What's your dream collectible?

rainbow mote of flame
like the moon glow wand, but a mote of flame, and the rainbow goes from the middle of the flame vs the whole obj at the same time

edit: oops, misunderstood the purpose of the thread :p
I’d love to have an Aurora Sky one day. I love the bright colors and think it’s fitting that Aurora is one of my dreamies in AC. Sigh.. maybe someday!
As a Pokemon fan, the Pokeball has always been my dream collectible ;u; I aim to have every Pokemon themed collectible on the site! The Pokeball and the love ball are all that I'm missing. I'll probably never get them, but one can keep dreaming, haha!
I'd love to have a Shooting Star collectible, since it's my favorite animated collectible and it would look so good in between my Red Star Fragments. A shame I wasn't good at anything in the fair in order to win one myself, lol.
Mine would be the bloodshot potion, but they're really hard to come by even when you have enough bells for them : P
I’m a simpleton I guess because I just want a Jack collectible. I had one, but I gave it away to someone I knew wanted it. They said I could have it back if I ever wanted, but I could never ask for it back, it wouldn’t be ok regardless of what they said. It’s ok though because I’m not upset or regret it as I know I’ll get another one someday. I would also not be be posting this if I was upset. Another collectible I’d like would be the snow bunny or anything purple.
A frost egg but I'm too poor to buy it 😢 and I didn't join the site in 2019 so idk if I'll ever get it (probably)
I’ll ALWAYS be sad that I dont have the Bell Bag!
Wait, that's a collectible?
I really really really want the Celeste Chick Plush Collectible 🥺 😢
But I doubt I’d get one ever 😭

And I’ll always be sad that I’ll never get one
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