"I'm forever yours... faithfully" 💙💜
I used to think I was lazy but it turned out to be executive function disorder. basically you're aware that you have something you need to do but you just can't get yourself to do anything about it. it's not being lazy, it's literally your mind holding you back for no reason. it often causes a lot of stress and it makes me feel the same way that you're feeling here. Idk if you actually have this or if you really are just lazy, but I'm sorry you feel that way.I hate my life. And I hate how I'm too much of a worthless, lazy piece of **** to do anything to fix it.
oh boyy I've got a lot of bs wrong today so let's go down the list.
- I was supposed to help load up band instruments at the drama center this morning and I totally forgot about it until I got to my first class. just great.
- I keep forgetting to sign up for a time to present my songwriting project for jazz history. I was supposed to do it last week.
- My dog keeps eating stuff off the ground outside and I really need to get him a training collar (and possibly also a muzzle) but I'm flat broke and can't get that stuff til I get paid on Friday.
- in speaking of getting paid... I'm flat broke for the rest of the week. I don't even have money for an emergency. I'm just screwed basically.
- I have a debate statement due for history this Wednesday and I don't have either of the books I need for it, I've found some good online resources but my prof explicitly said not to use online sources without his prior approval.
- this week there will be a town hall meet with the president of the university to talk about plans for next semester (regarding the virus) and I've heard that there is a possibility that they will make us go remote next semester. I don't want to go back home. I hate it there. If they end up making us go remote I'm gonna ask my brother if I can stay w him.
so yeah basically life is really trash rn lmao