Holy lady pumpkinlord with three legs, this was just so awesome. A close 2nd favorite film I'd say.. or my new favorite.. Can't really say if it beats Diary of a Shinjuku Thief here.
Mockingjay Part 1 with my friend yesterday. Unpopular opinion but I liked it but that ending...and I saw Big Hero 6 like 2-3 weeks ago on the day after it came out! ^^ I really want to see it again but I loved it! It was a great movie and I like it better than Frozen and Tangled combined to be honest. I hope more films like that come out in the Disney future! xD
The Godfather. It was my first time watching it and it' a good movie, but it's so long that I can't help but check my phone while watching, missed some parts as a result e_e I need to read the novel too
Last night there was a jurassic park marathon showing all three. I never saw the second one before last night, I watched the first one and then the second. But I only watched a few minutes of the third one before I remembered I don't reeally like number 3.