What's Bothering You?

It’s been nearly a full week now since America has once again elected Donald Trump back into power. It’s quite shocking how so many people vote out of pure self-interest and perceived threats from foreigners, while also disregarding the rights of their own fellow citizens. It’s shocking how people are willing to put their faith in a convicted felon who has a bad habit of being untrue to his word and promises.

Blame can be placed on everyone who supported Trump, Joe Biden’s stubborn perseverance instead of dropping out earlier, Anti-Trump rhetoric from the Harris-Walz campaign emboldening Trump to people who idolize him as this strong, firm leader being unjustly attacked, but at the end of the day, America has spoken. She will get what she deserves.

Say goodbye to your rights, LGBTQ+ folk. Every single person who can get pregnant — you’re in even more danger of death from pregnancy. The USA has been a major target of mockery from other countries largely due to its education system; Trump plans to disband the Department of Education, relegating the system to the states — sure. You do that, Donald. Climate Change? Apparently not a real issue worth considering — bring on those nice fossil fuels! They'll keep the environment fresh and clean... somehow.

Anyhow, here’s this old video from 2016, nearly seven months before Trump became the President-elect. It’s still relevant now, and shows how much this cat was (probably still is, if it’s still alive) smarter than half the voters in the United States:

God bless the Unified Stupidity of Asshats.
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Why was it so stressful today
Work was normal stress so I was fine. Just hate seeing the bins not being cleared.

And now it comes to the training.
Obviously was late, and still had problem locating it at first.
I understand mot everyone knows retail and hospitality but being me it was like answering questions I already knew, but I also couldn't speed through because the teacher wanted us all to work on the same question at the same time, so had to wait. And it just feels frustratingly waste of time. We only have half an hour lunch - they do not provide lunch - so have to find something but it took me that look to find something!

And then, THEN! I have my evening classes today, but I didn't really know where I could get the bus to get their, I was in an area where I thought it was at least near just need to walk. Asked my teacher for help - there's no WiFi at this place - and I got like lost for an hour. Walked ALL the way back to where I was before and just walked for a bit, got another bus, I'm limited on bus fare. Called my mum.a few times while stressed, drained and everything. After walking around a ASDA to look at stuff to think on what to do, I walked a bit more and decided I'm just gonna go home. I wouldn't get to the class in time, and I'm sure I wouldn't have been in a sensible mood to do Adobe illustrator. Which I feel bad about not going but I felt so put of it and dead.
one of my dogs isn't doing very well at the moment - he's had arthritis in his legs and a heart murmur for a few years that have been managed but the injections he gets for his arthritis don't seem to be helping anymore and his murmur has got worse in the last month. he's a 13 and a half year old cavalier spaniel who's had a long and happy life so it isn't a huge shock that his health is beginning to worsen but it's so hard to see - I've spent nearly half my life with him. he's been sleeping a lot recently and is having more accidents and overall seems more confused then usual but throughout the day there are still moments when he seems happy. know deep down he doesn't have a really long time left, I had two cavaliers, both reached around the age of 13, before him/for the first few years of his life, and know how quickly they can deteriorate once there health starts going downhill - overall just wish there was a way he could talk to me and tell me how he really feels, can't face letting him go when he's not ready but would be devastated if I knew he was just suffering 😟

also can't quite work out if my health is playing up or if its just exhaustion and stress - keep feeling completely wiped out and tired and been getting bad palpitations and lightheadedness for about a week - have had multiple episodes of svt (fast heart rate) in the past triggered by stress and suffer from low potassium (and quite a few other things tbh but they're not usually as critical) which was out of range on my last blood test and can't decide if it's potentially either of them playing up but there's so much going on with work and life at the moment that I'd really prefer to avoid the doctors till at least January 😩
since people are still talking about election results, i'm just gonna paste one of my bluesky posts here:

If you're in the US and in a relationship where you can get pregnant but you don't want kids, now's the time to talk about getting a vasectomy. They're minimally invasive and reversable.

Also, Plan B has a shelf life of 4 years. Stock up.
I just had the most awful nightmare where I lost my kitten Sebastian through a chain of avoidable events, starting with him being attacked in a cattery while perfectly healthy. He was dying in my arms, somehow still purring like a maniac, at the end. 😭

My partner happened to be awake so told her the entire thing in graphic detail. As I was explaining it I realised there were so many signs this wasn't real (phone malfunctioning, fictional fast food restaurant (Krusty Burger), one of my colleagues being a vet nurse, unrealistic body horror - far too graphic for TBT).

