What's your biggest regret?

There are a couple things that dwell on me often that I sometimes really wish would've never happened, but even if I had a chance I don't know that I'd go back and change them. I think the one thing I do regret about myself is how scared I've been of getting close to people. I always fear rejection or getting too attached or something so I tend to distance myself when I start making friends, and I wish I would've learned how to stop doing that sooner (or at all I guess since I still struggle with it) because it's made me feel very isolated.
Becoming friends with people.

They just cause a ton of issues with me.
First it was Kindergarten, where everyone would make fun of me because of my fear of heights (never really stopped), and they would play with me for a week but then told me I couldn't play with them anymore for no reason and just be really restrictive of what I could do while playing with them.
The first friend group i ever had consisted of me and 3 other people. One of them was very toxic towards me and bullied me quite a lot when I had done nothing wrong. Eventually the 2 other girls sided with her and continued being her friends and just told me over video chat that they were taking a break from me, but not the toxic girl.

Now I don't really trust anyone, I really dislike people, and I just overall hate myself. But for some reason it's easier if i'm on the internet, but still extremely cautious.

Looking back now, I didn't know what was even going on. I was just a really innocent kid who could be told anything right until that toxic friend group I had. All of the experiences i've had with people make me hate the fact that everyone I meet have just been so toxic or drive me insane every day, and I just want to be apart of something but it makes it so difficult because i'm extremely shy now.
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Visiting my ex-boyfriend in a mental hospital and then leaving. If I had the chance over I’d have never left his sight. Not what you should do when someone’s attempted suicide for a second time.
Spend a couple of days in a mental hospital two years ago.
The staff was horrible (there was only one decent person working there) and the psychiatrist was one of the worst people I've ever met.
I was so glad to be out of there that I didn't even think to report any of them (especially the psychiatrist, I don't know how they even got their job).
Looking back, I really wish I had done something cause the way they treat patients is just not okay.
Not getting into sports/playing an instrument as a kid. Now I'm a grown up who hates sports and have zero musical knowledge.

Oh, and breaking up with my boyfriend during a really, really bad bout of PMDD. We're still together, but sometimes I look at him and feel so incredibly bad for all the hurt and confusement I caused him.

Annnnd not seeking a diagnosis for ADHD way, way sooner. Could have spared me so many ****ty feelings growing up.
Not standing up for myself from the get-go with certain people who think it's okay to treat people with disrespect. I wish I had more courage to tell them, "Listen, the way you are talking to me is rude and I don't appreciate it. ect ect". I don't know why I allow people to do this, especially those who are a superior/boss that I constantly have to be around. It honestly sucks but maybe I'll grow thicker skin in the future.
I absolutely regret not going to college in Hawaii, had a really sad dream a few months back where I was actually out there :confused:
My biggest regret is spending so much of my life indoors. Instead of making friends outside of school, I wasted all my time reading, playing video games or watching TV. Even now I still spend the majority of my time around the house. As a result I’ve struggled to make new friends IRL and still get nervous from crowds. I often wonder how much better my mental health could have been if I simply left the house more.
Taking so long to learn to be an adult. I have a lot of social anxiety and anxiety in general so I was a very late bloomer in life. I didn't get my license until I was like 20 or so and I didn't get my first job until about a year and a half ago. I had zero confidence in myself to be able to work a job, let alone work with others. Here I am though, thriving at this job and have a good relationship with my coworkers. The anxiety hasn't gone away. I'm afraid of trying to climb the ladder after being in a comfortable spot for so long and I really only drive to places I feel comfortable with. I'm afraid to leave my comfort zone.

Also, I regret not maintaining a relationship with my friends back in school. I was always shy and introverted, bad at messaging outside of school. I was never the one to invite people over my house. I saw some of those friends back in college and it just hit me like an arrow. One just was like "Oh hey, don't I know you" and a couple of others remembered me and said hi to me, but I don't think they know how much I appreciated them back then. I should have kept in touch, but I'm completely shut off from places like Facebook. Only place left where I exist as my actual name and stuff is on LinkedIn. I regret these things a lot, but all I can really do is move forward. No undoing the past.
not starting therapy when i should have. i've had issues since i was 5 or 6 and it has gone unchecked my entire life.
I regret being born with aspergers, it makes my mind all ****ed up so though I'm really smart I'm also a complete idiot 🙃
Like most people I have lots of little trivial regrets, but I don't really like to dwell on things too much. Sure, I would've liked if I was more confident when I was younger, and wished I knew how important it was to actively go out there and try to make new friends. However, me slowly learning all of these things over time, and me going through the regrettable situations that I did, just made me stronger as a person and who I am today. That's just how life is, and I'm thankful for it all, the good and the bad.

I regret being born with aspergers, it makes my mind all ****ed up so though I'm really smart I'm also a complete idiot 🙃
Also don't worry, i'm really smart but a complete idiot aswell, except I don't actually have aspergers which mean's i'm just dumb :lemon:
Not moving out of my hometown sooner. I spent practically 30 years of my life in a boring Midwestern town all while knowing I needed to get out of there.

Luckily I finally did just that at the end of last year and moved to a big city almost 1,600 miles away. I can’t even describe the weight that felt lifted almost instantly. So many more opportunities and connections with other people.

I say regret because I still wish I would have done this much sooner and not felt like I wasted so many years of my life. Oh well - happy to finally start living now!
i regret wasting a year of my life at a super strict business school (9th grade) just because i wanted to make my dad proud
cheating on my ex-boyfriend or being such a brat to my sister when we were young
I have two.
1 Telling my Highschool Crush that i had feelings for him only to be laughed at and made fun of by his friend
2 Not doing things that were important to my mental health simply because i was afraid of other peoples opinions. (taking walks, putting effort into my appearance, etc)