I'm not against time-traveling. I use it especially to, say, move out a villager or work with hybrids because processes like that, to me at least, are super tedious. The first few days I played I tried not to time travel and it made the whole game an excruciating experience. Lately I've been time traveling so I can move my villager's houses more quickly. I couldn't imagine spending two weeks just to move all my villagers' houses to where I want them to be. Other than that, I just play the game day by day.
My dreamie list is pretty much a solid 10, though I had to think a while about who I really wanted in my town. Also, the list is a bit flexible. For instance, I'll be getting Cousteau in my town soon, but perhaps at some point in the future I'll want to trade him out for someone else. There are a few villagers that I absolutely want to keep, but some can come and go and I won't mind too much.
In terms of trading with other players to fill the catalog, I'm only doing that to get the items that I desperately want. Like earlier I just got a rainbow-colored soft-serve lamp from someone. I could've waited to see if I could find it somewhere, but instead I got it on here because it was something that I wanted ASAP. For the most part, I just collect everything at the game's pace, but if there is a particular furniture item I really want then I would rather ask someone for it.
I do really like to play with online friends, though a few of them are p busy and one of them doesn't even have their switch rn, so we don't actually play together very often. Instead we just talk on discord about what we're doing with our towns and sometimes we trade/sell/catalog/giveaway stuff to each other. The times that we do get to play and hang out together are always a fun time
I do use a fishing/bug guide, because just naturally catching the fish and bugs is such a pain. It gets really frustrating to catch nothing but sea bass and black bass and caps because I have no clue what I'm even looking for. Bugs are a bit easier cause you can see them, but it's still nice to know the time frames that they're active.
One thing I can say that I enjoy doing (that might be considered "cheating"), is I buy a
bunch of turnips and sell them at other people's towns for a big profit. I'm not using the money to get a bunch of TBT or make outrageous bids though, it's mainly just so that I have money security and don't have to worry about not being able to afford something I really need (for instance, to move my villager's houses it costs 50k bells per house per day, and two houses I've had to move twice so imagine how much that would cost!!).