I would add to what you and @Autumn247 stated. In many ways, this American election mirrors 2016. A woman campaigns against a racist pile of turd who lies and often depends on his dog whistles and Internet right-wing influencers for his support. Said woman losing to said racist pile of turd, resulting in the obnoxious gloating of said right-wing influencers. Minus the riots and general louder outrage when this same PoS was elected the first time, there's the obnoxious conservative gloating, which brings along my next point.I live in a very red state. The amount of people that just openly admit how deplorable they are skyrocketed once Trump took office and since then. Not even talking politics, Trump is a very horrible person. So when you have that as a leader/candidate, so many deplorable people come out of the woodwork because they now feel they don't need to be ashamed of who they really are. I'm not grouping everyone, but in my state the amount of people openly stating how racist and prejudice they are is really alarming. If that is not you (anyone reading this) that is great. But if it is, you really need to take a look at yourself and be better.
I can't imagine this happening in any scenario in this political climate.When Obama and McCain were candidates back in 2008, some random lady was spouting hatred and nonsense about Obama and McCain was quick to shot her prejudices down. Paraphrased, saying how Obama was a decent family man, but he just didn't agree with his politic points. Can you imagine the same in any capacity with Trump?
i really wish this was an exaggeration lol... but that pretty much sums up my 6th period (minus the fights, thankfully). there's also no accountability for their actions and they will straight up act like they don't know what you're talking about when they get called out. it's frustrating. like talking to a wall for some of them because literally nothing gets through no matter what kind of approach you take. parent contact and office referrals don't even do anything anymore because they don't care about consequences (and why would they when a lot of times it's just a slap on the wrist and then back to class they go!)Yeah as someone who is still in school right now I noticed the behavior of other kids has gotten noticeably worse. Stuff like intentionally interuppting class to ask unrelated questions to make class take longer, constantly talking and yelling over the teacher until they have to straight up yell at them to get the class to listen, constantly talking **** and demonizing the teacher behind their back whenever they just remind them to do the simplest of things, getting into fights whenever the teacher has to step out for a minute for no other reason than to do it, intentionally making a mess everywhere and never cleaning it up, sometimes just straight up calling their friends on the phone in the middle of class when the teacher is talking, and a lot more I'm to lazy to write out. Did I even mention I was talking about literal HIGH SCHOOLERS by the way?
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Also to add, not saying there aren't any straight up bad and ****ty teachers but it annoys me to see genuinely kind and nice teachers get treated like **** by kids who make being a jackass with no respect for other people their entire personality.
One good thing to come of it would be him getting Keir Starmer to resign.I would add to what you and @Autumn247 stated. In many ways, this American election mirrors 2016. A woman campaigns against a racist pile of turd who lies and often depends on his dog whistles and Internet right-wing influencers for his support. Said woman losing to said racist pile of turd, resulting in the obnoxious gloating of said right-wing influencers. Minus the riots and general louder outrage when this same PoS was elected the first time, there's the obnoxious conservative gloating, which brings along my next point.
I find it particularly disgusting that I see compilations of people who voted against Trump being mocked by apathetic YouTube commentators. Take a look at this garbage:
This was already bad back in 2016, but right-wingers like this annoying imbecile profit from making dumb hit-pieces on Democrats and liberals. It's a pathetic existence, really. They think this is some sort of game, where "their team" wins and the "other team" loses — it's childish and stupid. These people have families, friends — people they know, who are going to be hit HARD by Trump's policies which violate human rights and they think people agonizing and crying over this fact is somehow comedy gold. To anyone who doesn't know who this Mark Dice jerk is, this should tell how much of an awful human being he is:
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This election brings to light a multitude of unfortunate truths. Marginalized minorities are willing to throw other marginalized minorities under the bus when they think it'd benefit them in any way, even when they don't even know what policies are going to affect them, as well.
It's shocking how voters don't bother to educate themselves on how the economy works; they think it resets every time a different president is elected, rather than the system being inherited from the policies of a previous commander-in-chief. There's a popular video you can easily find that has a MAGA Latino T-shirt seller being explained how a bloody tariff works, and how they'll affect his business. And he actively denies the explanation given to him! I genuinely don't understand how so many (male) Latino and Black voters bought into Trump's lies.
What especially pisses me off about the economical perspective is that Trump's going to get the credit when prices start to reflect what Bidenomics was trying to accomplish all along WITHOUT any of his input and Americans would be gullible enough to lap it up again, as they did before. It really shouldn't be surprising people don't learn from history. They don't want to actually reflect on it for some introspective insight.
It's crazy to see how much of the Gen Z vote Trump received. Millennials have seemed to pick up on this, and are gladly handing down their "Worst Generation Ever" title to the Zoomers (gen wars commence!)
The fallout from Trump's win seems especially pronounced, and this isn't even mentioning Project 2025, which would reinforce every negative aspect of this next evil. Trump is supplementing his cabinet with people loyal to him, and not those with relative experience/expertise in departments/stations, which we can see with one of Trump's latest picks, Tulsi Gabbard, chosen as the director of national intelligence. There's so much wrong with the outcome of this election, and it has caused me to be even more disillusioned with the human race. To hell with everyone else.
I can't imagine this happening in any scenario in this political climate.
If it helps, I'm a decade+ older than you and still don't feel like an adult or like I have my **** together! I've kind of just accepted that I'm always going to feel like a 15 year old in an adults body.
It feels like we are having a series of bad luck with our pets at the moment.
Found blood in one of my kitten's stool this morning. Strongly suspect it is Delta. I couldn't observe them today as I had work, and this evenings samples have been inconclusive in confirming which kitty it is.
Luckily they are already both booked in at the vets tomorrow at 10AM for their second vaccines and microchipping, so I rang the practice to make sure the appointment would be long enough for this to be investigated too and the receptionist put a note on it for the vet as a heads-up. I hope I can identify which kitten it is by then - my partner and I are tag-teaming watching them so we can both shower and do chores.
Didn't think we'd be dealing with health issues this soon after bringing them home. Fingers-crossed the cause is minor and we get kitty identified and the problem resolved quickly. Then hopefully no more vet visits until they get neutered in spring.![]()
In happier news it has been 8 days since we started treating Sebastian's wounds and they are healing extremely well. He has even stopped trying to scratch at them (how he got most of them in the first place).
I'm so glad they're doing well! I hope they get even better soonOkay wee update.
Vet isn't worried. Delta has a raised temperature (not a fever) and they suspect he's still clearing the worms he was born with - I didn't manage to get the full dose of the oral dewormer in him last month. They were due more dewormer today, but instead gave me the spot-on to apply at home on Tuesday as it needs to go in the same spot they had their microchips inserted. I've been told if I see more blood after Friday to get in touch.
Seb's wounds were checked and the vet was very happy with how well they are healing.
They are so cute whatPost-vax naps.
Fingers-crossed for no more vets visits until they get neutered.![]()