I dropped a tray of pies on the floor cause the oven was going off and I didn't want them to burn. Also a customer reported me today. If one more customer reports me then I'm going to get written up. I'm not joking my asst store manager told me.
Everythin just sucks. It isn't even Christmas Eve yet and I can't take it. I'm always full of negativity, I'm always stressed, I'm almost always tired at work, and I've been like this since mid or late November, atleast a week before ThanksGiving. All I ever do is complain cause I feel like everythin sucks, no one is happy around me cause I complain and I'm not happy with anythin in life rn. Everythin is a rush and nothing brings me any sort of joy anymore. Even looking at other jobs and their qualifications I feel bad cause I'm not qualified even if the job sounds like somethin I'd like to do. I'm not even job searching as much as I do complain cause when I get home I'm tired.
I really just want to take like a full week off in January, after all of this holiday **** but I'm sure my manager will be none to pleased, on top of we are going to be down an employee in January so I'm bound to be pushed the slack. Not only that but I'm sure my parents will be like 'suck it up you can't just not go to work cause you don't want to'.