What's Bothering You?

There’s been more rain and now there’s surface flooding everywhere 😪 it’s just depressing and never ending. At least everything is functional, aside from some roads lmao
I love, primarily older males, that think along the lines of "lol pogo cheaters pls burn in hell and i hope they make a mistake and get banned". while i don't normally encourage cheating (and i'm not gonna discuss it here, obviously) i 100% understand why people make certain stuff like gps spoofs; nintendo/niantic are horribly geographically excluding and since they never allow us to distance trade i'm sure a lot of them do it to help their friends also.

also i love watching those males rant since i doubt they place so nice themselves lmfao.
I rubbed my eye yesterday while peeling potatoes and my eye got so itchy & red. I tried rinsing my eye with water and used some eye drops but it was still bright red. I went to bed and woke up still with a red eye. Now it's like 2PM and idk why my eye is still irritated. What did that dang potato do to me
Not trying to attention grab but that when I post my art on five different places the lnly lne to reply is my bf 😔 Feels like I need to keep getting better at it or something before anyone comments
I have seen so many people saying they're not going to pay their rates this year because "the sewer and stormwater drains have failed". Bruh, do you know that we've had around 400% more rain than usual over the past few months? No **** they're going to fail. The networks were designed to handle a 1 in 100 (possibly 1 in 50) year flood in the 1960s, the pipes are undersized and not designed to take the amounts of rain we've had. Not to mention the ground is saturated, the water tables are high af, which is going to cause flooding and overflows. Is it crap that overflows keep happening? Yes of course. I wish we could stop it. But does anyone have a few hundred million (or a couple billion) hanging around to fix the problem? I don't think so. And not paying your rates isn't going to help. And no, we aren't the only city in the country or the world that experiences this so I wish people would stop acting like it's only a local problem.

Tl;dr: I hate people lmao
idk why I thought it was a good idea to only get 6 hours of sleep and then go out in shorts to let the dog out for 5 min when it's 37° outside 🥶

lowkey want to go back to sleep but I know if I do I won't wake up til like 3pm rip
My stomach hurts like my friend said his was yesterday and my other friend whose stomach was hurting this morning. I hope there's not a bug going around or something. 😖

Poor Sofia. I didn't have a lot of time to give her attention earlier today. she'll be ok, but she still needs attention when I have the time 🥺
Feels like I need my bf all the time or I become a wreck again. Relying on one person is bad, I need more friends and I really dont know what to do without more time between practice and my health
I am going to see a doctor next week and I have this fear of them giving me medications that they think will work for me but then the last time when that happened I ended up in the ER last year. I rather not go into details because it still gives me PTSD.
tomorrow’s my birthday, and i really wish it wasn’t. i don’t want it. my 21st birthday is supposed to be special, and it’s just not going to be. i’m so tired
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just spent like 10 minutes looking for my earbud, luckily it wasn't dead yet and thankfully my hearing is great bc I had to turn on a video with a really loud high frequency and turn off everything else so I could hear it. turns out my dog was lying on it near the foot of my bed, which sucks bc his knee is still healing and I literally just had him jump up here just to make him get down again so I could find the earbud. I wouldn't have this issue if I had a decent pair of wired earbuds I could wear to bed.

also first meeting starts at 8:30 and to say I'm anxious and very stressed would be an understatement 😬 I've heard of this w others before but it sounds weird to say I'm honestly afraid to be treated, I don't remember who I was before all my health issues happened so I'm basically having to completely rebuild myself into a better and new person and idk, drastic change is scary.

not to mention I'm kinda confused bc they said my insurance would cover all costs and yet the chart is saying I'll have to pay a $40 copay for every video meet. I hope that's just an error, I'm sure it is but my anxiety gets bad anyways.
the wire on my braces became loose from the bracket and i have a dentist appointment for them to tighten it today. its been lose since the last time i went so nothing had changed, i didn’t want to tell my dad bc i had to get the same part fixed before and he has to work. so they’ll probably yell at me for breaking it again and not saying anything.
I'm dealing w serious overstimulation rn and the neighbor's dogs literally never shut up, it's making my anxiety really bad and I honestly feel like I could cry bc it's hurting me sm. I practically have to keep my headphones on nonstop and keep stuff playing through them so I don't hear it. I just want to sit in peace and silence 😞
i've been feeling very.. useless lately. maybe it's just the imposter syndrome talking but i don't feel smart enough for school or anything, really. i'm going to college next year and my grades have been super high so far for it but i don't feel like i deserve it somehow. my writing skills peaked in grade 8 and hasn't changed, my math skills peaked in grade 6 and hasn't changed, i keep losing focus, and i can barely remember things i learn in class everyday. it doesn't help that i'm socially inept and can barely keep conversation. i don't even feel like i'm able to take care of myself and i'm going to live on CAMPUS.. sometimes i hate being me.