What's Bothering You?

Tired. I miss my friends. I miss having friends, lol.

My ex had blocked me everywhere for no reason the other night, so that’s something that also happened. It was kinda saddening. I was hoping I’d be able to be his friend again. It’s whatever.
My store was having a sale for all associates, so I stupidly bought wayy too many things because it was all on sale. Stupid retail therapy ×.×
My Spanish teacher made me bark in class because I couldn’t explain what a perro is without using English. This is how the semester is going to go 😣
yooooo I gotta sign a bunch of paperwork for church counseling and the things I'm agreeing to is questionable like d a m n I should've just stayed with a school counselor :|
I've been teased just because I'm an introvert. Not just me, but also someone I loved. I can't cry, they'll just keep telling me that I'm a "cry baby". This been happening since I was little.
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I have to read a 300 page book and write an essay on it by Wednesday and I honestly have no clue how I'm gonna do it lol :,,,,)
Any YouTube videos or spark notes out there that can give a good synopsis of it? Maybe even Reddit can help lol. Reading a 300 page is a big no no for me. I can barely do 100.
tbh I think the professors here intentionally pick books that don't have a cliffnotes/sparknotes so that we're forced to read it. the best I've been able to do is find a brief synopsis of the book on Wikipedia. pray that I don't drive myself completely insane this weekend.
tbh I think the professors here intentionally pick books that don't have a cliffnotes/sparknotes so that we're forced to read it. the best I've been able to do is find a brief synopsis of the book on Wikipedia. pray that I don't drive myself completely insane this weekend.

Ah man, it's one of THOSE professors. I wish they'd just try to make the course as easy as possible so people can move on with their life, but then they choose these ridiculous assignments. I know the feeling all too well. I hope you're able to work something out! You can only do what you can do within that time frame so don't beat yourself up about it whatever the end result is.
My ex had blocked me everywhere for no reason the other night, so that’s something that also happened. It was kinda saddening. I was hoping I’d be able to be his friend again. It’s whatever.
Ugh this happened with me once as well, though we were kinda fwb rather than just exes. Kinda ironic cause he was like "lol something happened bye" so it's better to forget about him I advise.

Also @xSuperMario64x .. i had to read crime and punishment in less than a week which is 800+ pages so.. best of luck but yeah..
I accidentally bumped my glue gun with my arm yesterday and a blob of hot glue got stuck to my arm 💀 it burned so darn bad y'all. Now I have a big blister this morning in that spot.
anyone know like some good site for finger crocheting for idiots aka like, kiddie instructions that doesn't skip half of the instructions..
Love how easily people can just cut friends out of their lives. I will never understand how people can be so cruel to others. Treating human lives so selfishly and recklessly... I live my life treating others with kindness to the best of my ability. I don’t understand people.
an old woman was walking down the sidewalk and i moved out of her way as much as i could but as she walked past she pushed my arm and tutted. i might be stupid to let it bother me so much but im a person who deliberately does a lot of small actions to convenience people it's a bit insulting in a way lol
not to mention the amount of old asian women giving me dirty looks because i was wearing a dress and block heels
the majority of old people are the sweetest but there are some that are seriously cynical