What's Bothering You?

I have this on-and-off feeling of running out of time in just a general sense, and it's been back lately. It just pops into my head at random throughout the day and makes me feel anxious and nauseous, like something bad is going to happen soon. Probably doesn't help that the job search process isn't going very well either. It's really wearing on me mentally.
my heart hurts.

i miss you.. i know you can't come back here, bc its not a good place for you, i know i can always visit but im not sure when.. you live in another state now.. i know we can always still talk. we can text. we can call.. but its not the same as seeing you in person..​
I asked my teacher if there’s a retake... he says yes, but doesn’t specify when. He opens the retake 3 hours after we’re done with school and only opens it for 16 minutes. Are you kidding me? Gosh, I’m just done.
im sad and stressed out and overly emotional and feeling bad physically and i have no one to talk to about it, i just want to cry i hate everything right now...
The unhealthy amount of screen time I’ve had for the past 15 years is finally starting to affect my health. My eyeglass prescription has gotten thicker, I’m slouching more, my neck is always stiff, and my hands are very calloused. I worry that the amount of sitting I’ve done will also shorten my lifespan. My parents keep telling me this is reversible, but I don’t know anymore.
I swear I’m not half as effective in typing on this tablet without a keyboard. It has been more than a month for sure now and I still don‘t have one paired with it. I have the money to buy one... I literally just need to set aside a day so I can go out (with a mask on) and buy a new one. And THEN make sure I take care of it properly this time.
I ate a bunch of cookies at 3 AM... (it's 4 AM now) That was a bad idea because now I feel sick. I'm also falling asleep earlier than I did last night, which really isn't going to help my sleep schedule get anywhere.
Going into hospital for a relatively small thing again today. Still really scared though. I wish they would just knock you out for everything.
it was pretty bad tbh because my body grew weirdly apparently and it took way longer than they expected. it hutrs quite a bit now and typing is pretty hard cause i am too tired for it. just gonna make it past these days. healing is going decently i think tho.
closing lines on stuff </3 but has to be done or my lineart filling will look like a reverse pizza lol
it was pretty bad tbh because my body grew weirdly apparently and it took way longer than they expected. it hutrs quite a bit now and typing is pretty hard cause i am too tired for it. just gonna make it past these days. healing is going decently i think tho.
I hope you start to feel better soon!
My roommate has been acting so mean lately. My other roommate and I are fed up with the BS. Im drawing Raymond for a project I’m working on, and was experimenting with facial expressions because he needs to look unhappy for it. I experiment until I land on something I like and some of them were pretty funny, so we were laughing together at it. Well that turned into from her laughing with me to laughing at me. Apparently I draw like she did when she was in kindergarten etc. sure my process might not be the best, but I’m still learning and I’m also not used to procreate yet so that’s been challenging all on its own. I told her she was making me mad and being rude and she just responded with “yeah” and walked away while laughing at me. It may take me awhile to get things looking right but I eventually get there, and my stuff ultimately comes out looking better than hers although I would never tell her that. My Raymond isn’t finished and it looks a bit rough, but I think it looks cute so far. Might make the mouth smaller.
Also my dad texted me this morning to tell me he has COVID. So that’s fun.
My roommate has been acting so mean lately. My other roommate and I are fed up with the BS. Im drawing Raymond for a project I’m working on, and was experimenting with facial expressions because he needs to look unhappy for it. I experiment until I land on something I like and some of them were pretty funny, so we were laughing together at it. Well that turned into from her laughing with me to laughing at me. Apparently I draw like she did when she was in kindergarten etc. sure my process might not be the best, but I’m still learning and I’m also not used to procreate yet so that’s been challenging all on its own. I told her she was making me mad and being rude and she just responded with “yeah” and walked away while laughing at me. It may take me awhile to get things looking right but I eventually get there, and my stuff ultimately comes out looking better than hers although I would never tell her that. My Raymond isn’t finished and it looks a bit rough, but I think it looks cute so far. Might make the mouth smaller.
Also my dad texted me this morning to tell me he has COVID. So that’s fun.


That Raymond looks great actually! Not sure why she would do that. Some people can just be really rude for no good reason. I’m a terrible artist and I can’t even draw stick figures that well (lol), but I think Raymond looks cute in this piece as well! I’m sorry that you‘re having to deal with this. :/
Ugh not looking forward to teach this one co-worker how to handle reservation cause we do not get along and he's flake and unresponsible as **** and I'm like.. "yes sure i'll do it" .. ;_;
Sometimes I feel that I’m not smart enough. I actively participate in class and I think understand the material but when it comes to unrelated and stupid quizzes, I fail. Why should my gpa suffer just because I don’t exactly know how much everything is graded, late work policy, etc. My dad says I lack critical thinking, so maybe my small brain can’t handle big things. I really hate failing, and it makes me think that I won’t succeed in life and the little tiny points that I get taken off make me go insane. Even one point for my gpa matters, and I‘m trying to be better but I keep ruining it for myself.

That Raymond looks great actually! Not sure why she would do that. Some people can just be really rude for no good reason. I’m a terrible artist and I can’t even draw stick figures that well (lol), but I think Raymond looks cute in this piece as well! I’m sorry that you‘re having to deal with this. :/
Ty 🥺
I don’t know what her issues are lately, she won’t talk about it. It’s like living with an angry messy toddler.
I need to take my medicine and get good sleep tonight. I know that’s contributing to how I feel right now. But I can’t help but think about my past online at times like these and how much I did wrong. I know it‘s in the past. It has been years. I’ve changed since then and became a better person. But it still bothers me from time to time. I was such a tool. So pathetic. And I honestly don’t even know why I acted that way because it wasn’t how I usually am (granted I was dealing with a lot at the time). I feel like I’ve made enemies there. They’ve probably forgotten about me by now or don’t care thankfully, but it still bothers me. I couldn’t stop myself from crying. I need to take better care of myself. This is a wake up call.
my friend didn’t reply to what I sent her last week :’( imma go cry now
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