Enchanting Dreamer
* I want to first state that this is not intended to be a debate thread, so please show kindness to everyone, even if you disagree with how they play.*
I'm curious to hear how you are playing your game! I think it's going to be fascinating to hear about all the different play styles that people are using. Some example questions you may consider answering in your response is: Do you time travel or not? Do you have a dreamie list or let random villagers come and go? Do you mostly play solo or do you play with a group of friends? Do you trade heavily with other people or are you trying to unlock items on your own? Are you using guides to ensure you get all of the bugs and fish possible, or are you just going at it blind and seeing what you happen to catch? Add in anything else that you'd like to share with us!
I'm trying to have what I'm calling a "natural" play style. I do not time travel. I'm not trading with people for diys or items, I want to unlock them for myself. I have a 'dreamie' list but it's not a solid 10 villagers only. I'd say there's 20-30 villagers on that list that I'm happy to go through. I may whittle this down as time goes on and eventually settle on 10 permanent ones, but I'm not ready to do that yet. I'm not adopting villagers from other towns at this time, but that may change in the future. I have a small group of about 5 offline friends that I have a discord channel with and we'll chat about our gameplay adventures in there. (We're all carefully watching our turnip prices this week to see who ends up with the best rate, then we'll all visit that person's town.) I haven't decided yet, but I'm considering not using a bug or fish guide for my first year, and just trying to see what I catch on my own. After the first year, I'll probably use a guide to finish getting anything that I still happen to be missing.
What about you guys? ^-^
I'm curious to hear how you are playing your game! I think it's going to be fascinating to hear about all the different play styles that people are using. Some example questions you may consider answering in your response is: Do you time travel or not? Do you have a dreamie list or let random villagers come and go? Do you mostly play solo or do you play with a group of friends? Do you trade heavily with other people or are you trying to unlock items on your own? Are you using guides to ensure you get all of the bugs and fish possible, or are you just going at it blind and seeing what you happen to catch? Add in anything else that you'd like to share with us!
I'm trying to have what I'm calling a "natural" play style. I do not time travel. I'm not trading with people for diys or items, I want to unlock them for myself. I have a 'dreamie' list but it's not a solid 10 villagers only. I'd say there's 20-30 villagers on that list that I'm happy to go through. I may whittle this down as time goes on and eventually settle on 10 permanent ones, but I'm not ready to do that yet. I'm not adopting villagers from other towns at this time, but that may change in the future. I have a small group of about 5 offline friends that I have a discord channel with and we'll chat about our gameplay adventures in there. (We're all carefully watching our turnip prices this week to see who ends up with the best rate, then we'll all visit that person's town.) I haven't decided yet, but I'm considering not using a bug or fish guide for my first year, and just trying to see what I catch on my own. After the first year, I'll probably use a guide to finish getting anything that I still happen to be missing.
What about you guys? ^-^