you sometimes...
Everything hurts. I have so much stuff to do but I feel too sick to get any of it done and I'm worried I'm gonna fall behind again
I regret not buying the sims 3 when it was on sale for lunar new year. I passed because I felt guilty about spending too much on 4, but 4 is boring me and really want to try 3....I just have no idea when there will be another sale like that. It was GREAT and I was STUPID
ughh so to do yet so little time. Also as usual my pikachu 3ds xl is having major issues with the screen leaking getting worse and now the x button and circle pad are not responding as well as before anymore.
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I keep losing or misplacing things lately. Like I eventually find them, but it's like my memory is so short, or my mind is so out of it that I completely forget where I leave things. It's kinda frustrating >:/
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