What's Bothering You?

i just wrote and submitted the worst short summary i have ever written in my entire life, i don't understand the subject and i skipped large parts of the article because i just couldn't be bothered to understand it. on top of that, it was 7 hours late and i skipped the last seminar because i just didn't feel like opening up my computer and attending it. school is going great atm :)
angry that even though i know i will stop liking the song if i keep on playing it i still keep bumping it and i'm mad
I want coffee but the lid to my thermos is still stuck. The remains are still in there. I'm just too strong closing it but too weak to reopen.
Geez... mom's screaming again. Just, please stop. I'm really tired, and it's depressing to hear all of this.
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Someone dumped a metric ton of cornmeal in the sink. Another person ate 2 donuts from a box, then put it on a high place (on top of a box that sits on the top shelf of a rack, way above my eye level). It's been sitting there for a few days too cause the expiration data was April 29th. I found it May 2nd. I only found it cause I had to get somethin out of that box, cause it was pushed back a little like someone didn't want others to see it.

People constantly leave food and buttercream in bowls, crumbs on tables, dump food trash into the sink (the sinks don't have a garbage/food destroyer thingy, they are just regular 3 compartment sinks). Like, what is wrong with these people? I am in no way a clean freak or even a tidy person, but the sheer amount of dirty utensils, knives, bowls, trays, sinks, tables, floors, RAGS omg the rags are so gross, just, ugh.

I'm much more easily irritated all the time, I can't keep up with anythin, even hobbies and schedules I set for myself, my patience for customers and other people in general has worn thin. I feel like the people around me irl don't care about me, otherwise they wouldn't brush me off when I'm in a bad mood and just tell me I'm makin a bigger deal out of it. Just yesterday my asst manager asked me to come in early, the ONE DAMN DAY I was FINALLY able to go shopping for myself and not grocery shopping. I havent done any real in store shopping for myself in what is a little over 2 months. THE ONE SINGLE DAY IN TWO MONTHS, I get called in to come in early. I was so ****ed off but my parents are just like 'you havent been called in in a long time' and 'you barely have work hours anyway you could use more hours' and basically told me to get over it. They said I was makin a bigger deal out of it than what it was, but that doesn't help the fact at all. The fact is I'm tired of picking up the slack and fixing mistakes of my manager and people at work. But any time I have a chance to open up to others about my feelings and stress, I don't. And when I do with my family, they do nothing and tell me to get over it.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of life, I'm sick of feeling like I'm gettin depressed again, I'm sick of my parents not caring about me and genuinly not understanding they can't possibly relate to what I'm goin throu, so they are in no position to tell me to 'get over it'. When I get mad they just get mad at me for 'over reacting'. I'm sick of people depending on me so much, both work and home. I just need to face no one cares about me.
woke up feeing really shaky and weak today. i was hoping it would disappear after i shower but nope, it's worse. i honestly thought i was gonna faint in the shower. earlier i just had to stop whatever i was doing at the moment and lay down.. unfortunately mom refuses to take me to a doctor unless i'm bleeding. i hope this isn't a sign of anything serious :/ i'm still feeling really weak right now.
Is it seriously necessary for international mail to be suspended? I'm tired of independent businesses closing permanently due to this.

Every article, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and World Health Organization: It is EXTREMELY unlikely you would COVID-19 from a package. No need to worry.

Countries: No international shipping allowed anymore!

woke up feeing really shaky and weak today. i was hoping it would disappear after i shower but nope, it's worse. i honestly thought i was gonna faint in the shower. earlier i just had to stop whatever i was doing at the moment and lay down.. unfortunately mom refuses to take me to a doctor unless i'm bleeding. i hope this isn't a sign of anything serious :/ i'm still feeling really weak right now.

Oh no, I hope you’re okay! :c
Someone dumped a metric ton of cornmeal in the sink. Another person ate 2 donuts from a box, then put it on a high place (on top of a box that sits on the top shelf of a rack, way above my eye level). It's been sitting there for a few days too cause the expiration data was April 29th. I found it May 2nd. I only found it cause I had to get somethin out of that box, cause it was pushed back a little like someone didn't want others to see it.

People constantly leave food and buttercream in bowls, crumbs on tables, dump food trash into the sink (the sinks don't have a garbage/food destroyer thingy, they are just regular 3 compartment sinks). Like, what is wrong with these people? I am in no way a clean freak or even a tidy person, but the sheer amount of dirty utensils, knives, bowls, trays, sinks, tables, floors, RAGS omg the rags are so gross, just, ugh.

I'm much more easily irritated all the time, I can't keep up with anythin, even hobbies and schedules I set for myself, my patience for customers and other people in general has worn thin. I feel like the people around me irl don't care about me, otherwise they wouldn't brush me off when I'm in a bad mood and just tell me I'm makin a bigger deal out of it. Just yesterday my asst manager asked me to come in early, the ONE DAMN DAY I was FINALLY able to go shopping for myself and not grocery shopping. I havent done any real in store shopping for myself in what is a little over 2 months. THE ONE SINGLE DAY IN TWO MONTHS, I get called in to come in early. I was so ****ed off but my parents are just like 'you havent been called in in a long time' and 'you barely have work hours anyway you could use more hours' and basically told me to get over it. They said I was makin a bigger deal out of it than what it was, but that doesn't help the fact at all. The fact is I'm tired of picking up the slack and fixing mistakes of my manager and people at work. But any time I have a chance to open up to others about my feelings and stress, I don't. And when I do with my family, they do nothing and tell me to get over it.
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of life, I'm sick of feeling like I'm gettin depressed again, I'm sick of my parents not caring about me and genuinly not understanding they can't possibly relate to what I'm goin throu, so they are in no position to tell me to 'get over it'. When I get mad they just get mad at me for 'over reacting'. I'm sick of people depending on me so much, both work and home. I just need to face no one cares about me.

Hey Stella <3 Just know that you've got people on here who got your back, and that includes me. It's definitely irritating when your family doesn't seem to try and even understand you. It really sucks ass. But you just let me know if you wanna vent, and I'll lend my ears to you. We care about you love. You got this ❤

Like seriously someone just please put me out of my misery.
Stupid canker sores wtf just go away

Oh this was me so hard for like a year up until 2 months ago. You should try VERVE toothpaste- it might help! (I also started yaz at that time, I have no clue if that had any bearing on the canker sores)

Also I wish i had known the infused water dispenser diy was so valuable cuz I got 3 of them in a day & sold the extras to the nooklings :mad:
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i wish i could accept it when im wrong.
i find it so admirable when someone can throw away their pride and just admit they're in the wrong.