What's your current hyper fixation ?

Ok, I'll share my current "hyper fixation" as of late:

Splatoon 3 (and the rest of Splatoon series): definitely a game that I always stick by especially the general art style of the entire Splatoon series. Salmon Run is great, and I sometimes grind through ranked modes. The lore of Splatoon is a nice bonus, it's about as vast as Kirby lore. I love Big Man, best Splatoon idol. Simple as.

Animal Crossing: the title explains it all, I currently just like decorating my house and island. That's all. Besides that, Lolly is best villager and my favorite villager since the New Leaf days.

Art and architecture: I basically think about this the entire time along with history. I basically study art and I take time improving my drawing and sketching skills all throughout. Sometimes taking time learning new coloring and shading methods. I also take interest on how art or architecture sometimes can provoke emotion out of people. And how art style affects the of the game, book, series, etc. I'm also interested in character design and concepts. So basically, just visual arts in general.

History: History is generally interesting when you look it up or read it yourself. I usually look up what the life is like in an ancient era, especially the clothes they wear or what foods they eat. Sometimes I'm interested in the history on how there's sometimes inventions that actually evolve throughout the centuries instead of having one inventor inventing stuff. Or how inventions (especially food) sometimes came from a mistake or accident. History of games and animation are also interesting.

Writing: One of my "lesser" hyper fixation. Sometimes, I'm interested in how the writing style can either make the reader invested or bored and how writing style is important. I also am interested in writing characters and practicing writing styles. Just like with art, I also find interest in writing concepts especially when coming up with original works.

Honorable mentions:
  • Space (mostly stars)
  • Dreams and memories
  • Portable Nintendo consoles or just misc. Nintendo stuff (yes, it includes the Game and Watch games)
Animal Crossing! XD
If i'm not busy with anything i'm for sure playing some AC game, mostly NL.
Story of Seasons: I'm playing the latest remake of the Harvest Moon: A/Another Wonderful Life game, and I'm comparing it previous games in the series. A lot of things in this game are different. For example, I didn't know that a season only has 10 days. Previous games that I've played had 30-31 days per season. That caught me off guard and increased my anxiety a bit, because I will now have to prioritize which love interests and villagers to befriend by year 1. Now I'm looking at multiple guides and spreadsheets that other people have posted online, and am trying to draft a daily schedule.

Junk Journaling: I blame Instagram for this one. The algorithm keeps showing me beautiful pages that people create using washi tape and stickers. Often, they use a craft knife to cut out individual parts of the stickers and create layers on the journal pages. My hand isn't steady, so I'm still trying to figure out how to cut stickers more neatly. Still, I'm content with the collages that I have created.
It was Pokemon Mystery Dungeon just the other day but it was caused by me listening to music and my headphones just broke today, so it might go away for a while.
Palia and Coral Island.

I'm itching to play both games but they're currently only available on PC, a Switch release for them is coming soon though... apparently.
Right now its the current Teal Mask DLC in Pokemon Violet. I'm spending a lot of time exploring the Kitakami region, updating the movesets of old mons, and breeding new mons. I figure its going to take a lot longer than I realized before starting another game...
Apparently now it's Paper Mario TTYD. I haven't even played it recently, but I relistened to the whole OST and then found a video of an obscure fact I didn't know. I wonder how long I'll be doing this.
My current hyper fixation has been going on for over two years now with no signs of slowing, and it is this little guy right here:

cross arms bui.png
My current hyperfixation is Ripto from Spyro the dragon since he has recently became a playable character in Crash team rumble and Hans from Frozen since he has been released in Disney speedstorms. If some people knew I actually like Hans character they would kill me 😆 but I like him because he is a character with lost potential. I tend to like characters who had so much potential to be interesting but then the writers screw it up. I like to imagine what could have been. Also I am now noticing they both have orange as a common color between them so I should probably add orange as my hyperfixation too :ROFLMAO:
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a few of right now in no particular order
- kpop (2nd and some 3rd gen girl groups mostly)
- sanrio
- pokemon
- parappa
- miraculous ladybug (background characters mostly)
- animal crossing since i began playing it again
- the jacksons, mostly because my dad has been watching documentaries about them again
At the moment, it's back to Animal Crossing lol! Hence my return to this site...

Before that, it was everything Harry Potter! I have been in and out of being hyper focused on HP throughout the years, but this last year i was especially obsessed, as I enrolled in online Hogwarts classes! I am a second year now, so I am super proud of the grades I have been getting! I even went as far as to create a class, and become one of the student teachers on the site, as well! I guess my hyper fixations rotate between Harry Potter, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon, too!
fire emblem it’s always fire emblem 😔 fe is one of my more long lasting hyperfixations though, i just did the math and it’s been 19 months of this? i guess it’ll stop whenever i finish all of the games. that... doesn’t look to be any time soon ^^;;
At the moment, it's mostly stuff about space (including black holes, stars, etc.) and stories around nuclear history, disasters etc. 🌌☢️
I got caught up rereading my old fanfics from 2011 and ended up hyperfixating on The Suite Life series again lol. It'll probably be short lived but I've been enjoying the nostalgia run. Watched some of my favourite episodes before bed and have been having a really fun time!
pokémon legends: arceus after taking a break for a few months! i'm vying for that shiny charm and, more specifically, a shiny teddiursa </3 i'll admit it's a bit tedious to complete the pokédex but the repetition can be meditative for me. (๑˘ᵕ˘)
Currently as of right now...?

Genshin Impact; since Raiden's return for the limited banners, I've been hooked trying to get Primogems so I can C6 her, lol.

I've also been really hyperfixated on collecting essential things for my purse, along with organizing those things. I see 'purse towers' all over Tiktok and FB Reels, etc. That I just need to get back into collecting stuff for my purse again. I keep all of my stuff organized in a really tall Sterilite container with drawers. I've also been hyperfixated on collecting beauty care items. Body washes, lotions, perfumes/body sprays, etc. I LOVE Bath and Body Works a lot. However lately their sprays haven't been doing it for me.. I want long-lasting perfumes ;w; So I've been perusing the perfume market in hopes of finding the scent for me!

And.. probably Animal Crossing. I've been playing nonstop the past few days. I'm trying to make my island more aesthetically pleasing, lol.