What's Bothering You?

people around me are starting to notice im more withdrawn noooo stop im normalllllllllll
I'm already stressed and overwhelmed within an hour of walking into my job today. It's only Friday, I still have to close on Saturday which is going to be double my normal workload since the store will be closed on Easter Sunday.

I just want to play New Horizons. I need a break from life for a long time. But I work in an essential business and can't quit rn. I'm too much of a slacking procrastinator to do anythin good for myself and I don't change that cause if it doesn't give me immediate satisfaction then I don't get around to doing it.
Birds weren’t nesting in my car but in my garage... There’s a nest with four tiny eggs... Happy Easter but I can’t have birds living in my garage, there’re two ceiling fans in there just for starters...
Behind in my Pre-Calc ****. Pretty simple stuff especially since we're allowed to use apps to help us solve the problems lol but still procrastinating. Gotta do that.
I can't believe I wasted 1.5 million bells for 6 freaking NMTs. I didn't know what I was thinking. Meanwhile everyone is getting HUNDREDS of NMTs for Raymond/Marshal .-.
It's like 2:15am and I'm still not in bed?? I mean I know it's Friday but I'd rather not wake up at like 11am to find that no one has taken out or fed my dog yet. :(

Also I'm hella procrastinating on all my schoolwork and I'm lowkey getting really irritated w myself about that. Doing online schoolwork is some **** lmao.
Behind in my Pre-Calc ****. Pretty simple stuff especially since we're allowed to use apps to help us solve the problems lol but still procrastinating. Gotta do that.
It's like 2:15am and I'm still not in bed?? I mean I know it's Friday but I'd rather not wake up at like 11am to find that no one has taken out or fed my dog yet. :(

Also I'm hella procrastinating on all my schoolwork and I'm lowkey getting really irritated w myself about that. Doing online schoolwork is some **** lmao.

I can’t handle internet school either. I wish people didn’t overreact to a disease pandemic like this.

Anyway, I don’t like being ignored in the Nook’s Cranny forum. I know it’s very active right now, and it’s very easy for your thread to get buried very quickly, but when others are doing the same thing I’m doing, they get business first and I don’t get any. Are people turned off by my signature and user title? I hope it’s because it’s just difficult to get noticed in Nook’s Cranny, not because they refuse to buy from me.
I can’t handle internet school either. I wish people didn’t overreact to a disease pandemic like this.

Anyway, I don’t like being ignored in the Nook’s Cranny forum. I know it’s very active right now, and it’s very easy for your thread to get buried very quickly, but when others are doing the same thing I’m doing, they get business first and I don’t get any. Are people turned off by my signature and user title? I hope it’s because it’s just difficult to get noticed in Nook’s Cranny, not because they refuse to buy from me.
What were you looking for?
What were you looking for?

I was trying to sell Nook Miles Tickets for 200k Bells a piece. I later decided to give up and use them to look for resources I can sell in-game, but if I do get new NMT, I’m very sure that I will sell them next time.

In regards to the “user title” and “signature”, I changed it to that in response to the capitalism jokes that were in response to the extremely high NMT prices.
I can’t handle internet school either. I wish people didn’t overreact to a disease pandemic like this.

Anyway, I don’t like being ignored in the Nook’s Cranny forum. I know it’s very active right now, and it’s very easy for your thread to get buried very quickly, but when others are doing the same thing I’m doing, they get business first and I don’t get any. Are people turned off by my signature and user title? I hope it’s because it’s just difficult to get noticed in Nook’s Cranny, not because they refuse to buy from me.
Found it. Right now people are scrambling for the cherry blossom recipes, since they think that's going to end tomorrow. Plus stocking up on bait and rods for the fishing tourney.
this bunny day event is really annoying esp paired with the fishing tourney cause i can only get like 6 points each round and im like... bruh **** it hope it's less obnoxious next time
I have to do 20 full page reflections on all 40 chapters (1 reflection per 2 chapters) of A Little History of Economics for my AP spring break assignment, due on the 13th, and I only have 10 done. Halfway there, three days to go. At least my boyfriend is helping me :(
can someone burn psych2go to the ground? literally why does one of their most stupid videos ever only have 210 dislikes and over 35 thousand likes??? how are people so goddamn stupid and have a need to feel so extremely Special like sddddhsg DIE