What's the last movie you've seen?

Bridge of Spies by Steven Spielberg. Overall an excellent movie though it took a lot of liberties with the actual history. Never claimed to be based on RL events, just inspired by it so I'll give it a pass. Tom Hanks is getting old but he's still got it.
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Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

Mhhhm, good stuff, kinda wish it was a bit longer though.. typical fastforward stuff imo but still I love the tacky 80s setting and Jared Leto is ****ing awesome.
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Beautiful Creatures

It wasn't my favorite movie by any means, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
In theaters or just the last one? If in theaters it was Hobbit 3 (LOL that was long time ago) Victor Frankenstein for movies and Empire of Corpses for animated movie.
The last one was Deadpool . Pretty cool , it's even better when you wtach with friends lol . Like me :lemon:
I watched half of Avatar a couple of nights ago (fell asleep), but the last film I finished was Goodfellas.

I thought it was going to be all silly but sht good serious real quick. Kudos to Disney for that message.
i saw hail, caesar today, it was good, i felt like some references went over my head
Rosemary's Baby (1968)

classic indeed but yes I liked it.. I love the mid-late 60s-70s aesthetic man
Iron Man 3. Hadn't seen it before because it didn't look very interesting to me. Ended up being okay. I think they have done everything they could with Iron Man's character, I don't blame Robert Downey Jr. for wanting to get out of the role.