6th grade English teacher: apparently has/had pornography on his MySpace/Facebook and looked up a bunch of girls' skirts.
10th grade Biology teacher: He would show us a lot of conspiracy theory videos, including 9/11 videos, reptilian creatures, noises in the sky, elongated heads, Illuminati, etc. Also showed up to school high and/or drunk multiple times.
11th grade Geometry/12th grade Science teacher (same guy): He was annoying, went off topic way too much, obviously didn't take his job seriously, often made fun of students. Also, some of the information he taught us were wrong.
Had this one science teacher in middle school who would constantly teach us the wrong things or get her facts mixed up - we would often have to correct her. She always messed up demonstrations so we never got to see any cool chemical reactions and such :c She wasn't as bad as my math teacher though.
lol i already wrote in this thread but i have another teacher i really disliked
she was my math teacher in seventh grade (and would have been my teacher in 8th and 9th grade too, but they changed the groups and i was one of the few who was moved from her group. i think it is because i clearly disliked her and she hated me back lmao)... there were so many things i didn't like about her !! she wasn't an evil person, and when i didn't have her as a teacher i was okay with her, but as a teacher.. ugh i wanted to just stand up and scream in every single one of her classes.
she would waste so much time every lesson. she would talk about something and take way more time than she needed, and everyone had to listen to her. then we got to work in the books for like 10 minutes (which wasn't enough time to really get into it) and then she would complain that we didn't get enough done, even though we never got the time for it in class.
and she would get angry at people for the smallest things and humiliate them in front of everyone. she would be very condescending and was a firm believer in that she could never be wrong because she was a teacher, lol. one time the fire alarm went off like 10 minute before math class was over and she tried to force everyone to stay in the classroom for another ten minutes so she could finish talking. lol.
and she treated people very differently based on her view of them. thanks to my twin sister and i guess because i was usually a so called "good student" she didn't get very angry with me, but she'd just absolutely lose it if someone she didn't think was a "good student" even dropped their eraser or something.
one time a few people were like 20 minutes late to class because they had had swimming in PE before. i had also had swimming and i was just a few minutes late and she got kind of angry at me for that, but there was no way we could have been any quicker because the place where we had been swimming was kind of far away and we had to stress wayyy too much to get back to school in time. obviously the girls who were 20 minutes late didn't hurry as much as we did, but they didn't deserve to be yelled at for thirty minutes.........
a few weeks later that teacher came 15 minutes late to class and she laughed it off saying that she had forgotten about the class, not even apologizing or saying that it wouldn't happen again...
i used to argue with her a lot and everyone knew i hated her soooo much. like people i didn't speak to would be like "yo you really hate her a ton, high five" because no one really liked her lmao
I went to a religious private school for high school, which wasn't all that great actually. And the chemistry teacher was by far the least religious and most hypocritical teacher there. I swear, she only got a job there 'cause they gave her some kinda house plan. She was so cruel and even stated that she enjoyed being mean. I remember she'd be in the middle of teaching, and once one kid acted out, she'd stop teaching and start implying that EVERYONE in the class was a brainless idiot and just act like she was better than everyone else, and each day I walked out of there feeling worthless and on the brink of tears. I was so depressed and hated going to that class. That teacher would badmouth people (especially former students), and then she'd try to act so godly by saying how she goes to church every week and how she's always witnessing to people. It was all for show, and she really wasn't godly at all.
There was even one time where she was preaching against girls wearing shorts and skirts above the knees and wearing tight jeans and bikinis. Well, guess what? I saw her at the county fair wearing mini shorts. MINI SHORTS waaaaaay above her knees. She looked like she was trying be 17 again. Oh, and another student saw her at the beach wearing a BIKINI, and boy, she must've looked a stripper or something 'cause that kid was extremely disturbed at the sight of her. Such a hypocrite!
She never even took prayer seriously either. She'd start laughing in the middle of praying 'cause the kids were being stupid. And then she'd start bragging about her love life and all the boyfriends she had and how she mooched off guys during her high school years. And then she goes and has a one night stand with a FORMER STUDENT. She's like 30 and this kid was like 18 at the time. And she bragged about it in class, claiming how awkward their date was, but someone overheard her talking to another former student about all the nasty stuff she did with that kid.
Ugh... I hated her. She's so rude and disgusting, and she has a terrible taste in fashion (one point she cut her hair and looked like a freaking boy and now she grew it back and looks like an ugly Barbie doll lmao). Just how does someone as horrible as her get hired in a Christian school? That's what I want to know.
And please don't get me started on the principal...
A teacher I personally had (although I always heard things about other teachers that I'm glad I didn't have) had the most disgusting classroom. He had permission to teach AP Bio for about two years, but absolutely sucked at teaching it in every way possible. Not to mention he was always rude to my class in particular while totally praising the other AP Bio class and "teaching them a little better" (both classes still failed that exam lol). Back to the whole room thing, he loves marine bio and all over his cluttered room would be papers and jars upon JARS of weird creatures or some type of organs. We'd joke about how he'd leave this mess for the next poor sap if he ever left, and sure enough he did leave the school. Good riddance for someone who's more focused on lining their wallet and coaching sports than actually trying to teach.
