when i was in middle school i had this art teacher. first look shes pretty and all but she was actually a goddamn *****. i wasn't her favorite student and she often yelled at me and i would yell back too and call her names and all. once she was even pregnant i cursed her child lmao. but ya, myy art teacher was a *****. another one was my temporary chemistry teacher. we didnt have any bad blood or something but i couldn't stand her face. all day she was pulling this cold black face like someone offended her.
had an art teacher in 8th grade. she'd get ticked over the smallest things and had this tendency to waste a day of work lecturing us about things that shouldnt even be a big deal, then she'd get even more ticked when students dont finish their art work on time. there was this one time she was so pissed and actually smashed a students art piece. when people walked in to check out what happened, she lied and said it just fell off the table. i dont see how she got away with that despite twenty or so students trying to convince them otherwise.
I think I was lucky to not have any teenagers I didn't like. There was some teachers that I just couldn't understand because of their teaching style. Nothing was creepy about them. There was another teacher in my school though that left his wife for one of his students. He waited until she was of age and graduated. But the student used to babysit his kids, so it makes you wonder if they ever did anything while she was still in high school. Pretty sure they are still together. I would say there is about a 20 year age difference, give or take. The teacher is young looking and good looking, so it doesn't look like they have that much of an age gap.
When I was at school, we had a very creepy maths teacher. Turned out that he was grooming children, ended up in prison.
On a milder note, I had a awful PE teacher. All the PE teachers at my school were pretty vile actually, but this one in particular really loved himself. He took great pleasure in embarrassing the kids who struggled with sports. Really not a nice guy. I've seen him in the years since I left school, always tempted to say something to him whenever I do.
oh my god i just remembered the home economics teacher we had in 5th grade. we did really easy cooking because we were like 10, but i feel so sorry for the older students who had her as well because she was probably a demon.
she was really snobby and snooty and would talk down to people. she screamed for people for no reason. she talked about herself all the time and made herself the victim all the time, if one of her students was being too loud she'd start talking about how sad her life was or something.
once she had spilled something on her white shirt and a boy in my class told her abou it so she could wash it off. lmao she started screaming at him...
and she was supposed to make sure that the kitchen was clean and stuff, but it was so gross. the teacher we had after her complained about how disgusting the kitchen had been. there had been bugs in the flour and stuff.
and she stole candy (not a lot, but still doesn't make a great impression) from a grocery story in front of us...,,,
then she just stopped coming to school. i think they told us she was on sick leave?? but really she was in spain for 2 months ??? lmaoo and she was supposed to come back but she never did. like, we had a teacher with a "temporary" job at our school because the first teacher would come back, but she never came back..... lmao idek that girl was rly weird
In second grade I actually really liked my teacher, but I didn't know she didn't like me until later on. My mom told me that she tried to hold me back because she thought I was under-devoloped and just not smart. Then when I thought about it, I realized she really wasn't so nice!
I had another bad teacher my junior year of high school, he taught english. He was probably the most self absorbed person I had ever met. He always just told stories about himself and how smart he was during class. He tried to act like it was an actual college course too.. He always writes these awful columns that have no meaning to them, as well as high school sports columns that don't explain how the game went at all.
Oh, last bad teacher was another english teacher I had in college through an online class. She asked us to do reading journals based on our opinions of readings and how we felt about them. She gave me a C on my journal because my observations were too presumptuous and there was no way to form an opinion like that.. Our subject matter was short stories and the genre was Mystery. How can you been too presumptuous on an opinion about a mystery??? She had other bad grading moments by that was probably the most ridiculous to me.
I had a teacher that judged me based from my parents being from a different country. Then I had a teacher who threatened to come to my house and take a video game I was talking to my friends about when we were lining up. Also had a teacher who only complained about my mistakes and no one else. A teacher confiscated my private notebook just because I didn't finish my work in time and never gave it back. Pretty sure I also had a teacher that took my hat when I was outside and only gave it back at the end of the day.
My first grade teacher was probably the worst ever for me.
For some bizarre reason, she hated me and didn't even try to hide it. I was convinced she was a witch since she looked exactly like those witches you see in fairy-tales. At the time, I was still learning English and she couldn't stand me. I was a well behaved kid and didn't talk very much. At first she started with giving me dirty looks and it eventually spiraled to yelling at me in class, gave me zeros no matter how much work I did for homework/classwork. She slammed on my desk every chance she got. It got to the point where she would intentionally sit me away from the class at lunch and left me behind until the lunch ladies noticed me sitting by myself and brought me back to class. This was something that happened a lot. On my progress reports and report cards, she stated I should repeat the grade. I would cry every day after school and my parents noticed something was severely wrong. My parents complained about her but no one was convinced since we were the only ones complaining. My ESL teacher knew she was full of crap and helped translate our complaints to the school superintendent. They refused to fire her so I had to switch schools.
My new school was the complete opposite experience and no surprise I had excellent grades. Eventually, I heard rumors that all the other parents started to complain about her because her new target was a white girl. Those complaints led her to being fired. Go figure.
