What's Bothering You?

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Is it just me, or did all the user title colors disappear after halloween?
I had a silver-colored user title before the halloween event. Now it's just black.

It's been bothering me for weeks but I haven't seen anyone complain about it. o:

No, mine is still pink.
1. Trying to write this paper but the topic is so boring so I can't focus

I'll stay up all night, it doesn't feel like a sleep kinda day

2. Also the website that hosts all my homework just reset all my classes so idk my homework

3. My friends hung out twice over the weekend and I missed the text but no one thought it would be a good idea to text me personally so I am kinda pissed.

4. My ex gf is tellin them same ***damn lies to my boy saying she'll always be loyal to him crap

5. My ankle hurts so bad and my track coach keeps pushing and pushing it and tomorrow is leg workouts so i'll be dead all week

6. So many people to pray for, life is crumblin down, cannot wait for Xmas break so I can rest my life away without all this S.A.D in my life smh

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oh good Microsoft word crash again

time to start this paper over
Is it just me, or did all the user title colors disappear after halloween?
I had a silver-colored user title before the halloween event. Now it's just black.

It's been bothering me for weeks but I haven't seen anyone complain about it. o:

Check shop then your inventory, you might have accidentally changed and checked the box to only "hidden". Supposed to be "active" or both "active" and "hidden" to make the color change appear. I just tried it on mine (I have the pink one lol) and it's still working though I've changed it back to default after.
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Check shop then your inventory, you might have accidentally changed and checked the box "hidden". I just tried it on mine (I have the pink one lol) and it's still working though I changed it back to default black after.

thank ;u;
thank ;u;

I edited it but you probably overlooked so yeah if you wanna remove the username color change icon in your profile (but not the actual color), check both active and hidden boxes. Hope that helps!

Ehh no, your reply bothers me because... you're not :p Welcome!
I have 3 bandages on each of my feet. 6 bandages. How am I going to wear shoes when I can barely walk????

I hate myself.
I feel like my body is rising in temperature like every minute and I am pretty sure I am about to spontaneously combust.
My hands and feet are bruised and cut up, and my muscles are sore yet I can't stop straining myself.

Worst part is, I ain't got nothin' to prove.
BRUH, so my work shot their computers by doing a boot our system couldn't deal with, so now I am have to use IE, can't post or see pictures anywhere and most websites are blocked and it's slow as potatoes and molasses...
Everything. My soul is being torn into shreds.

Tœk kek tak lou?

Don't leave me.
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sleep is a valuable thing I will never have

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my organs are starting to malfunction due to lack of sleep help
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I have never met a teacher that expects literally the impossible from their students. How are we supposed to know what you want when you don't tell us anything!?
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I can't wait until the end of this week when my grades come back and I end up retaking two classes again because of My stupid ADHD that I have no medication/control over. I can feel the depression already. I hate myself sometimes.
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