What's Bothering You?

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everytime i eat my ice cream my stomach feels bloated

but it's SOOO good
This person in my class wants me to wear different clothes then what I usually wear (sweats and a jacket) and in my mind I'm like **** off and do your work
Aww man, I just bought Chivalry for my laptop recently and they released it on the Xbox One and PS4. I would have definitely held out to purchase it there.
I need to do make up 5 assignments about this book and read The things they carried by tomorrow but I cant... I don't like the book and I read 2 chapters only and we have to write an essay for it but I don't know what this book even contains.... all I know it that is was not in any way shape or form something I have any enjoyment of reading


my friend shaved one of my eyebrows off and im really tired my stomach isnt working anymore

It hurts when I swallow, it feels like my stomach has been tied into a really tight knot
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I had my stupid day shift yesterday and so I got home and was tired and so I slept until 8am this morning, then I wanted to sleep some before working my night shift tonight so I took a sleeping pill at like 3:30 so I could be out by 4 and I laid down and everything but my body just wouldn't go to sleep. Usually this sleeping pill knocks me out good, but I just couldn't fall asleep. Now I am at work after being up for 12 hours with a 10 hour shift ahead of me... I think I am going to go have like a ton of espresso to help keep me up cause I am so drowsy and tired as hell and I am just hoping I don't goof up anything important during work...
I had my stupid day shift yesterday and so I got home and was tired and so I slept until 8am this morning, then I wanted to sleep some before working my night shift tonight so I took a sleeping pill at like 3:30 so I could be out by 4 and I laid down and everything but my body just wouldn't go to sleep. Usually this sleeping pill knocks me out good, but I just couldn't fall asleep. Now I am at work after being up for 12 hours with a 10 hour shift ahead of me... I think I am going to go have like a ton of espresso to help keep me up cause I am so drowsy and tired as hell and I am just hoping I don't goof up anything important during work...

aw sorry.. I hate being super tired during the day.. Everything feels so weird and surreal and it's hard to realize what you're saying and doing.
my hair is too long but getting it cut would mane me die from anxiety so???????

also i have ugly acne this sucks so much why
Legit the drunkest guy ever just called and I couldn't understand like ever other word he said, and he was getting upset cause I kept asking him to repeat things so he just kept saying them more garbled and louder... saying he was in a few towns over and was going to DRIVE here tonight... like, please just stay home.

- - - Post Merge - - -

aw sorry.. I hate being super tired during the day.. Everything feels so weird and surreal and it's hard to realize what you're saying and doing.

It's actually the middle of the night, I work night shifts and it's like almost 2 now, and I still have 6 hours left on my shift...
Legit the drunkest guy ever just called and I couldn't understand like ever other word he said, and he was getting upset cause I kept asking him to repeat things so he just kept saying them more garbled and louder... saying he was in a few towns over and was going to DRIVE here tonight... like, please just stay home.

oh wow o_O hope he is then

also my period like ahhhh gtfo
Can't sleep again...ughhhhh just want to sleep some more before I have to get up for work in a few hours... ;w;
Sleep depravity knocked up a notch to: literally about to nod off if I close my eyes for more than a millisecond blink, everything is severely heavy feeling I feel like I'm stomping about trying to walk and my eyes keep blurring out and starting to wander into REM patterns which usually only ever happens to me when I slip into meditation when I am overly concentrated, but it's just going on and off trying to knock me out. I am sure my body is very angry, but I just have to hold on for 2/2.5 hours... I keep looking up at the ceiling and trying to roll my eyes around to counter the REM state.
Being welcomed into the world of refunds, goddammit, why does my PC have to be a bust up piece of complete rubbish?
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