What's the last movie you've seen?

The Grand Budapest Hotel. It's a fun, humorous movie with really nice cinematography and an absolutely great performance by Ralph Fiennes. Maybe it's because I'm not too familiar with Wes Anderson's other films (I've only seen The Royal Tenenbaums) but I'm surprised how good it was. I love how colorful it is too
The Grand Budapest Hotel. It's a fun, humorous movie with really nice cinematography and an absolutely great performance by Ralph Fiennes. Maybe it's because I'm not too familiar with Wes Anderson's other films (I've only seen The Royal Tenenbaums) but I'm surprised how good it was. I love how colorful it is too

you should watch fantastic mr fox, it has a semi-similar vibe to grand budapest hotel imo :)
The latest movie I saw was The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1. There were a few other movie I wanted to see, but my parents weren't up for it apparently.
you should watch fantastic mr fox, it has a semi-similar vibe to grand budapest hotel imo :)

Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out. :D Do you happen to know if it's on Netflix? That's where I tend to watch most of my movies nowadays.
into the woods ;;; and the songs are stuck in my head even tho idk the lyrics? ?
Charlie Brown's Christmas.

Damn good holiday movie and a holiday ritual to begin the holiday season. This movie pretty much sets up xmas for me llol
Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Before Midnight

A wonderful romantic trilogy. Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy have amazing chemistry! I hope one day I'll be able to find someone who can stimulate me physically, emotionally, and intellectually all at once <3
At movies: The last hobbit movie //sobs into blanket

Home: re-watched 'I am number 4' with my friend who's never seen it before lolol
Saw A Most Violent Year in theaters, and I'm currently watching my very favorite movie: Who Framed Roger Rabbit? :3