Had to deal with a fellow assistant manager today attempting to harass/bully me constantly for my entire 9 hour shift, and trying to find the most stupid flaws in every single thing I did, all because I had to give them feedback the other day that they clearly did not like. This was then also followed half way through by them trying to loudly talk with a delivery driver about their extremely homophobic views right in front of the store, and laughing at/attempting to mock a transgender customer over the headset after they left... I tried to have a serious chat with them in the back afterwards, and that seemed to stop the latter for now at least, though the playground-level bullying still continued. I sadly couldn't get him kicked off the shift either, since the store manager happened to be unavailable the whole time due to meetings.
I'm used to putting up with a lot of **** at work, but it's still hard to keep being professional in front of such exhausting and honestly disgusting behaviour. I really don't understand how people like this are allowed into manager roles at all, especially in a company that prides itself on being welcoming and inclusive. I should at least be able to talk with the store manager about this tomorrow, but I really wouldn't be surprised if I have to log a formal complaint higher up the chain, considering they've already had a similar complaint about them by a different colleague, but not much was done about it.