What's Bothering You?

i love my mum but she needs to stop criticizing every single thing i do and let me do what i want, it's not hurting anyone

she just had a go at me because i prefer to watch disney shows at my age instead of watching the office but like, the office is soo boring imo
i literally don't understand what she's so mad about, it's not like i'm making her watch disney, i've never been more confused 😅
i love my mum but she needs to stop criticizing every single thing i do and let me do what i want, it's not hurting anyone

she just had a go at me because i prefer to watch disney shows at my age instead of watching the office but like, the office is soo boring imo
i literally don't understand what she's so mad about, it's not like i'm making her watch disney, i've never been more confused 😅
see that's so stupid. I personally love The Office but it's not a big deal if you don't watch/like it. I'm 21 and I still love doing all the same things I did as a kid like watching Disney movies, collecting stuffed animals, playing the same games I was playing over a decade ago, watching the same shows like Spongebob, etc. I don't like a lot of things that most adults seem to like, in this context things like soap operas, crime shows and dramas. Friends and Rick & Morty are also popular adult shows that I don't like.

you should be allowed to indulge in whatever makes you happy, just because someone else thinks you're "too old" for it doesn't mean at all that you are (actually the notion that someone can be "too old" for anything, especially things they loved as a kid, is really stupid and kinda toxic too).

I'm still gonna be at work for another hour and a half and my head hurts bevause of this dtupid fluorescent lighting. I also feel kinda dumb for signing up for this time slot cause now I have like no time to eat at all until about 4pm rip.
there is still no update on where my gfs check went. everyone at the store is on edge because its now friday and nobody has been paid. i had to call my dad yesterday to ask for some money for a little bit of groceries to try and get us to whenever she gets paid. weve also been holding out for the tax return because last year we got it soon after they started filing them, but this year it seems like we have no luck with that either
some guy kept playing his music loud as heck in a public restaurant and everyone was annoyed with him. the staff kept asking him to turn it down and he would, then turn it right back up. and we had the misfortune of sitting near him. -_- our usual waitress is a pal of ours and she says he comes in and does this all the time. how rude can you get man? it was an old dude too!
Whelp I cried for the first time in three months.

My crush (who apparently likes me back) had to go to the hospital due to a chronic condition. They'll be okay, but I'm sad I can't be there to comfort them. We have several hundred miles and a national border between us. Even if I had the ability to drive up I wouldn't be able to visit. I wish I had the guts to say "I love you."
Oh hey another period post.

I just got mine today after like 2 weeks of cramps and I woke up with a headache today, not knowing why. Then later I found out why. Also being on my period makes my stomach hurt so sometimes I can't eat as much food as I should be.

What also comes with my period is the eternal question, 'do I have a blood issue?' I wasn't feeling great so I figured once I got on break from work and ate, I'd feel better. Nope, did not. But after I ate 5 gummibears I felt a bit better, so I prob need more sugary foods, which always makes me think that I have a blood sugar issue. Which, maybe might explain why I crave sweets VERY often, even while not being on a period. But idk. It's one of those things that I feel NEEDS to have a test for a solid answer.
idk why i bother anymore
i was having such a nice day til everyone just started being such a pain, i can't deal with this

i try to put my anger to the side but everyone is literally just ugh, idk i give up
I'm stuck in this game, tryna convict Redd White and I just don't know how to go about presenting any evidence when everything I try to do gets me knocked back a peg lol
My audition is due in 2 weeks or so and i'm still no good at singing. It's not awful... I just don't think I'll qualify for show choir, and i'll probably end up in concert or mixed.
h e l p.
What are you trying to prove?
I had nothing to prove actually. our poor lad Mr Wright passed out TWICE in the courthouse lol (dw I figured it out eventually, and yes he ended up being fine and winning the case)

I should've gone to bed like 2 hours ago but I can't sleep when a game as hilarious as Ace Attorney exists 😆