Been getting actually screamed at all night on Xbox by random dudes on mics in solo queue who don't even know how to play Apex We're talking about the BASIC rules here. Not to mention, I carried the team for both of those squads while they were Shadows lol... Step aside.
In general also, I feel like people (for the most part) are getting more and more hostile and I'm just beyond tired at this point, man. No one gets along anymore.
I know what you mean. I used to play Overwatch. I admit I snapped at someone once on the mic who was spamming nice job emote i know to be sarcastic since we all lost. I was trying my hardest and to work with everyone even if I was always the only person defending the base, and I really did not appreciate the attitude or hostility even towards the players that were trying. :/ It has been awhile since I last had a ps4 subscription and tried ranking, but I can imagine it being worse.
Nm about my worry. It was silly lol.