What's Bothering You?

I really don’t want to pay $180 for items that could have been covered for free if that college wasn’t so particular about expenses. I‘m required to have those items for General Chemistry I and I’m paying a little extra for a webcam due to COVID. It’s honestly a bit frustrating.
back again because i got more to complain about 😅

some of the people on nookazon are so rude it's really annoying
i always try to be as friendly as i can because this is literally a game about cute animals but a few people i've traded with take my stuff, scam me or go through with the trade but are still pretty aggressive

i've only been using it a month but i wish i never joined tbh :(

(although i have got a lot of nice stuff from very kind people so that's a plus)
I got three PS2 games delivered to me today. However, when I tried putting one of them in my PS2, it didn't work. I tried the others and the story was the same. Doing the toothpaste trick didn't work either. I feel so gutted because I was looking forward to playing them. What's even more saddening is that my dad gifted these to me and it probably cost around $100 or more with these three games. I feel hesitant to tell him because he spent a lot of dollars on these and to see them not work at all would cause great disappointment. :(
why are plushies so darned expensive 😣

especially ones I really like, I would love to have the signature arctic fox plush cause I've recently come to LOVE foxes, but it's $180-220 without the tag??? like wtaf is that price tag? luckily wild republic sells a 12" arctic fox plush that's p nice for $15 so I might get that. meanwhile praying I find the other at a thrift store or smth.
i vented just a tad in a discord server, it wasnt much but then someone had to message me asking what happened. i know this person a bit and so just told them that my gf is stressed from events happening and without warning this dude goes "if you actually care about your relationship i think you should go to couples counseling and also move out of the state your in." and i was like "excuse me?!" this person knows nothing about my 6 year long relationship with my gf, and also knows we have no money and are paying off a trailer. i wasnt about to let them guilt me into using money i dont have to go to counseling for couples when my gf is just stressed out

i didnt even ask for their opinion or advice
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i guess im also bothered by the fact people always shove "go to therapy/counseling" in peoples faces when yknow, that costs money. usually a lot of money

i mean i should know better, the people in the server have good paying jobs and live at home with their families so they cant exactly relate
I'm so anxious now that our big TV is broken. It was something that my dad bought a few years ago, but he often complains about not getting to use it (even though he hardly watches TV). My brother and I get most of the use out of it, primarily for gaming and such.

None of us want to tell him about it as he'll kick up a massive fuss about it, have a panic attack (over money, even though he just unnecessarily spent >$800 on another TV that we absolutely didn't need) and most likely blame my brother and I for breaking it due to using it all the time. Like I legit get anxiety, or even panicky, when he's in panic. He's the type to yell/scream/get violent when in panic for context.

I really hope he goes away on a work trip next week as I can get a repair sorted for it. I hate how he always splashes out on luxuries, but then ****s himself when any maintenance in the house needs to be done 🙄
I hope my dad is proud of himself for supporting the riots that happened in DC on the 6th.

I think if he could've driven all the way to DC he would have. he went and protested at the state house and he flaunted it around to his family like it was something amazing happening, like it was the pinnacle of freedom and democracy-- oh I'm sorry, I mean republic. (he constantly corrects me and tell me the US is a republic, not a democracy. I don't even know).

and then ofc he got angry at me when I didn't want anything to do with what the pro-trump protesters were doing. he was basically saying that my decision to stay away was a threat to our country, telling me "do you know what's at stake?"

I haven't heard him say a damn thing about what happened since he got home. I hope he knows that I'm not gonna take any more **** from Trump and the rest of the GOP. I was already tired of it (cause a little less than a week ago he basically called me an idiot just for being a liberal) but if he doesn't feel any remorse for what happened then that's horrible.

I've also quite enjoyed seeing all the news articles about cabinet members resigning and some suggesting that Trump be removed from office immediately. I'm so tired of hearing people say he's a great president, because he's not. he should've never become president in the first place, he shouldve stayed in Hollywood. I'm so glad that democracy was able to take place and allowed for Biden to become the new president.

in fact, I remember my dad saying that (somehow) Trump would absolutely remain president after the Jan 6th event. for some reason both of my parents are terrified of Biden and especially Harris. they think that Harris will destroy this country. how gullible can they be?

whatever the case may be, I really hope that this riot was a wake up call to make both sides realize that constantly antagonizing each other is not helping this country at all. that's all Trump ever did, he just instigated fights against the democrats/liberals and somehow convinced his followers (my dad) that democrats are idiots and self-absorbed and want to see this country die. I'm so so SO glad he's leaving. only problem is now republicans will never shut up about Biden and they'll always be quick to point out his every little flaw, as if he's not human.

and after all this, my dad will never apologize for the ****ty things he's said to me about my political views. it's bs like this that makes me want to leave home. this is a very toxic environment I'm living in, because my dad is a certified brainwashed Republican who apparently can't think for himself and just listens to all the **** spewed out by Mark Levinn and Shaun Hannity. I doubt he ever said sorry about the riots either; after all, he supported it whole-heartedly and got angry when I said I didn't want anything to do with it. I hope he's weeping over Biden's win. when you follow someone as insane as Trump you're gonna crash and burn. his supporters deserve it.

sorry about the rant I'm just so fed up with the deep divide in my country and how Trump and his followers aren't doing **** about it. I think they enjoyed deepening the divide, they seemed to brag about it. I really hope Biden and Harris know what they're doing and work towards actually making America great (not again, you cannot move backwards, only forward. Biden knows that).
What really bothers me when big events happen like a ******* coup d’état in the US is seeing dismissive, judgmental, and high-and-holy comments from people of other countries, especially condescending ones aimed at BIPOC living in the US that are along the lines of “well luckily we don’t have racism in [insert country here] country so we don’t have to worry about it” or “You can move to our country uwu xD

Like, you do realize some of us don’t have the privilege to move? Right? (;-_-) Not to mention some of us can't avoid these politics

and the worst part is when you actually call them out for it, they throw the biggest tantrums and write paragraphs about how your wrong and that they can’t be racist.

Idk, probably my mistake for taking a peak on reddit again when I promised myself I would stop going on there
The entire country's gone into a four month+ long lockdown and I feel like there's just no hope and no way out in sight. I'm wasting even more of my life when I was supposed to be doing stuff to improve this year. I've got such bad anxiety about not being able to actually go to university this year bc the pandemic probably won't be over by september. I'm so bored, depressed, and useless 🙃

I somehow managed to develop an ED last year due to weight loss being the one thing about my life I could actually control. I haven't told anyone in my family (but they've been commenting that I'm too thin now for a while) and I can't go to the doctor about it because it's not urgent compared to the virus. I've been trying to 'eat more' but I don't think it's enough. I need to admit to myself that I'm scared to put on weight despite having pretty bad ED symptoms such as hair loss and losing my period.
I struggle to show my emotions in person and I just can’t seem to express myself in general. I feel apathetic about a lot of things even when I don’t mean to. Oftentimes, video games are my escape and I feel at ease for a short while, but I know it’s only temporary and fleeting. When I’m in public, in the real world, I feel as if I’m another person and trying my best to blend in. It just seems effortless to other people when seeming happy or having a good time. What bothers me the most is not being able to fully express gratitude and not showing love to my family. I think I’m just afraid to let myself be vulnerable around someone again after having my feelings hurt so many times. I’ve already made a personal commitment to focus on higher education and getting a job, though I sometimes think that it won’t help much if I have the personality of wet cardboard lol.