Batman does that to. He has a contingency plan for everything. It's not a bad thing to have. I know I sometimes overplan some things and or projects I do just because you never know what might happen.Honestly, most people I know in real life think I'm a very positive person when in fact I'm quite the opposite. My boss even listed my positivity as one of my strengths in my annual review a few months ago. But that's just a front I put on in public because negativity doesn't go over well in society.
It's not so much that I'm a constant downer. I can find joy in things. But I've found that I protect myself emotionally by always preparing for the worst possible outcome. If I expect something good, and it doesn't turn out as good as I hoped I'll always be disappointed. But by expecting the worst, assuming things go better than that, then I can actually be happy with the result. Most people don't realize that's what going on in my head, though, because I try to assure everyone that things will work out even if I don't really believe it.
I guess mine would be that people think I'm just boring. Because a lot of my hobbies are physical so they associate that with 'working' and will always comment with things like do you ever stop working? Gardening = working, antique restoration = working, exercising = working, ect. It does get annoying, but whatever, I guess I can be like them and just scroll on Instagram forever.