Mainly this high school P.E teacher I had, she was a general pain in the ass and used collective punishment like all the time and were pretty nonchalant and pretended to care about us and such.
And this social studies teacher I had, she was one of those posh easily offended people who could take nothing lol.
Already mentioned 2 but here's one more:
My chem teacher this past school year started out really cool but over time he kept making us do unnecessary things. For example, in the middle of the school year, he suddenly added that we would need a separate notebook from our notes just so we could write labs. HAND WRITTEN lab reports...he wouldn't accept any typed ones. Every time we played review games for extra credit he would "forget" to add them whenever we (my friend and I) won. He kept talking about how Trump should be president and even argued with some of the students during lunch. He puts down women and even said smt like "Hilary is a woman - she isn't fit to run this country" and other things along those lines. Also,he ate this weird food that smelled like rabbit poop....and I would always have to smell it because I was in the front row.
Our current head of year, and my old P.E teacher....
She literally blames me for the stupidest things
Once she screamed at me for bullying a disabled kid in our class.....The only thing I said to him the whole year was "can you be quiet for once" when he was shouting loudly....I was like "lmao, Miss, I never did anything." and then she just screamed at me some more and went on about how the kid has to go to hospital every couple of months. Like I really don't give a **** and I didn't do anything -________-
Another time where the whole tutor group was acting crazy and making a racket, and the only person who got called outside and told off was me...when I wAS LITERALLY just READING MY BOOK QUIETLY DOING NOTHINGG
She was like: "pfft well if you didn't do anything, who was it?" I told her I didn't know, as I was just reading and didn't realise anyone was being noisy. Then she screamed at me for the 100th time and said it was impossible to be absorbed in a book - ***** what
But yeah, ain't no pedos at our school, just ****ing stupid people I guess
Well my 7th grade english teacher was pretty horrible. She looked a lot like a man though, not going to lie, and she was seriously intimidating.
Uh so everyday she criticized what I wore to school which were usually insults. That's pretty much all she did that bothered me though lol.
My 4th grade Math teacher was an actual hag. One time, she was teaching us about some crap on multiplication lattice tables or something like that, and I accidentally knocked my pencil off my desk and it hit the floor. She got up and started screaming at me that I was disrupting her class with the ruckus I was making with my pencil and then she handed me a detention slip. My parents never signed it though....
My 10th grade Trigonometry teacher. I had her the first semester for honors algebra 2, and idk what changed between semester 1 and 2 but she turned into a real a-hole. I was 2 points from an A & I asked her for months to re-do a test that I missed because I was absent and she just kept pushing it off until it was time for exams, which meant that I had to take her exam because I couldn't exempt out of it......because she never gave me my test.
I had a teacher that always kind of picked on me in the 9th grade. Like a bunch of students would be late for our 7:30 am class but she'd only call me out on it. Or she'd let everyone choose their groups for something and then just assign me to a group without any of my friends in it. So one time my friend made a joke in class and the teacher was convinced that I was laughing at her (not my friend) so she stopped the whole class and tried to kick me out. I told her she was being unfair so she made the class take a vote on whether or not I was being bad. Basically most of the class wouldn't raise their hand to say that I was the problem and then the teacher stormed out of the room crying. When she came back she said she would give us all a huge exam if we told anyone. She still works there.
In middle school I had this psychotic Social Studies teacher. One time a kid asked him if it was time for lunch yet so he tore the clock off the wall and smashed it on the ground... Another time he made everybody stay late because one kid got in trouble. He also personally threw a ball at my face...
Hm....Worst teacher, I don't know, I don't mind mean teacher as long as they know their subject, it's sure that I had teachers with whom I didn't get along at all or didn't get at all, like my English teacher. She made us read magazines and on the exams we had to rewrite exactly what was written in the magazine, that we could keep during the exam...??? She didn't seem to like me for some unknown reasons...perhaps because I slept in her class? (oops) Well I barely pass English class. My P.E. teacher was ...peculiar, she was flirting with boys and most likely hate girls, always screaming too, good thing I was sick that year and missed most of her classes.
Have to agree with most maths teachers I had, either they were bad in general or didn't know their stuff properly. Like bruh you even had proper education for it??
Also my biology/chemistry (mainly) teacher in high school, was a real pain in the butt and really arrogant in general when trying to like speak with us, idek you couldn't make agreements with her for a penny for reals.
my 8th grade year science teacher took my phone away, so I gave it to him with unread messages and it was turned off. when I got my phone back it was turned on and messages were read. he was creepy and gross and I didn't take kindly to the invasion of privacy.