What's your favorite AC season?

Favorite season?

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I like Summer bc of all the bugs and fish. I like Spring bc its pretty. I like Fall bc there is always something to do it feels like, and well. Winter is cool I guess since it snows.
I cant decide!!! Ill choose Spring I guess bc its so gorgeous and brings back the grass!
I definitely like spring the most ^.^ Everything turns such bright colors and in April - the cherry blossoms - too beautiful <3 I honestly think they should have added like, puddles or mud or something to the spring season in the game though.. That would be awesome
I like fall the trees are so pretty then. And its also my birthday in Fall <3 ~
I also like Fall because it reminds me of Wild World's acorn festival
I voted for winter, because I really like the winter in the game and also in real life. My second favorite season is fall.
I chose spring, because the town is getting more green (meaning pretty lol) and it rains more I think.
I love when it rains in the game. It makes me feel so calm and relaxed when I play. c:
Because I got the original GameCube version in fall, 2002, the winter season was the first full season I enjoyed, complete with the snow, snowman, etc. However, with Happy Home Designer's Spring, despite winter being my favorite in every other version, since HHD is the newest, somewhat AC related game (no way I'm calling AF an AC game, it should be called Amiibo Crossing: Amiibo Festival), I vote spring to be my favorite, those pink houses with pink flowers and pink trees with the cherry blossom petals in the air- too cute!!!
Definitely spring! The cherry blossoms are so pretty, plus all the bushes' flowers bloom, so I feel like it makes my town extra cuter haha! Plus I like Gracie's items that appear in spring the most out of the rest of her sets.
I think mine is spring. I love all the colours, and of course the cherry blossoms! But it's hard to chose a favourite, since each season has things I really like about it.
I really like all of the seasons when they're new....I was so happy to see the snow when it finally arrived but now I've had enough!
Would probably say fall as that's my favourite season in rl too. Everything looks so pretty :)
I like summer the best, probably because that's what I normally think of with Animal Crossing games. When I was younger I always remember playing the games mostly in summer, and then when I had school I wouldn't play as much because I didn't have time. I still think of NL with summer too because it came out during summer and that's when I played it most (and still do).
It has to be spring! The cherry blossoms are so beautiful! :)
I would say fall! I love seeing how slowly all the trees and grass is becoming red! and mushroom season!!!