What's Bothering You?

my math teacher is setting us up for failure which is fantastic because i'd really like to pass with a b this semester but that's never going to happen
i don’t understand why my mom takes me out to do stuff but afterwards when we’re alone she rants to me the whole time about how i’m such a horrible child and she hopes my future kids don’t come out like me. :”)
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also i got a haircut and it looked nice when i was there but now i’m home and i really don’t like it :/ i feel horrible too bc my mom made a big deal about how much money was spent .. like if u didn’t wanna spend money why did you take me in the first place
touching back on my Nookazon incident yesterday, this user came online 10 minutes ago and gave me a one star review

not only does this break Nookazon TOS but this person says “gave me a bad review Bc I was busy so he is mean” and no, it’s not because you were busy, it’s because I got no response as to your availability over a fourteen hour time period. You can’t expect me to hold a villager for 14 hours.

I hate Nookazon now.

Not only that, but my one star review on her profile didn’t change her overall rating at all, while it changed mine by half a star. Which is really deceiving, because I checked and this person has two other one stars, a two star, and a four star, yet their overall rating is still five across the board.

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I’m frustrated that Nookazon mods haven’t gotten back to me. I get that they are volunteers but I can’t trade until the remove the bad review... At this point, I don’t really want to use Nookazon anymore but just want to clear my name.
Gee whiz, it sure is great being someone of great character and with a degree, yet not having a job, running out of money, with the potential to become homeless... said no one ever.

Seriously. I’m one of the last people I know who literally still can’t get a job. No one will hire me. This is ridiculous and I don’t even know what I want out of life anymore.
You're definitely not the only graduate out there without a job - I'm one of them too. I have a job that is somewhat related to my degree, but isn't where I want to be in the long term. I also know of other grads like me who haven't got a job, even one who graduated 1.5 years ago. Idk what I want either, all I want is a job in my industry lol. You're not alone :)
Bro I've really messed up with this guy...he's expecting more out of me than what I can give. I feel like it's just gonna be very messy...

Also I need to know if I'm going up north on Thursday or not?? Like what's happening?
My mental health has been really awful lately. I can’t do anything right and I’m feeling really insecure about myself. I feel like all of my relationships with others are going down the toilet I’d try and fix it but all I get is everything’s fine so I don’t know if I’m just imagining it.
Edit: also waiting for somebody to leave so I can just go cry.
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i'm like super scared about the vaccine atm, my family has had some trouble with it recently and i legit can't stop worrying
basically my dad's brother and sister have a few health problems and they both had their vaccines the other day, which i was relieved to hear but then they had terrible reactions to it, like they both got super ill after and it was pretty bad, my uncle was struggling to breathe at one point
they're both fine now, which is amazing news but my dad's getting his vaccine soon but he has similar health problems and i'm so scared for him, i'm really hoping he will be ok but i still can't help but worry something will happen to him
You're definitely not the only graduate out there without a job - I'm one of them too. I have a job that is somewhat related to my degree, but isn't where I want to be in the long term. I also know of other grads like me who haven't got a job, even one who graduated 1.5 years ago. Idk what I want either, all I want is a job in my industry lol. You're not alone :)

Hey, thank you for this. I needed to hear these words. I feel like I’ve been hiding my emotions and everything else under a mask lately and not taking full advantage of all the resources at my disposal. I’m not going to be hiding anymore though. I will find something good for me for sure. :)
meeting later just hope it's not about that internship thing cause cba rn lol

also i know **** are delayed cause covid-19 but stop taking my packages for a spin on the forklift 😠
idk why but trying to find this blue feather has been one of my worse collectible hunting experiences on here. it's just bothering me so bad (prob because I came this 👌 close to buying one and someone else got it before I could). I literally cannot stop thinking abt it, pretty positive it's my OCD taking over. I feel dumb for getting so upset over it (especially when I have literally all these other beauties).

idk what to do 🙃
(I was thinking potentially take a break but then I might miss it when someone does finally sell one and then I'll feel even worse)
i'm like super scared about the vaccine atm, my family has had some trouble with it recently and i legit can't stop worrying
basically my dad's brother and sister have a few health problems and they both had their vaccines the other day, which i was relieved to hear but then they had terrible reactions to it, like they both got super ill after and it was pretty bad, my uncle was struggling to breathe at one point
they're both fine now, which is amazing news but my dad's getting his vaccine soon but he has similar health problems and i'm so scared for him, i'm really hoping he will be ok but i still can't help but worry something will happen to him
This is a completely normal response to a vaccine. Vaccines involve injecting a person with an inactive form of a pathogen, in this case COVID-19 viral particles, so that the host immune system can learn how to quickly respond to it if it ever encounters the live active form. Think of it as controlled exposure to a disease: it is a very low concentration of the virus that is incapable of replicating itself. This means that it is not strong enough to be lethal, it cannot get worse, and it cannot spread to another person. If a person experiences side effects of a vaccine it typically isn't anything to worry about - it means it's doing it's job.

Loosely related: I'm trying to write up an extremely dull report on public health strategies but I have to keep stopping because someone keeps misbehaving. Wish there was someone else here to look after her.
i really need to buy new slippers to have inside, my current ones smells vinegar from all the feet sweating lol....plus they are dirty af
The screen on my laptop has broken and because it's out of warranty I've had to buy a new one which is cheaper than paying to get it fixed via a third party. Also I've just spend half an hour on the phone wrangling a new Sky TV contract along with a new Sky Q box because my old one is dying. Oh and I still have no answers as to why I haven't received any money back for trading my old phone in... one month ago. 😠
I realized recently that I haven't been taking care of myself like I should and I need to start focusing on myself more. I haven’t been playing music and I haven’t felt like drawing and that makes me sad. I really don’t feel like I can count on others because eventually they all leave me.
BRUH why is it $60 to park at the airport for 1 day?! That is a bruh moment
The closest international airport used to make travelers pay for luggage trolleys. I have never been to another airport that made people pay for using them. Thankfully, they're now free to use for folks.
It's 11pm. I just finished working for the day and I need to be up at 5am to start again.
I've been working hard; I've been trying to get myself back up again with my studies. But right now, I'm a complete mess. I told my Greek and Roman Sexualities professor that I don't feel intelligent at all, that I'm not mentally up to par with the rest of my peers. I told him that sometimes I just want to die. I hate it. I've always had this inferiority complex where I'm just absolutely dumb. It can get triggered if I feel like I've let someone down, or not participating as well in classes, or not being able to come up with things to say. Sometimes I'm just very up; other times I'll just feel like I've the IQ of a pile of rubble. That's how I feel right now. My professor says that he thinks I'm in line with my peers, and reassured me that what I'm feeling isn't the case. I appreciate that professor dearly, and I've actually cried last night about him because of how sincere he is and how I don't want to lose that - which has happened before, where I've felt an emotional connection with a male figure in which I get so attached to - but, is there a chance that he could just be saying that for my sake? Just so I feel better about myself? I don't know if people view me as "smart", but I know that I certainly don't.