What's Bothering You?

Nothing in particular I suppose but overall just been a sort of feeling grumpy/down in quarantine sort of day.

also my classmate like complaning we're not having a lecture...just read about it and get done like not everyone can do things in these times, nor do all profs know these areas???
my boyfriend accidentally kicked my switch off of my bed and the case broke
now I have to try and find some superglue to fix it
It is really frustrating to hear your family call you crazy or disrespectful all the time. Mind you, these are people who believe that the coronavirus was manufactured from a bomb in China, and that they deliberately planned to take down the world. Because communists. They go on to say that I'm a communist for not believing in that conspiracy theory, and my mother even went on to say that she would disown me because of it.

They have also believed that I was possessed by the devil or that my dad's side on the family had placed a curse on us.

I hate it. I wish they could be more supportive and understanding. Especially my mother, who just hates me. Constantly wanting to one-up me (or think that I'm trying to one-up her), belittles my appearance and intelligence, says that I'll end up like my deadbeat dad, etc. Like damn, woman. Support your goddamn child for once. B****.
I’m kind of depressed still and just found out that two of my Discord friends unfriended me. One I can understand because they’re not feeling well, but the other gave me no explanation for removing me. Didn’t even notify me of it. So that’s cool I guess. I honestly wish I had more Discord friends to talk to. Literally the only person that’s ever there for me when I really need it is NoUsernameHere. No one else bats an eye. And it’s crucial that I don’t fall down a rabbit hole right now because I need to finish school. I don’t really even feel like doing my studying or assignments right now to be honest...
I’m kind of depressed still and just found out that two of my Discord friends unfriended me. One I can understand because they’re not feeling well, but the other gave me no explanation for removing me. Didn’t even notify me of it. So that’s cool I guess. I honestly wish I had more Discord friends to talk to. Literally the only person that’s ever there for me when I really need it is NoUsernameHere. No one else bats an eye. And it’s crucial that I don’t fall down a rabbit hole right now because I need to finish school. I don’t really even feel like doing my studying or assignments right now to be honest...
Sorry you’re not feeling well. :( It might be worth your while to just take a break from studying for right now and come back to it when you’re in a better frame of mind. As for your friends, idk how Discord works but it’s possible it’s a mistake/misunderstanding. It sucks, though; shortly after we graduated high school a really good friend of mine just unfriended me on Facebook out of nowhere, which I know sounds really silly, but she didn’t have a cell phone and I didn’t have a tumblr, so it was the only way we could keep up with each other. I still have no idea why it happened. I’m sorry it’s happened to you now.
Sorry you’re not feeling well. :( It might be worth your while to just take a break from studying for right now and come back to it when you’re in a better frame of mind. As for your friends, idk how Discord works but it’s possible it’s a mistake/misunderstanding. It sucks, though; shortly after we graduated high school a really good friend of mine just unfriended me on Facebook out of nowhere, which I know sounds really silly, but she didn’t have a cell phone and I didn’t have a tumblr, so it was the only way we could keep up with each other. I still have no idea why it happened. I’m sorry it’s happened to you now.

Thanks for the support, Lady Timpani. Today is just kind of not my day.
..... My family really doesn't understand. They are very apprehensive about me moving to another state for college. They aren't supportive by any means.

So now they are out there screaming that I'm dumb and selfish. "Family comes first". And my mother pitying herself.
i have a cut on the corner of my mouth nd its taking FOREVER to heal. every time i eat/open my mouth it just rips it back open :)))
yikes it's one in the morning
I could've sworn last I checked it was only 11

I really need sleep