What's Bothering You?

I cant find neo the world ends with you physically on switch anywhere?? I've checked gamestop's website and its unavailable every place I search. I checked other sites also, same thing. the only place that has it is amazon but I'd rather pick it up somewhere. did this game get recalled or something???
Well I was gonna go to bed right after finishing some drawings for my art challenge, but something went wrong with Google Photos and I've been trying to fix it to no avail. Most of my drawings in the folder copied onto the 'Photos' tab, which I didn't want. I tried deleting it / putting it in the bin, but it would also delete those photos from the folder. I ended up putting all the drawings in archive, deleted them in my files (separate from Google Photos), and unarchiving them on Google Photos. But they're still on the 'photos' tab. I wanted to move the drawings back to the folder, but there was no option for that. All I could do was archive or move the pictures to an album.

I think this might've started when I accidentally backed up one of the drawings when I meant to tap on 'move to folder', but I don't see how it could affect the rest of the drawings in the folder? I checked my gallery in my drawing app to see if I can save the drawings again so I can redo the whole process, but I deleted most of them and I can't restore them. I am beyond frustrated and I feel like I've done too much to the point of no return or restoration.

The best I could probably do in this situation is download the drawings that I posted in my art gallery thread on TBT, but not only would the quality drop, but it would also take a lot of storage (something I don't have much anyways). I don't know what to do.

But even before all this happened, Google Photos was still screwing up. My drawings in the folder would be in the wrong order and the quality has dropped a bit after going on the 'storage saver' thing. From my knowledge, I don't think I did anything deliberate for this to happen, so I guess it might've been an automatic thing? I don't know.

I'm so mad at myself. I could've just moved those drawings to the archive and leave it there, so I could still have all of them on the folder. But I just made it much worse by trying to 'fix' it.

EDIT: I just found out that I can restore drawings in the art app I use. I was able to get most of them, except for the first four unfortunately. Ah well, it's better than nothing.
TL;DR - Google Photos sucks and I don't know how to fix my problem.
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i wanna get back into acnh but i’m too lazy lol it feels like a chore to play sometimes
I sometimes just can't even bring myself to be happy knowing deep down I am still going through alot of personal issues myself but I just have to tell myself "Stop being such a bady and take it like a man" that is when I worked myself hard to just make mom happy.
Yesterday I was talking with a friend at lunch and he said, pretty much out of nowhere, “If I knew there wouldn’t be any consequences for it and I had 24 hours to live, I’d become a r@p!st.” He shrugged it off as just joking, but it’s still a messed up thing to say. And eight year old me knows not to trust boys his age who act like your friend and say things like that. And that situation had me thinking of the person from years ago. I have so much I want to say to him, most along the lines of “Why the **** would you do that, I was EIGHT.” And now it’s bringing back bad memories and I’m scared that someone similar might happen with this person because what if he wasn’t joking?

tl;dr: One of my friends said something messed up and now I’m scared because it brought back traumatic memories.
As an asexual, I literally don't understand people like this 😐 like do some people out there think it raises your social status that you've slept with multiple and/or attractive people?? Are people really that horny?? I have so many questions 🤨
At 25 and still haven’t kissed anyone yet, lol. Like, it’s not that big of a deal since I’m not that into dating, idk. It’s just weird that it hasn’t happened, but not that weird I guess since I’ve only recently (in the last few years) gotten my teeth fixed. Also, I’m pretty sure if the average person knew they’d assume something was wrong with me or that I’m weird.

Also, my favorite person almost had her car broken into two nights ago at work. Part of the door handle is literally missing. Not sure who did it or what their intentions were but hopefully she’s safe, above all.
As an asexual, I literally don't understand people like this 😐 like do some people out there think it raises your social status that you've slept with multiple and/or attractive people?? Are people really that horny?? I have so many questions 🤨
same lmao I literally cannot grasp that mindset 😩
As an asexual, I literally don't understand people like this 😐 like do some people out there think it raises your social status that you've slept with multiple and/or attractive people?? Are people really that horny?? I have so many questions 🤨
Demisexual here and I 100% agree. Do these people have anything better to do? All they’re doing is upsetting people and making them feel uncomfortable.

Update: I went with one of my friends and reported the person who said the disgusting thing since the incident happened at school. He again tried to say it was “just a joke” before actually apologizing. I’m distancing myself from him as much as I can.
Broke my toe yesterday night, spent like four hours at the hospital. Now im home and cant sleep because it hurts so badly. How am I susposed to focus on my home work now

Its due on monday.
Instagram grid sales. No I'm not going to get paypal because you think discontinuing in your store is "cool" lol.
Tired of other people wanting to hangout with me when I don't want to, and just generally bothering me. Leave. me. alone. If I want to get together and do something I'll let you know.
"We're not big fans of the path you want to choose, but we'll support you no matter what."
You really didn't have to say the first half. And now it's something that will wound me forever because I'll think I'll never be good enough for your expectations.

Please for the love of god if anyone has a passion in life that isn't your cup of tea, don't say that to their faces. Hearing it ****ing sucks no matter how much you try to sugar coat it. Just tell someone you'll support them. I promise you no one likes hearing that you don't like something someone loves a whole lot.
My cat isn't getting any better and she's receiving an enema right now & it if doesn't work, I have no choice but to bring her to the shelter. The surgery they wanna do is thousands of dollars ontop of the $1,200 I've already paid today plus I emptied our vet fund last year with 7 vet trips by my rabbits & over 3k in costs. I feel like a bad person but at least the shelters here are no kill and they can give her everything she needs to be saved. I feel all hollow making hard decisions.

Update: Her stuck poop is moving along and they said she probably won't need surgery, hallelujah
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been taking an iron supplement for almost 2 days now but I'm still having lightheadedness and fatigue and tiredness, not to mention my head feels like it's dragging when I move and I keep getting headaches. I know it can take some time to get into my system but dang. I wish it would just stop 😭
My brother really snuck my Chromebook to his room last night. .-. He's not allowed to use it without asking anyways, let alone at night when he's supposed to be asleep. I don't know why he keeps doing this.