What's Bothering You?

I have an idea for a crew flag design but I don’t wanna hand draw it and I haven’t done digital art in years. I lost all my crap when my old laptop bit the dust and I never got around to setting up my replacement. :s Hope I have time in the next day or two.
a good friend of mine just found out that he has stage 2 cancer, i don't really know how to handle this very well and i'm trying my best but my heart really hurts.
My relationship is in a weird place right now. Kinda keep going to sleep on a sad note, and I have issues I want to talk about but my bf has been so down I don’t want to put more on him.
I have to wear a bandage on my finger (because I'm clumsy) and I've been sitting at work trying to type and write. I keep hitting the wrong keys and my pen has slipped out of my hand and hit the floor no less than 6 times now.......It's gonna be a long day.
I feel like my favorite person is an anomaly. Like nobody else would still be in my life if I treated them the way I treat her. It's not even poorly. I'm just overly affectionate with her and split on her a lot, but she isn't the affectionate type. She's just that way with me and it makes me feel like I'm different but in the best possible way. She also doesn't treat me any different (negatively) because of my disorder. But it makes me think, most people are not that accepting. I've gotten better at not splitting with her but clearly the affection is still there, but we're both okay with it.

I feel like people find my platonic love for my friends annoying. And it's not even with everyone. It's with a select few people, but the closer we get the more evident it is and I feel like that pushes people away because they get the wrong idea. I'm not sure, but it seems like some of the very few people I get close to pull away at one point or another. The only good thing is that I can easily make small talk in real life because I'm fortunately extroverted. Maybe having a small circle is better.
Just an update about what I said before, regarding my grandmother not doing well...turns out that she does indeed have stage four lung cancer, and about six months or less to live. - I actually do alright with these types of things, so I'm not in dire straits or anything. She's 92, and it's inevitable that her life would be nearing its end anyway, but...yeah, obviously it's not a pleasant thing and it's always crazy when you just know something like that is coming.
ive been crying since saturday since i was hella sick and then i got picked on at work by my bosses and now my co-workers are all demanding something from me last-minute and im just so physically exhausted from everything please just give me some rest
Had to deal with a fellow assistant manager today attempting to harass/bully me constantly for my entire 9 hour shift, and trying to find the most stupid flaws in every single thing I did, all because I had to give them feedback the other day that they clearly did not like. This was then also followed half way through by them trying to loudly talk with a delivery driver about their extremely homophobic views right in front of the store, and laughing at/attempting to mock a transgender customer over the headset after they left... I tried to have a serious chat with them in the back afterwards, and that seemed to stop the latter for now at least, though the playground-level bullying still continued. I sadly couldn't get him kicked off the shift either, since the store manager happened to be unavailable the whole time due to meetings.

I'm used to putting up with a lot of **** at work, but it's still hard to keep being professional in front of such exhausting and honestly disgusting behaviour. I really don't understand how people like this are allowed into manager roles at all, especially in a company that prides itself on being welcoming and inclusive. I should at least be able to talk with the store manager about this tomorrow, but I really wouldn't be surprised if I have to log a formal complaint higher up the chain, considering they've already had a similar complaint about them by a different colleague, but not much was done about it.
Had to deal with a fellow assistant manager today attempting to harass/bully me constantly for my entire 9 hour shift, and trying to find the most stupid flaws in every single thing I did, all because I had to give them feedback the other day that they clearly did not like. This was then also followed half way through by them trying to loudly talk with a delivery driver about their extremely homophobic views right in front of the store, and laughing at/attempting to mock a transgender customer over the headset after they left... I tried to have a serious chat with them in the back afterwards, and that seemed to stop the latter for now at least, though the playground-level bullying still continued. I sadly couldn't get him kicked off the shift either, since the store manager happened to be unavailable the whole time due to meetings.

I'm used to putting up with a lot of **** at work, but it's still hard to keep being professional in front of such exhausting and honestly disgusting behaviour. I really don't understand how people like this are allowed into manager roles at all, especially in a company that prides itself on being welcoming and inclusive. I should at least be able to talk with the store manager about this tomorrow, but I really wouldn't be surprised if I have to log a formal complaint higher up the chain, considering they've already had a similar complaint about them by a different colleague, but not much was done about it.
I wish people can stop being hateful. The world doesn’t need anymore hate.
I can't sleep...
Last week I wasn't sleeping well either, but now I can't sleep at all. Not sure what is causing it.
Thinking about when I used to be happy

I have an idea for a crew flag design but I don’t wanna hand draw it and I haven’t done digital art in years. I lost all my crap when my old laptop bit the dust and I never got around to setting up my replacement. :s Hope I have time in the next day or two.

also both ideas I had got posted already 😂 I don’t know how to make another design based on this name.
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not exactly wanting to say anything explicitly abt it, but I'll just say that being trans really sucks sometimes 😞

edit: to avoid making another post, I should also say that I'm feelings tense and even a bit anxious today. not really sure why. maybe I just need to take it easy.
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Soooo turns out lithium laptop batteries just completely die if you leave them uncharged too long. Brand new laptop and I can’t even use it Lol I think I’m just not meant to get any camp stuff done.


omfggggg my bf got it to work somehow! I swear my technology only responds positively to him. Feels so weird to be browsing tbt on a laptop again!!! I can see signatures! Lol
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Why do some people have to make everything about them all the time? I just find it incredibly infuriating especially when they continue to play the victim yet are always the one to hurt others both mentally and emotionally and not even realise it.

For clarity, this moan isn’t about anyone on this forum or those who have posted in this thread either.
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