What's one of the worst teachers you ever had?

my 8th grade year science teacher took my phone away, so I gave it to him with unread messages and it was turned off. when I got my phone back it was turned on and messages were read. he was creepy and gross and I didn't take kindly to the invasion of privacy.

ewwww that's just creepy, they have no reason to do that :/

also in like.. 7th-9th grade or stuff we had this assistant teacher for one of my blind class mates who was a real hag, she would literally call another one of my mate's parents and scold them, she got a good one back though.
heh, one of my teachers from last year actually. whenever she looked in my direction she would have that blazing hatred in her eyes, you know what i mean? she tried everything to take points off of my grade and got annoyed with me at practically every turn, even though i was already having trouble fitting in with the new environment. she would always be very sweet with basically everyone else aside from me. in the beginning she liked me but she started to hate me halfway through her first month of first joining our school. she replaced a sweeter teacher and i was very mad about it.
i also thought we would get along because we both came from the same state, both had similar interests, but nah.

she also tattled on something i did -- a 'mistake' in class (aka me not understanding a question on our test lol?) she was very childish about everything as well. i didn't want to hate her but the way she treated me really got under my skin, and i hated that i couldnt let her have it because she's a 'figure of authority' who has clear favoritism over students.

like at my school we have the option where if your grade is high enough you can be exempt from the finals. around christmas break i was gonna be exempt from her garbage class by one point, i did 5-6 essays as extra credit (this isn't even a joke lol) and she still wouldn't exempt me, but she literally exempted someone who had their essays written FOR THEM, and were WAY shorter than mine were. but i got a 98 on that final. she must've been so mad about it lol.

she got fired though and it was the happiest moment of the schoolyear, knowing i could go to class without seeing her eyes staring me down with pure hatred. she was infamous for being rude in the school at that point, and when her other classes were acting unusual they decided to fire her. AYYY
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My 5th grade English teacher was probably the worst. My 5th grade teacher didn't change my grade for the project I got a C on. She said I would get a B that would raise my grade to an A in my class, but she didn't bother changed the grade. She ruined my dream of getting an A in all of my classes as the final grade all year :mad:.

Perhaps there was a reason for this?

I strongly disliked my French teacher as he would almost always choose me to answer his questions; I couldn't respond to them because I never paid any attention to his lessons. It would always be the case of "You're staying back at lunch," which would aggravate me immensely. We also had no choice but to read out of textbooks and I used to dread reading out to the class, I could never pronounce the French words correctly. That's one thing I don't miss, that's for sure! :D
Probably my 5th grade teacher. She hated me for LITERALLY no reason.

I've always been a good kid in school, and every teacher other than her agrees with me. I was always very respectful and kept to myself because I was so shy. But this woman just did NOT like me. She was always lovey-dovey goo goo with every other girl in school, but when it came to me, she couldn't care less. My parents and I think it may have been because I was (and am) a big girl. I was the only overweight girl in school at the time, and this teach also used to be a police officer and was strict on fitness.

She'd purposely call on me to read aloud when she knew how shy I was, and when I messed up she'd sigh loudly. She'd refuse to allow me to use the restroom or go to the nurse's office when I needed to, or when she did she'd say "You have two minutes. Any more than that and you're going to the detention room." (The restroom was at least a minute away, and who can pee AND wash up in 60 seconds?) and she'd always gyp me on grades for the tiniest things.
Ah, so many. I would have to say my 10th grade geometry teacher. She blatantly admitted that she became a teacher to get back at the peers who bullied her when she went to the school by bullying their kids.

There was one time where we had a test that made up 20% of our grade. Which is an insane amount, considering it wasn't an exam. But I had the flu, and was told by doctor to stay home, as illnesses like the flu are super dangerous to kids with asthma. My doctor faxed over a note to my school letting them know I would be out for at least a week. When I got back, I asked this math teacher if I could make up the test during class while other students took notes on the lesson. I was so far behind in school work that I wouldn't be able to follow along anyway. She said no, I would have to come after class. I told her I have a special needs sister I have to watch after school. She told me to bring my sister with me. I told her that I was 15 and didn't have a car, and my sister would have a meltdown in a new environment that broke her routine and didn't stimulate her properly.

