What's the last movie you've seen?

I liked it a lot! It's got a decent who done it plot, gives a nice throwback to the 90's, and Liam Neeson always plays his role great. I haven't read the book it's based off of, so I can't tell you how close it matches.

Ahh I hear that the book is supposed to be much more brutal than the movie is. I honestly went for Liam Neeson because he always does good with this type of roll, but ended up liking the story as well! Did you hear that there's going to be a Taken 3?
Ahh I hear that the book is supposed to be much more brutal than the movie is. I honestly went for Liam Neeson because he always does good with this type of roll, but ended up liking the story as well! Did you hear that there's going to be a Taken 3?

Oh, yeah, that's probably true, books can get into the nitty gritty details more. Yes to Liam Neeson. <3

I have! I liked the first Taken a lot, but I thought the second one was silly. I really like him though, regardless of whatever film he's in.
Oh, yeah, that's probably true, books can get into the nitty gritty details more. Yes to Liam Neeson. <3

I have! I liked the first Taken a lot, but I thought the second one was silly. I really like him though, regardless of whatever film he's in.

Oh wow I spelled 'role' the wrong way. It's too early in the morning here.
I share the same sentiments on the Taken movies. And what other family members are there for people to take from him? You'd think they'd learn their lesson by now. Nonetheless I'll still end up seeing it if only for Liam.

Side note. It took me forever to find out that he did Aslan's voice from the Chronicles of Narnia movies.
Oh wow I spelled 'role' the wrong way. It's too early in the morning here.
I share the same sentiments on the Taken movies. And what other family members are there for people to take from him? You'd think they'd learn their lesson by now. Nonetheless I'll still end up seeing it if only for Liam.

Side note. It took me forever to find out that he did Aslan's voice from the Chronicles of Narnia movies.

Oh same, I had no idea he did Aslan either, for a really long time! Haha, always liked Aslan though, so my subconscious must've known it was Liam Neeson all along. He's also in the Lego Movie too! :D
Oh same, I had no idea he did Aslan either, for a really long time! Haha, always liked Aslan though, so my subconscious must've known it was Liam Neeson all along. He's also in the Lego Movie too! :D

If anyone has the right voice for a lion, it's Liam.
Also his role in the Lego Movie has to be my favorite thing he's done to be honest xD
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

Would recommend.
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The last movie I saw in theaters was If I Stay. Unpopular opinion time: it was just as awful as the book.

The last movie I watched at home was Frozen (for the billionth time!) with my little brother. :)
Birds (1963), I really enjoyed it. I have 20 DVDs of Hitchock's movies and I only saw two (shame on me), so I will be sure to watch the rest during the upcoming days!

- - - Post Merge - - -

The last movie I saw in theaters was If I Stay. Unpopular opinion time: it was just as awful as the book.

Didn't read the book but I found the movie terrible...
Secret Window

- - - Post Merge - - -

The Human Centipede 2
I would not recommend even if you liked the first film. Like halfway through, there's just a bunch of groaning and squishing. **** if I didn't get a headache. Only reason I can think you'd want to watch it is so you can tell all your friends about this gross ass movie and how you "didn't even get scared, dude".
The references to the first movie were cool, like Martin trying to get Ashlynn Yennie (actress who played Jenny) to be in his giant human centipede.

I've seen the first one. I don't plan on watching it again. Horrible film!
Delphine, do yourself a favor and stay far away from the book. Believe it or not, it's a little bit worse than the movie.
Norte, The End of History

Wow, just wow. This was really amazing and did not feel over 4 hours... Def. wanna see more Diaz films if I can!