What's one thing you like about yourself?

Although it's more of a love-hate relationship, I'm happy that I feel things deeply. I'm driven to help others and try to make things better for everyone, I empathize with others and understand what's happening to them, and I make decisions by a sense of right and wrong instead of how it would benefit me.
Unfortunately, it sets me up for disaster, as others can take advantage of my tendency to help others and will call me childish or gullible. I do want to believe in the good in everyone, but I'm also ruled by a sense of vengeance when I see injustices (in which case, my temper gets the better of me, and I don't get anything done). I have trouble when people do things for reasons i don't understand (like hurting others or killing), and my emotions will overwhelm me, even when faced with fictional situations.

Well, as the saying goes: I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all.
I'm sincere and honest thanks to my emotions, and I'll always try to do the right thing.
Physically, I've always liked my eyes and their colour. Emotionally, I like that I don't get bored easily. I'm almost always thinking, imagining or analysing something, so I very rarely get bored.
I'm driven.

If I want something bad enough I'll wade through crocodile infested waters to get it.
I really like that I can be a state of contentment--without external validation. I am, fortunately, just as content being alone, or surrounded by other people.