So I got a 0 on the test that made up 20% of my grade because I couldn't find a way to drag my sister back to school with me. I got a D- in the class, passing by just the bare minimum.

Also, my 8th grade social studies teacher was arrested for having 100GB of child porn stored in his home. But he was actually the best teacher I ever had, so....
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The worst ones I've had are Mrs. Raper and one teacher whose last name started with O. Mrs. Raper would always praise the special kids and force me to be nice to them and feed me lies and propaganda about them, and the O teacher turned everyone into zombies one day.
The worst ones I've had are Mrs. Raper and one teacher whose last name started with O. Mrs. Raper would always praise the special kids and force me to be nice to them and feed me lies and propaganda about them, and the O teacher turned everyone into zombies one day.

that's not her actual name, right.....
all throughout my high school and first year and second year of college my pe teacher(s) was very mentally abusive
Wow some of the teachers you guys have had are incredibly bad, like comically bad.

The worst teacher I've had was just this hipster looking geometry teacher who was bad at teaching the stuff he needed to and at the start of the period had no idea what he was teaching in the first place, so he'd just stand there trying to teach himself. I've also had a bunch of overly strict teachers that were annoying, but that's it really.
i once had a teacher in 5th grade that told the class to "shut our big mouths" and that "our handwriting is as ugly as our faces" we were ELEVEN lmao
I had a substitute teacher for my drama class, and he was terrible. He acted like he owned the place, kicking his feet up on the desk, and when he was calling role, he didn't bother pronouncing some of the students names, just spelling them out, including mine. He was in his 80's, so that was pretty understandable. In an earlier period the students asked him where our drama teacher went, and the sub replied, "He's recovering his sanity".
in grade 3 i had teacher who gave me AFTER SCHOOL DETENTION because me and this boy were arguing with eachother and the teacher got annoyed I don't know if we hit eachother I don't even remember what we fought about but that was the worst like ISNT THAT ILLEGAL I WAS A KID
My Year 8 Textiles teacher was absolutely horrid. She accused me and a friend of stealing stuffing when we cut up an old toy I didn't like so we didn't have to use the school's resources for these cushions we were making. I hated her so much that I stole some bits of red and green fabric that looked good, it's not my proudest moment but I never got caught and it felt good to get back at her.

We also had this god awful French teacher in Year 8 and a part of Year 9. She gave half the class detention for not 'covering' our books (like some sort of protection or something), it was such a petty reason that I didn't go- my old best friend and I just walked home after history that afternoon when school finished. Stupid woman forgot about the detention anyway. Then she got replaced with someone who could not teach nor control the class. We hardly did work and there was one time when she wouldn't let the class out for lunch but then everyone barged past her and out of the door, another teacher noticed and most of the class got way- myself and a friend included- while I think three boys got caught and trudged back into the classroom, that was funny!

And for a short time in Year 10, coming up to the end of the year we had two substitute teachers, one was alright, sometimes we couldn't understand her but her accent was pretty heavy. The other teacher however was something, if I could I'd be calling her names left, right and centre but they're a bit too colourful for this site. Her voice sounded like it went through a grater or something, and it was nasally. She couldn't teach to save her life and things got real when everyone could tell that myself, the most introverted student in the class, hated her guts so there were warning signs that I could have an anger outburst because of this. But I didn't, I just stuck to doodling in my book after finishing whatever work was given and shooting her glares whenever she was being a douche and she needed to shut up.

Honestly, if I were at my old secondary school as how I am now I think the teachers that I'd possibly hate there now would be shaking in their boots because I'm pretty sure I would make it known that they're on my **** list.
I'm happy to say it was very difficult to think of even one bad teacher ... I suppose I would have to say my Junior High first year French teacher ... A cranky old fusspot named Mr. Vogee ... We played a lot of pranks on him ... One of them quite funny ... We filled the metal trash can beside his desk 3/4 full of water and then piled up crumpled paper to the top ... It was his habit to stomp it down with one leg ... The prank came off as planned and we all laughed hysterically when the announcement was made that Mr. Vogge had to go home because his pants were wet! Ah! Childish immaturity :rolleyes:
I've never had a super terrible teacher, being mostly homeschooled, but I had one teacher who was pretty strict and aggressive (although never really towards me since I didn't talk in class or anything), and I had another teacher lecture me about having not read a book chapter despite having just moved AND having a horrible cold, which I felt was unnecessary.
My high school history teacher, had him for like 4 classes and he was my program coordinator. If I hate anyone in the world it would be him. He wasn't mean but he was so inept, literally never taught and was so overwhelmed by his job that he just shut down and did diddly squat for us even though we were relying on him. . . I distinctively remember one class where he sat on his computer ignoring us for 75% of the time, then finally got up and started yelling at us about how we were so far behind, we were all screwed for our exam, we were never going to pass, ect ect. As if this was our fault. Turns out that for the material he was supposed to cover with us, he covered about maybe 20% of it. I taught the rest of it to myself from wikipedia. Wikipedia is 1000% a better teacher than this fool.