My 6th grade math/science teacher was awful. A horrible introduction to middle school. I had to spend half the day with her, she would often be rude or condescending for no reason which wasn't great for kids who were just, you know, at a weird point in their lives. Thankfully a new teacher came in a few months into the year and he was the 6th grade science teacher so we didn't have to spend as much time with her. This science teacher was better, but he's a whole different story.
So this math teacher was just teaching us the most complicated ways to do 6th grade algebra, would publicly shame/embarrass us if we didn't understand and asked questions or went up to the board when she randomly called on us and got the problem wrong. My sister's boyfriend at the time was a math major and he would help me with my homework every night and show me simple ways to do these problems, which were actually pretty simple, her way of teaching was just awful.
This was around December, our mid-term exams were coming up and I remember showing people before class the ways my sister's boyfriend taught me how to do problems because it was easier. My teacher asked me to speak with her after class and I said okay. She basically yelled at me in front of a few straggling kids who were still getting their stuff together after the bell rang, all because I was helping my peers understand the homework better. I went home in tears that day.
Around Valentine's day we had to do group projects where we would pick and interesting math topic and teach the class. It had to be Valentine's day related, or at least like presented in a Valentine's day way. Half the class presented, and then the next day we all sighed in relief because she wasn't there so we got an extra day to prepare. But her absence went on for a week. Then two weeks. Then a month. We had a stand in teacher, he was almost as bad as she was. We hated him, but then we got another stand in teacher who was amazing. He was in his mid-twenties (seemed old to a bunch of 12 year olds) and would bring his guitar to class and make up math songs for us. He reminded me a lot of Mr. Schneebly from School of Rock. I live in a small town and he works at the mall now, I see him every time I go there and I always (jokingly) ask if he remembers me and of course he does.
I have no idea what happened to my original teacher. She was just gone. It was insane.
I remember when I was in 1st grade, we had this awful substitute for a day. He was really stern the moment he came in and yelled at everyone to be quiet even though it wasn't that rowdy to begin with. Its hard to remember the full details since it happened as a little kid. But I think we were on a little break or study hall or something. And so I walked up to him to ask a question. Because its so quiet and I don't want to disturb other students as I'm in the back of the room.
I thought he seems really grumpy, I should draw a picture of him to make him smile. But I'll keep it a surprise. So I just asked him "What's your favorite color?"
And he just said so STERN "I don't have a favorite color." So obviously as a sensitive 6 year old I'm like ... okay..
I walk back to my desk and I draw him anyway, and when I finish, I gave it to him and he just CRUMPLED IT UP and threw it away.
I didn't want to get in trouble so I just walked back to my desk and prayed to god we wouldn't have this substitute ever again. That was the weirdest experience of my life for a teacher. I wonder how long he kept his career if he hates kids so much.
My Financial Literacy teacher was old and senile, she would always yell at me for drinking water or Gatorade in her class even though I had multiple doctors' notes that she made me show her on a weekly basis every time she saw me, it was so embarrassing being called out in the middle of her teaching just to show her some stupid note she had seen multiple times prior.
I don't think i'll ever forget that my choir teacher would yell curse words at us when she got too frustrated at her mistakes. The worse part is, we were in 4th grade. She still teaches at that school and I feel bad for whoever has her now.
One of the teachers at my school was rumoured to be engaging in sexual activity with this 9 year old student... But that might of just been a rumour .-.
My Mandarin teacher at my university. He belittled Cantonese speakers, talked badly about students from another university, and was just plain rude and unprofessional. Dropped his class because I was so close to telling him off.
Also, I had a teacher in first grade who was absolutely horrible to me and a couple other students in that class. She would always try to pull my teeth out (they were just baby teeth, but you still shouldn't force them out). She would try to pull them out almost everyday. I lost two teeth in one day because of this...witch. It would make me cry when she did this. I always felt like a dental patient in that class. She also threatened to cut my tongue off with butcher knife once.
my 5th grade teacher. she wasnt as bad as some of the other teachers ive read about here, and she only wanted the best for her students, but she had a very hostile approach towards us, and yelled a lot
Back in 5th grade Primary School I had this substitute teacher and like right when she walked in she told us her name which was pretty similar to TNT so she was all like if you guys mess with me, I will explode like a bomb. She obviously did not enjoy her day with us, she called the whole class a bunch of feral kids, she took us outside to play and stuff and this one girl bounced a ball and it was kind of dirty and it kind of hit her and she called that student a jack ass and a filthy pig.
Probably this old film studies guy I had in one class about early film history I think?? He just went on and on about his stuff for ages and then asked "any thoughts???" like five times. well, no all you do is standing there and blab like a senior robot. like no one obviously got a **** so...
my freshman year spanish teacher. she had no idea how to do any of the cirriculum and would constantly yell at us for the stupidest things. not even kidding, someone sneezed and she gave them a detention because it was "too distracting to the class"
also she taught us our first irregular conjugation in the last 5 minutes of class and tested us about it the next day
it was pretty bad.