What’s the worst thing people can do?

One no one has mentioned here, but excluding others. People can cause so much pain to others by excluding them based on what they look like and what they like. I don’t think I need to explain that any further.
Aside from what others have mentioned, I think building up someone’s trust and betraying them is the worst.
Besides the obvious ones (or what I hope are obvious, rape & sexual harassment, pedo, intended murder, abuse to people or animals, discrimination, hate crimes, ect...) spreading private or sensitive information about someone because they couldn't be a decent human being and couldn't keep their feelings in check. This doesn't even have to be as drastic as doxxing or somethin like that, but spreading someone's personal stuff that they trusted to you alone, like feelings or experiences.

This is one very big reason I couldn't see myself truly being with another person, like a life partner, cause if there was a nasty break up, or even if they are just salty, I can't trust them to not spread those things. So I'd never say them, which in one aspect yes it is none of their business but also two it could be a hindrance and you're not being open to your partner.
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In my opinion, I’m going with treachery (also known as betrayal). It’s fine if you have to leave your family or state (or country) to fulfill your dreams or live in an optimal location. It’s also fine to break from your family or friends if they’re the ones doing something evil. But to abandon your family or support your homeland’s enemies for your self-interests is the lowest thing you can do. Sacrificing your family, friends, or your nation to get what you want is very immoral, and dangerous.
There's a difference between a people and a nation. Nations are abstract and arbitrary inventions. No one has any obligation to be "loyal" to theirs. What we call a nation's interests is really the interests of the ruling elite that more often than not see the citizens as livestock or an expendable resource that they can use and abuse if it's more profitable or advantageous. I can't believe you think "supporting your homeland's enemies" is worse than rape or murder.
Probably murdering or raping someone. Especially if it's animals or kids, but I think it's equal if it's an adult too since it still leaves trauma in any case. I really wish these things didn't exist =[
Being discriminatory is also horrible whether it's sexual orientation, race, etc.
But I think basically any malicious thing that hurts another is equally bad.
basically, the way i see it, the things we tend to deem 'evil' is anything that violate's someone else's consent - murder and rape being the most obvious; but it extends to less intense things too, like verbal harrassment. anything that takes someone else's ability to consent to a thing happening to them. so, the violation of consent, in any of its forms, is the worst thing someone could do.
Punting a dog in halfway across a football field in front of millions of people.
Almost forgot that people who don’t stick by their friends are trash (unless their friends are just terrible people, then nevermind).
There is a lot of things, but the first thing that came to my mind is animal abuse. There are for sure tons of other awful things, like rape, pedophilia, etc. but well, that was the first thing in my mind. I watch a lot of "The Dodo" videos and I can not believe the things that people are doing to animals. I am really glad that I am able to give at least a few animals a save home and feel loved :)