Sorry you’re not feeling well.I’m kind of depressed still and just found out that two of my Discord friends unfriended me. One I can understand because they’re not feeling well, but the other gave me no explanation for removing me. Didn’t even notify me of it. So that’s cool I guess. I honestly wish I had more Discord friends to talk to. Literally the only person that’s ever there for me when I really need it is NoUsernameHere. No one else bats an eye. And it’s crucial that I don’t fall down a rabbit hole right now because I need to finish school. I don’t really even feel like doing my studying or assignments right now to be honest...
Sorry you’re not feeling well.It might be worth your while to just take a break from studying for right now and come back to it when you’re in a better frame of mind. As for your friends, idk how Discord works but it’s possible it’s a mistake/misunderstanding. It sucks, though; shortly after we graduated high school a really good friend of mine just unfriended me on Facebook out of nowhere, which I know sounds really silly, but she didn’t have a cell phone and I didn’t have a tumblr, so it was the only way we could keep up with each other. I still have no idea why it happened. I’m sorry it’s happened to you now.
I’m sorry my dude. I hope you feel better.Thanks for the support, Lady Timpani. Today is just kind of not my day.