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What's Bothering You?

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The weather. It's flipping February, and it was uncomfortably warm walking to my classes. I repeat it is February. It's been at least in the 60s for what feels like the majority of this winter. At the very least, winter is supposed to be the one season I can escape from the hot weather of the rest of the year.

Summer overstayed its welcome straight into November, and now it's February, and it's already coming back fast. T.T For graduate school I plan to move farrrr away from here, somewhere that actually has four seasons. I can't take this anymore.
I'm antisocial as hell(I hope my new job gets me out of that funk) but I hate being lonely.. Funny how that works.. I would like to have a friend to talk to and vent but I keep disconnecting myself because I feel like I'm wasting their time or bothering them.. Which is why I have none.. I just feel so uncomfortable around people.. Which is also why I'm single.. (High school me, why the hell were you so socially awkward.. You couldn't even say hello to people, let alone finding a date..)
I'm the exact same way. My depression started about July or August of last year, and I feel like people at school hate me. I always feel like I'm bothering my friends. I also would rather sit in my room and play piano or do schoolwork than be around anyone other than my mom.

Like people at school literally don't want to be my friend because I'm an introvert. I have been told that to my face. Well I'm sorry but that's just how I am...

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Summer overstayed its welcome straight into November, and now it's February, and it's already coming back fast. T.T For graduate school I plan to move farrrr away from here, somewhere that actually has four seasons. I can't take this anymore.

In Ohio it's 98 degrees all summer and -10 degrees all winter ^^
The weather. It's flipping February, and it was uncomfortably warm walking to my classes. I repeat it is February. It's been at least in the 60s for what feels like the majority of this winter. At the very least, winter is supposed to be the one season I can escape from the hot weather of the rest of the year.

Summer overstayed its welcome straight into November, and now it's February, and it's already coming back fast. T.T For graduate school I plan to move farrrr away from here, somewhere that actually has four seasons. I can't take this anymore.

60 degrees is hot for you? It's FREEZING!
In Ohio it's 98 degrees all summer and -10 degrees all winter ^^

Well, at least you have winters, then.

When I went to Ohio a few years back I was kind of disappointed. But I'm sure it wouldn't be disappointing like where I live right now. If I had spent the whole winter there as opposed to a few days I'm sure I would have seen how different it really is.

I'm thinking somewhere from Michigan to Maine, though.

60 degrees is hot for you? It's FREEZING!

Do you come from Florida or something? lol. I'm not saying that 60 degrees is hot (although under the right conditions it can be too warm). I was just saying that 60 degrees has been a very common temperature for a high this "winter", which is not winter-like at all. The 60s are supposed to be Spring weather. It gets too warm for me when it hits the mid 70s. I know people think that's nice weather, but it isn't for me. The sun was out and there was no wind. There was definitely a feeling of heat and I can't stand that. Especially since it is February. There shouldn't be heat, period. (I'm not speaking of the scientific definition of heat, before anyone gets snarky. lol).

It stayed in the 80s clear into November this last year. We didn't even have a fall, really. And then there were only a few weeks of cold snaps and the rest of the winter has been in the 60s and 70s... and this weekend it's supposed to hit the 80s. FML. This is seriously depressing me. I need to move somewhere that has four seasons, because that cycle of defined seasons is my big connection to nature that I really enjoy. It's been so messed up where I live for years now and it's taking a toll on me.
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Thinking I have friends on here, then realizing I don't
School sucks. I really don't want to go, not only because it's so boring and drains any kind of motivation out of me, but because I'm so awkward and it stresses me out ahhahhhah
this anxiety should calm down
i cant live without meds anymore
or else i feel like my heart would burst and I'd nervously sweat like crazy-

I don't want my birthday to be so soon o<-<
I am excited for my birthday coming in five days from now, but my pet apples told me that I couldn't have cake. They said that they want the cake.

There's no way I would share my food with inanimate objects, especially if it's for my birthday.
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Someone thinking the "20% imports tax" that Trump stated was a "20% tax increase on Americans"... .-.
Recently I've started to have dizzy spells whenever I am in a room or area with bright lights, or when I'm vigorously active for more than 10-15 minutes. After PE today I started to get a double-vision-esque dizzy spell and I felt like I was going to pass out. It's starting to worry me, especially since I was just diagnosed with anemia a few weeks ago.

I've also been very irritable and moody lately. What a great time to be a woman.
well, long story short, a guy (who was completely naked) pulled up at a stoplight and was vigorously playing with his wiener while making direct eye contact with me...
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