But on top of that, we relied on him for other things. For example he ruined my art exhibition because he butt in and had the Jazz Band play during our show... we talking to him before about it, he promised they would play softly. Okay fine. He's a complete liar, didn't give a rat's ass about our concerns, and the jazz band played so loudly (in a small area) you couldn't hear yourself think. My mom went and invited my aunts to this thing too, because it was supposed to be our big day, and I was so embarrassed by the state of things. One of the worst nights of my life.

One last example, he was supposed to be my mentor for this extended essay thing that we were supposed to be writing over the course of two years. I did mine pretty early, repeatedly sent drafts to him, and he never read them or gave me feedback. I struggled over email for months trying to figure out what was wrong. . . turned out that he wanted it in pdf format and I was sending it in word. But he never just said this, not for months. Eventually he told me in person and yelled at me that I was stupid for not knowing to put it in pdf, even though it was just a rough draft. Then he finally read my essay and told me it was crap, I was going to fail it, and it was too late for me to do anything about. . . I did pass, with like a C, but it was so frustrating, I worked so hard on this damn essay and was really passionate about my topic, but with zero feedback and zero guidance, I just wasn't doing what I was supposed to do.

Worst man ever, gave me depression.
For me, it was my Graphic Communications teacher: Mr. Campbell.
He just hated me for some reason - even though, I did the work he asked for - still hated me.

He just shouted at people in his class for no reason.
Though, thankfully I have discontinued Graphic Communications - as it was too hard for me - and the teacher was just not a nice guy.
In high school I had a homeroom teacher who would throw things at students and shout "think fast!". He threw an empty binder at me once. Another professor in my college would constantly pick on the asians in our class. Honestly my school years are a blur tho. I didn't interact with teachers that pissed me off and I have more good impressions of my professors than bad.
Ooh, Lord....

I had this teacher, if I remember correctly, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. I had her for a few of my "non-general education" classes, which to my understanding, are also called "specials". In 2nd and 3rd grade, I had her for Health and in the 4th Grade, I had her P.E. She would get mad at me for no reason. Especially when she went to be a PE teacher when I was in the 4th grade.

One thing she got mad at me for was drinking out of the water fountain. We drink out of the water fountain in the gym after we finish our activity, so when we do it again when we get into the main part of the building, she gets REALLY MAD. I learned on my own. By making a simple mistake nine years ago. Why it was such a crime remains to be known...

Another thing she got mad at me for was for something I didn't even do. I had a ball close to my face. Then I looked at her and she did the "come here" gesture with her finger so I go up to her and she gets mad FOR SOMETHING I DIDN'T EVEN DOOOO!!
Scared to back myself up, I just decided to deal with her and the assistant principal's crap for no reason.
A close runner-up is a teacher I had 9th grade and 12th grade. I had her for Professional Communications as a freshmen and for Agriculture Business and Floral Design as a senior (just this passed school year). She wasn't a very pleasant women, either.
As a 9th AND 12th grader, she would get mad and frustrated at me for LITTLE things. She almost made me cry a couple times. Heck, even MY BROTHER admitted that he didn't like her!

This good news is that I'm done with school (unless you wanna count college, which I haven't started quite yet), so I don't haven to deal with these teachers anymore!

It takes patience to be a teacher. Whether you want to be a per-school teacher or a high school teacher, it takes patience and devotion. And nowadays, there seems to be many teachers that are impatient and that get annoyed with kids easily. There are so many loving people our there who want to be teachers. And I thing the teachers that seemingly hate there job should give the position to those people.
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