Last time I watched a movie was at home on Christmas. My family and I watched Christmas specials like How the Grinch stole Christmas, Rudolf the red nose reindeer, Charlie Brown, and Scrooged
in theaters: star wars for the 2nd time. that doesn't count imo since I've seen it before; I saw Joy a couple days before that, I liked it a lot. I've been watching so many movies lately
but besides theaters I saw the first half of The Martian for the 2nd time, since my bf hasn't seen it, but then we had to leave so he still hasn't watched it smh. as u might guess I'm a person that doesn't mind rewatching movies
a swedish short(or tv-film i assume due to the production/time/content), one of the guys who the director was a guest at one of our lectures so it was interesting to see ^^
i think the title would roughly translate to "Berlin - divided city" or something and itwas from 1971 which is all i could find lol
yeaaa so so good and yes i'm aware i've seen it 4 times now lol. but i wanted to see the english version bc my teacher rec'd it. i think i prefer the swedish tho
really interesting documentary about the oil business in sudan/ethiopia and how they are indirectly and directly involved in the civil wars and the ethnic cleansing
Ehh, alright film. I mean the photography was really good and how can you not like Faye Dunaway and Jack Nicholson... But I think the story was really bland, also the whole "neo noir meets 70s themes/aesthetics".. no