What's the last movie you've seen?

There was a small mix up in movies, so the last one I watched in theaters was Inside Out on friday.
It was a decent movie. There were parts that I liked while other parts I found a bit childish and predictable. I almost teared up towards the end. Almost.
Just watched Bunhongsin.

See these ratings here?


This is what I think of them.


I have been disappointed with some of the recent movies that came out, but this one... This one kept me on the edge of my seat for so much of the movie. It's creative, suspenseful, and has some funny moments throughout the film. I'm going to see Inside Out next because I love animated movies and I heard it was good.
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I was really bored a couple days back so I watched The Road to El Dorado. A bit old, but pretty funny, though I did catch some things that I didn't when I was little to that was interesting X'D
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I have been disappointed with some of the recent movies that came out, but this one... This one kept me on the edge of my seat for so much of the movie. It's creative, suspenseful, and has some funny moments throughout the film.

I totally agree! I just saw it last night (again) in theaters. I got a good laugh at my friend, she was like at the end of my seat and I had to hold her hand at some parts.

I was just telling her it's been a very long time since I saw a movie that left me on the edge of my seat. The amount of suspense was good, where they didn't drag the suspenseful parts on and on. I didn't find any moments where I was thinking "Cmon and get on with the story." There was some parts that I thought were very cheesy, but it wasn't as nearly as bad as some other movies I have seen recently.
Inside Out. It was pretty cute, and it had amazing visuals, but it wasn't an instant favorite. Still worth seeing, though!