What's Bothering You?

Going into hospital for a relatively small thing again today. Still really scared though. I wish they would just knock you out for everything.

I believe you're probably right. It's just that she didn't use to be like this, so it's hard for me to take this new side of her. She's been jealous of essentially anything I do, even things to do without her boyfriend. She's came to me a couple times about her being afraid of losing all her friends, so you're spot on about that.
I just need to learn to keep my cool about the situation, and try to set some boundaries between us. And no, the advice is fine :D it really helps me remind myself what's going on inside. (And I appreciate you spending time out of your life to help mine :))
had to use another pink dye this time since they didn't have my usual shade and it turned out meh :( oh well.
Stop. Sending. Your. Requests. To. My. Email.

I am just getting so pissed off... This account I manage keeps sending stuff directly to my email instead of calling it in or sending to the shared inbox. It's gotten so bad lately to the point of spam. I have already told my team lead about it and I am just to keep directing them to the shared inbox. I loathe them with every fiber of my being. I really do... They are the worst account we've ever had.
I'm having a small procedure today and they told me to take some beds before bed. Well I did and woke up at 6AM with the worst guts ever and ended up puking all over the floor. The thing I'm having done today has already been put off twice so idk if I should be truthful about getting sick. 💀 My mom came home from camping just so she would be in the city for me to call her afterward with an update so idk ugh
I'm glad I could be of help! 🥰 (My situation was extremely similar!) I also had known someone who was initially nice to me, but then started getting extremely jealous of anything I did. They also would intensely express how much they "loved" me (platonically), but I didn't realize until it was too late that it was nothing more than an unhealthy obsession 😣 I tried to keep thinking back to that initial good impression they had, but I learned I cannot deal with someone who has two different personalities (one side nice/giving compliments, the other side angry/possessive)

So I definitely want to make sure you don't deal with the same thing! It can be really draining mentally/physically, so setting up boundaries will make sure to decide if they are a true friend who respects what you feel comfortable with (y)
I'm like having bad anxiety cause idk if I'm gonna submit photos in time for the contests today hdhdheh

Also trying to get all my stuff together to move to my dorm, what a hassle. luckily I don't have anywhere to go tomorrow and I only have one zoom call at 11:30am. I'm prob gonna have to buy new hooks n stuff for my blankets/posters/etc cause I can't find the ones I used before anywhere. :(

Yeah, it really is mentally draining. It's crazy how similar our situations are! I'll make sure to set up some boundries between us. I'm extremely appreciative of you taking the time out of your day just to help me out :) if you need anything, I'm always here to talk :D
I'm glad I could be of help! 🥰 (My situation was extremely similar!) I also had known someone who was initially nice to me, but then started getting extremely jealous of anything I did. They also would intensely express how much they "loved" me (platonically), but I didn't realize until it was too late that it was nothing more than an unhealthy obsession 😣 I tried to keep thinking back to that initial good impression they had, but I learned I cannot deal with someone who has two different personalities (one side nice/giving compliments, the other side angry/possessive)

So I definitely want to make sure you don't deal with the same thing! It can be really draining mentally/physically, so setting up boundaries will make sure to decide if they are a true friend who respects what you feel comfortable with (y)
that sounds like me towards my best friend and i dislike that
i try to be a good person but i get jealous of his other friends and hhhhh
intrusive thoughts and anxiety :c
if anyone has any coping methods for intrusive thoughts that isn’t pacing around in circles eating gummi bears in unhealthy amounts pls tell me
I went to bed with the kitchen all clean, but woke up to it in a mess. Someone made Mac and cheese except they put the cheese sauce in the strainer instead of the pan? o_O
somebody please explain this to me because I don’t get it. It’s taking all my will power not to clean because I can’t be in there when it’s messy I’m getting all kinds of anxiety, but I can’t be cleaning their crap anymore.
No problem at all! I hope that everything works out well for you 💙 Thank you so much! If you ever need anything or someone to talk to also, I'm also available anytime~!! (y)😎(y)✨
I think it would be good to put trust in your friend! (as in, trusting that they can be your best friend but also have other people they talk to) I guarantee it! <3 😁 I think it would strengthen your bond even more! 😊
Awww... I'm really sorry shell ;-;
I'm not in the target audience for a lot of things I buy or watch, but I'm also not around people that would tell me that.
I know it's not quite the same since I am a cishetero woman, but just know I can empathize to an extent. You should absolutely not be shamed for wanting that on your birthday. Like you said, it is harmless and finding joy in things like that to keep one's inner child intact is paramount imo. I am sending a lot of well wishes your way for a good birthday celebration and life overall. It's so gross when people try to dictate what's "right" or "wrong" when it's really not that serious and they (not you!) need to get over themselves ASAP.

The normalization of such things seems to be such a huge issue in the West more so than the East. I've seen people of all ages up until retirement/elderly age get excited over lil toys, stuffed or otherwise, as well as comics and cartoons. I've been to a Sanrio store in Japan and an elderly woman got a small bag of goodies with a friend and it was totally mundane for them. Just business as usual for that store, I'm sure.

When products say "for ages x and up" or "for all ages" it really means it as such. /rant over.
literally don't care about what anyone else thinks. you do what you want. you're not harming anyone in doing so, so I don't see a problem with it. adult life really is boring, I've been merging into it for years and trust me it really helps to indulge in the things you enjoy, no matter how old you are.

heck I just bought a Jolteon figurine today, I now have seven out of nine Eevee figurines and it might be seen as immature and kids-only but who cares? it makes me happy and that's all that matters. you just do you man, don't worry about anyone's opinion especially if you're merging into adulthood. now isn't a good time to worry about what others think.
Thanks, folks for sharing your thoughts. I'll do my best to move forward and hopefully get what I want down the line.
bts had a virtual meet and great contest but, the winner is an anti and I don’t even understand why she even entered in the first place if she’s an anti. it kind of ruined other’s chances of meeting them
bts had a virtual meet and great contest but, the winner is an anti and I don’t even understand why she even entered in the first place if she’s an anti. it kind of ruined other’s chances of meeting them
w h y

that's really rude why would they do that
I need to go back to the optometrist at some stage to upgrade my glasses. I can tell they need to be strengthened as I'm struggling to read things in the far distance again .-. It's not bad enough to go back to the optometrist straight away, just rather annoying. Is it normal for your eyes to deteriorate this fast??
been thinking about the afterlife a lot today, wondering if there really is such a thing. on the one hand, i would like to think that all of this isn't just for nothing.

but there's just something so comforting about everything coming to a swift end, too.