What's the best part(s) of your culture?


✨ Got Ring?
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
What are the best part(s) of your culture? Whether that be where you currently live or where you are from.

Share some great things your culture does! :)
Do you mean ethnically orr...?
as for locally - i'd say I love southern cooking (but not soul food)
I think I'll stick with my first statement :D
For where I used to live I guess the corn festivals were alright. Not my cup of tea but it was nice to live in a town where almost everyone got together for a big picnic like that.

Where I currently live I guess I like the laid back nature of everything. Pot is legal here and, not that everyone does it, it seems pretty clear people around here are very chill in general.

I'm going with geek/gaming culture, too. I think it's great that a lot of people can just be excited with each other over a common interest
At least in my experience gamers can very quickly bond with each other once they find someone else who admits their interest.
I don't really consider a part of my culture to be where I live (ABC) but I love how diverse the community is! We have a whole variety of good food as a result.
i live in alabama and everyone here is really angry and we have no lips
good food though
Anime. Pocky. Ninjas.

My culture made all the cool stuff. Sorry we didn't leave any for the rest of you.
Double post
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I like how the wedding dresses in my culture (Vietnamese) have pants, whereas in most other cultures they simply wear a dress. I also enjoy the butter-filled land that is southern-style food, which we usually make a lot of since I am in Florida.
We kiwis are known for being very kind and casual ^-^ (atleast that's what I hear anyways!)
I'm Filipino and I love the food (mostly). I wasn't completely raised in my culture so unfortunately, I haven't truly experienced it :(
I have made more than a few international friends in the past few years. It made me realize as an American, I really appreciate how being direct and not beating around the bush can and is often more polite/appreciated than avoiding confrontation
I don't think America has a culture. Oh wait I remembered!


Ahhh... god bless America.
I much prefer how the British and Australians aren't typically lovey dovey with one another as Americans seem to be. I had an American boyfriend once, went to visit him, and it actually caused rows because I wasn't used to it and felt threatened by his family. Part of that was definitely the culture difference, part of it was me being a very insecure person, but part of it was also him. I mean, just hours before my flight home to the other side of the world, he chose to play games with his brother (whom he sees regularly) over me, and we had no idea when we could be together again, so what does that say.

I'm now married to an Australian who is the complete opposite in that way, and that's how everyone else here seems to be, which suits me so much better. It's not that families don't love one another here, they just show it differently. My American ex was like 'I LOVE YOU' to his brother when he just left the freaking room, whereas me and my brothers' way of bonding is slagging each other off LOL.