What's Bothering You?

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False tbh. When you die you have no more opportunities to take on. Trust me I was in this boat just a year ago. I didn't have my license, wasn't in school, and wasn't working either. I was suspended from my last college because of a loud and disruptive mental breakdown in my dormitory building. I was so lonely bc all my friends were doing awesome stuff, in school, getting their licenses, all that. and too busy to hang out. Not that it mattered bc I was too depressed to want to go out much anyway and all I did was sleep and watch tv all day. My mother shamed me constantly because she had so many expectations and I just wasn't living up to them at the time. I was 20, and had this exact same mindset. I even ended up in the hospital for a couple weeks because I actually acted on that mindset.

When I got out, I started trying to change my life around.
In under a year I got my license, started working a part-time job with short but crazy hours and am now a full-time student (tuition with the help of my mother and reimbursement from the company I work for). I'm entering my third year next Fall.

Life is full of ups and downs. Just because you aren't taking life on at the same pace as other people or missed more opportunities doesn't mean you need to keep missing out on them!

The average human life span is currently 79 years, and you're still only 21 (sorry I peeped your profile, I am too)
That's a lot of time to get well and make it somewhere you can be happy in in life. =)

This is a really nice post, and such a wonderfully positive outlook to have. Definitely resonated with me a bit when I read it too so thanks for sharing your experiences so eloquently. Glad to hear you're doing better, and to anyone else it may involve here; take care of yourself.
my spring break just ended n ive forgotten how tired school makes me. studying & remembering stuff is so much harder
Think I need to revisit the gastroenterologist, I feel sick every time I eat rn. ;3;
I just really don’t know what my purpose in life is and I don’t think I’ll ever find out. I have no purpose.

Don't know why the post only snipped that part but okay.

If you wanna make some more friends, hmu! I don't get alot of work, so I'm usually at home doing nothing of importance. In fact I only got 2 days this actual week. I relate about having only one friend, she's also busy at a college so her and I haven't talked in probably months.

And you're so young! (20? 21?) There's no real way fo you to know excactly what you want to do with your life. You've barely stepped into the harsh cruel world of adults, you've barely had time to take in everything and process it.

Also, you live for you, not anyone else. Living for other people shouldn't be a priority in your case. No one is literally depending in you to feed them because they phyical can't. You have to live for you in order to enjoy yourself and enjoy life. You are the priorty, others come later. This holds true for many life situations.

Your purpose will come to you, annoyingly enough, with time. You have to grow first before you can even decide what to do with your life. If you think you have no purpose, make your purpose finding ways to make you genuinely happy with you and life. Once you've achieved that (again, with lots of time, talking and knowing yourself) then you can focus on what's on the outside: carrers, money, adulting, ect... you can't be happy with others if not yourself first.

TLDR: It's going to take alot of time, but once you are genuinely happy, you can then focus on outside factors, outside people, ect... You're too young to want to die, and even if you still feel that way, I don't want you die.
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My family's fighting again.

I'm sorry you have to go through it. I can relate as that was literally me over easter weekend, I just have to walk away otherwise I'll give myself a headache...

Sad thing is I'll be back to that in a days time ugh
I'm sorry you have to go through it. I can relate as that was literally me over easter weekend, I just have to walk away otherwise I'll give myself a headache...

Sad thing is I'll be back to that in a days time ugh

Thank you. I'm sorry you have to deal with that sort of thing as well. </3
Comments about weight gain today. Added to my self loathing.
@Nougat: I wanted to thank you for reminding me that we do learn more and meet more people as we get older. I guess the things I am missing in life like my other half, a house, and more are things I?ll just meet and acquire as I get older. I did want to say though that I have the three careers that I want to get into already chosen and am set on working towards them as we speak. The positive things out of this are that after switching majors twice, I?ll still be graduating on time and know the major I?m doing right now is the right one for me as I have a natural niche for it. And I already have planned out what careers I?m pursuing and even have contacts for some of them through my parents, so I guess that?s more than a lot of people my age can say.

Anyway, thank you both for your kind words and helping me feel better. HistoryH22 contacted me as well and related to me about his past, so I?m very grateful that you guys took time out of your days to console me when you didn?t have to. I honestly think what I posted was really immature of myself and so I?m going to delete the majority of it now. I picked myself back up this morning after missing a class and made it to my other ones. That?s all we can do sometimes in situations like these. Pick ourselves back up and keep moving forward, so that?s what I?ll do. I don?t have any regrets about what I said though. I?m going to live my life regret-free if anything. Thank you. :)

I deleted your quoted text in my reply as well, so it's all gone now. But good thinking about living regret-free, that'll serve you very well in the future. Good luck! :)
I can't seem to wake up early anymore lol

I'm so ready for this school year to be over. I'm exhausted and I believe it's time for a well deserved break.
i was selling my ipad and the buyer planned for it just fell off the face of the earth :(
he wont reply to me (sighs)
guess its back to the boards
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