I am trying to resist going downstairs to check on him and give him a big hug. He'll just be a pain in the butt and meow/trip me up until I feed him his wet food and 4AM is far too early for his breakfast. But I can't fall back to sleep. Got a busy day ahead - up at 5:30AM to get to the gym before work and I've a hospital appointment in the afternoon. I just want to stay home and cuddle my boy all day. 🥺

6AM Update
He let me give him a big hug before breakfast. Now he's happily stuffing his face. 🖤
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work's been quite draining
i am pretty concerned about the future generation... really concerned about what's going on in some of these kids' heads about what's right and appropriate and just... basic morals and a conscience?? most of my students are fine. most of my classes are great. but then it gets to the last class and its chaotic and it sucks that it's the end of my day and i'm leaving work feeling burned out and defeated from one class alone.
work's been quite draining
i am pretty concerned about the future generation... really concerned about what's going on in some of these kids' heads about what's right and appropriate and just... basic morals and a conscience?? most of my students are fine. most of my classes are great. but then it gets to the last class and its chaotic and it sucks that it's the end of my day and i'm leaving work feeling burned out and defeated from one class alone.
Yeah as someone who is still in school right now I noticed the behavior of other kids has gotten noticeably worse. Stuff like intentionally interuppting class to ask unrelated questions to make class take longer, constantly talking and yelling over the teacher until they have to straight up yell at them to get the class to listen, constantly talking **** and demonizing the teacher behind their back whenever they just remind them to do the simplest of things, getting into fights whenever the teacher has to step out for a minute for no other reason than to do it, intentionally making a mess everywhere and never cleaning it up, sometimes just straight up calling their friends on the phone in the middle of class when the teacher is talking, and a lot more I'm to lazy to write out. Did I even mention I was talking about literal HIGH SCHOOLERS by the way?
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Yeah as someone who is still in school right now I noticed the behavior of other kids has gotten noticeably worse. Stuff like intentionally interuppting class to ask unrelated questions to make class take longer, constantly talking and yelling over the teacher until they have to straight up yell at them to get the class to listen, constantly talking **** and demonizing the teacher behind their back whenever they just remind them to do the simplest of things, getting into fights whenever the teacher has to step out for a minute for no other reason than to do it, intentionally making a mess everywhere and never cleaning it up, sometimes just straight up calling their friends on the phone in the middle of class when the teacher is talking, and a lot more I'm to lazy to write out. Did I even mention I was talking about literal HIGH SCHOOLERS by the way?
Also to add, not saying there aren't any straight up bad and ****ty teachers but it annoys me to see genuinely kind and nice teachers get treated like **** by kids who make being a jackass with no respect for other people their entire personality.
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I’m still so upset and furious about the election results and how it’s going to impact so many groups of people so negatively. How people can be so ignorant to vote for someone so hateful who wants to oppress so many groups of people is beyond me. It’s like the world has learned nothing from history and all the progress we’ve made so far will be undone. This man is dangerous and so are the beliefs him and his followers have.

Okay I’m done ranting about politics now.

The less serious thing bothering me is that I didn’t sleep well last night so I’m very tired now but hopefully I can sleep better tonight
I’m still so upset and furious about the election results and how it’s going to impact so many groups of people so negatively. How people can be so ignorant to vote for someone so hateful who wants to oppress so many groups of people is beyond me. It’s like the world has learned nothing from history and all the progress we’ve made so far will be undone. This man is dangerous and so are the beliefs him and his followers have.
I live in a very red state. The amount of people that just openly admit how deplorable they are skyrocketed once Trump took office and since then. Not even talking politics, Trump is a very horrible person. So when you have that as a leader/candidate, so many deplorable people come out of the woodwork because they now feel they don't need to be ashamed of who they really are. I'm not grouping everyone, but in my state the amount of people openly stating how racist and prejudice they are is really alarming. If that is not you (anyone reading this) that is great. But if it is, you really need to take a look at yourself and be better.

When Obama and McCain were candidates back in 2008, some random lady was spouting hatred and nonsense about Obama and McCain was quick to shot her prejudices down. Paraphrased, saying how Obama was a decent family man, but he just didn't agree with his politic points. Can you imagine the same in any capacity with Trump?
cannot describe how angry, upset and frustrated i am right now. i TOLD My GP that i categorically did not want to be referred to the online exclusive service and who did i just get a text from? the damn online exclusive service. like, are you serious? you people made me wait a MONTH just to completely ignore my wishes and rights after i explained why i wanted to go somewhere face to face. now i have to make an appointment in the morning and wait god knows how long more to see someone to cancel this stupid referral and try to get referred to where i WANT and have a right to go, and i'll be filing a complaint against the consultant who ordered this, too. i'm so TIRED, the in person service i wanted to go to might not even be taking referrals anymore, and i won't even get to go there all because of this practice's idiocy and refusal to cooperate. i could've been assessed by now!
Today's hospital appointment has resulted in referrals for an x-ray and MRI. Then there will be a follow-up to those to discuss the results. And I'm still waiting on my second cardiology appointment and my ME/CFS specialist referral. God I hate hospitals.

Full upper body workout followed by physio = ouch. Hopefully I can sleep the worst of the pain off. Tomorrow I've an occupational health meeting and a doctor's appointment, on top of a pretty heavy day at work, busy busy. 🐝