What's the last movie you've seen?

That one came on first but I didn't get to it until about halfway through the movie so that was a bummer :(

That's unfortunate!:( Hopefully they play' em again soon!

In any case, just finished Labyrinth! Anyone who's a fan of Jim Henson NEEDS to watch this movie! 'Tis a classic! Also, Dark Crystal.;)
Jurassic Park, the first and original movie of the series, on Netflix just this afternoon.
incredibles 2 in the theater with my friends! i think it was a good sequel but i feel like syndrome was a better villain hehe
last movie i saw in theaters was the Incredibles 2 and it was great! last movie i watched at home was Lucy i think and it was alright i guess, kind of a rip off of limitless but not as good tbh
In theaters: Incredibles 2. It was great! I loved it.

At home: The Princess and the Frog. It was pretty cute. :)
I'm watching Toy Story rn. On my old video tape too, so it's got all those awesome mid-90s advertisements :p
Re watched the new deadpool(2) movie last night. Deadpool is extremely funny and always give me a good laugh !
Just saw Ant Man and The Wasp with my best friend IRL today. It was great! There were lots of great humor bits that just added to the awesomeness of the movie. I dare say it was even better than Ant Man. :D