What's Bothering You?

Hurricane Hilary is coming this weekend. My sibling from LA is supposed to visit us this weekend, but I don't know what she plans to do now.

Also, I hate it how easy it is for a data breach to happen. Since retiring, my mom has received four data breach notices. As a result, we have to set up a credit-monitoring service for her each time. However these monitoring companies make it so difficult if you already have an expired account there. If the account isn't "activiated" because it expired, then the user shouldn't have trouble setting up a new membership number with the same email address. Ah, but noooo.
i just got a phone, it's broken, and they wont let me exchange it. i did NOT break it. it's a problem with the phone. they want me to pay full price of a new phone so they can refund it when they get the broken phone in. estimated 1-2 weeks for delivery to the warehouse and then 1-2 weeks for the refund.

samsung, go to hell, sincerely
i just got a phone, it's broken, and they wont let me exchange it. i did NOT break it. it's a problem with the phone. they want me to pay full price of a new phone so they can refund it when they get the broken phone in. estimated 1-2 weeks for delivery to the warehouse and then 1-2 weeks for the refund.

samsung, go to hell, sincerely
this is so mindnumbing. hope you can complain some sense into someone over it!!


i've been really frustrated today with how fuzzy headed i am honestly. not even coffee is focusing me. perhaps it's too much time staring at the computer trying to focus but oh my god. how unproductive 🤦‍♂️
Burnt out. I have 4 classes left before I get my masters degree and now I have no interest in the field anymore. I'm going to finish, but I don't know where to go from here. Maybe I just don't like my current job in the field. Maybe things will be different after graduating. I don't know.

Money, man.
This day just hasn't been my day...I got myself so wound up, so stressed over nothing, kept trying to tell myself it's nothing but then broke down and cried at work. And boy do I hate crying in front of others. Ugh why am i like this lmao
Just in a lot of pain rn. :/
At least I'm getting more uninterrupted sleep time since my dog is doing really well.
i found a repair place near me that was super sympathetic and they're gonna do the repair "off the books" so that they dont have to deal w/the samsung warranty bullcrap. thank goodness.
that's really excellent ! crossing my fingers it works out
So tired, both me and my friend havent gotten together for while. We both end up sick in some way. Man I hope we will get together soon.
Just the fact that my IRL "best friend" has been talking **** about me and overshared my personal life to one of my other friends. Honestly, I'm more shocked than anything, but not happy about it.
Maybe this is just petty friend drama and I should stop being friends with her, simple as that. We've been best friends for 4 years, so I don't wanna break it off. But after hearing what she did, it made me think differently of her.
i’m so sorry, zelda. that’s awful. you don’t deserve to have to deal with that at all 😕 it’s of course entirely your choice whether you stay friends with her or not, but personally, someone who would do that to you is not your friend, and isn’t worthy of the title of “best friend“. you deserve friends who don’t talk badly about you behind your back, or share details about your personal life without your permission (even if it’s to another friend). you are kind, so supportive, and a good person, and you deserve better than that.

my dms are always open if you need to talk 💜
I just feel emotionally unhinged lately. There’s been so much going on that I feel absolutely exhausted. I just feel like curling up in bed and staying there. It’s such a crap way to feel but I can’t shake it 😔
In my Wild World town, turnip prices in the morning were around 140, and they’d been low all week so I sold all mine. Then, when I went on the game later, of course Tom Nook decided that the afternoon price should be 419 bells.

Edit: and to make things even worse, the prices on Saturday morning were 189 bells, so I basically sold at the lowest high price.
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I have this incredible fear of looking vulnerable and weak at work.

I’ve rotated through a few teams at work, but let’s call my first boss “Aidan”. While I had a pretty rocky relationship with Aidan for the first year and a half, we learnt to understand each other. I feel like I could express my feelings, if I was stressed or worried about something. Aidan doesn’t say anything about how he feels or what’s going on, but I can tell when he’s stressed or got something going on. He has his subtle ways. Likewise I think he knows when something is going on with me too. I trust that I can tell him almost anything, and I think the same goes around the other way.

I had just started to build a bond with my next boss, let’s call him “Dylan”. Dylan is a kind soul who praises his staff which I really appreciate. He’s so calm and collected almost to a fault. So calm that you never see him under pressure. But I’m just not like that…I can keep calm and patient for a long time but I usually breakdown eventually.

Dylan’s boss also never falters. He’s very self assured and confident. He has a witty and sharp sense of humour (much like myself)…which is good in some ways, but it also gets me down. It feels like I can’t be vulnerable in front of him or anyone for that matter. No one in that team shows emotion other than banter.

What makes things worse is that I went on a mental health course with a lot of them and they openly admitted that they’ve never had any troubles with mental health. I truly don’t understand people like that because LMAO how teach me your ways. And I have mental health problems.

Worse again, Dylan’s boss is pretty sexist at the best of times. He picks on women more aggressively than men. He has his favourites which are all men. He’s a bit of a control freak. I feel that if I show any emotion or anything he’s going to be like ha ha women moment. And because he has such a big influence over everyone, they’re likely going to have the same reaction around him. I feel like showing any sort of vulnerability is going to kick his sexism into gear and he’s going to make the decision that I’m too emotional and not capable of doing my job.

Furthermore, Dylan’s boss doesn’t like being challenged and especially by a woman. He’s in for a shock because he’s soon going to know that I don’t like playing by the rules lol. My PDA will kick in hard.

Overall I just have this huge fear of being judged and like I’m not good enough