What's Bothering You?

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uhhhhh, it's not lying per se, but it's also not telling the truth... i kinda have to, but it feels icky... ; 3 ;
I want to go outside and enjoy this weather but I?m just too... dead beat tired lol.
anxiety about work, my mother, my relationship, my life. everything is hitting me all at once.
Think I got a summer cold or something. Annoying af!
ugh ****ing flies getting sucked into your nose tf

Ouchies ;w; That has to suck @v@

On another note, the fact that I have to give everyone a graduation party invitation except for my former best friend is really bothering me :v
Our air conditioning is out today and guess what? It's 85 (Fahrenheit, of course) degrees outside. Thank god for fans, but still.
Washing shoes is extremely gross and annoying. There's also a massive fly in my bedroom buzzing around banging against the window trying to get out. I have a screen on my window that doesn't come off, so I can't even let the stupid thing out. It probably wouldn't even go out the window, anyway.
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