What's your playstyle?

I've been playing daily for a small amount of time, talking to villagers, catching any bugs or fish I see, hitting rocks, chopping trees and decorating my town with furniture from Nook's Cranny and Resident Services. I haven't gone out of my way to trade, although I do browse the forums now and then to see if there is anything I can help people out with. I'm enjoying taking the game slowly and not worrying too much about designing my island right now. I have created a clifftop area for my museum which is the only part that is really landscaped right now.
I don't tend to time travel but will sometimes to speed up a bridge construction or shop upgrade. I don't have a set dreamy list but there are villagers I really would like. It's hard to narrow the list down as I have more villagers that I want than is allowed in the game lol. I have all the amiibo cards so once the glitch is fixed, I'll be using them! Plus they're in a moving box at the moment and I have no idea which box lol.

I play pretty casually. I do my daily tasks and make my island look cute with flowers, trees and random items like a beach ball or picnic basket. Gone are the days like New Leaf when I wanted to catch every fish, bug and finish the entire catalogue. It's far too stressful and now that I'm an adult, I don't have the time I did when I was in school so I really have to spend my time wisely.
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I don't tend to time travel but will sometimes to speed up a bridge construction or shop upgrade. I don't have a set dreamy list but there are villagers I really would like. It's hard to narrow the list down as I have more villagers that I want than is allowed in the game lol. I have all the amiibo cards so once the glitch is fixed, I'll be using them! Plus they're in a moving box at the moment and I have no idea which box lol.

I play pretty casually. I do my daily tasks and make my island look cute with flowers, trees and random items like a beach ball or picnic basket. Gone are the days like New Leaf when I wanted to catch every fish, bug and finish the entire catalogue. It's far too stressful and now that I'm an adult, I don't have the time I did when I was in school so I really have to spend my time wisely.
I have a quarantine play style!
Which means AC is my main activity haha.
I play when I wake up, usually for around 2 hours. Then I get up, get on with my day, play again 2/3 in the afternoon, then an hour or two at night.
(Damn that's like 7 hours a day!)
I haven't played since WW so I don't really have "dreamies" as I don't know/don't remember any villager, which is a blessing and a curse.
I did browse the list and made myself some notes, in order to help myself decide whether or not to invite villagers I was encountering on Mystery Islands! So I have a "wouldn't mind at all" list and a "really want" one haha.
Lucky for me I already have all of my "really want"! I only had 3 ☺️ and no popular ones so that made it easier.

I use to heavily TT as a teen playing WW, so I decided I wouldn't in NH. I caved in recently though, as I wanted to move ALL of my buildings and move out a couple villagers, and couldn't really go through too much of terraforming before it was done. Would have taken more than 2 weeks "naturally"... I TTed using the 15weeks thing and moving my buildings at the same time, now that it's done I'm back to playing "naturally".

I use the forum to trade villagers, I like to open my doors if I have Celeste or villagers crafting but don't really take part in trading objects/DIY yet. Might get to it at some point.

A typical day on AC I do all daily tasks, talk to my villagers, fish or go to mystery islands. Now that I'm happy with my 10 villagers and have terraforming, I spend A LOT of time terraforming and decorating. It's nice because I'm a perfectionist so sometimes I'll spend HOURS redoing a path or a small area, but I actually love it since it mean I still have a lot to do and probably won't get bored anytime soon 🙂
I kind of feel like my playstyle hasn't been very representative so far (or maybe that's just what I want to believe 🤔 I often tend to get super into one aspect of the game at a time). I've been heavily focusing on trying to make my island look nice and obtaining villagers I like while mostly neglecting other things. I've done a lot of TTing to try to make myself a nice environment to play in, but now I'm at a point where I don't have much reason to TT anymore so I'm trying to enjoy the game day by day!

other than that, I have a few dreamies but I also enjoy discovering new villagers to get excited about. whenever a plot opens up on my island, I usually have someone in mind who I want to invite in. time will tell who leaves and who stays. :p I haven't been worrying about catching all the bugs and fish yet but I'm sure I'll get more serious about it eventually. I'm also not actively looking to obtain any specific items by trading atm since I think it'll be more exciting to come across them in a more random manner. maybe I'll get more impatient about it once I get into decorating. :'D

I mostly play by myself. I have one friend I occasionally play with but we usually only meet up to help each other out with something. it'd be fun to have a group of friends to play with though! :0
Hmm, I'm kind of going somewhere inbetween. I've TT'd solely to cycle villagers and speed up moving the buildings just so I could I wrap my head around the layout I'm going for.

I am participating in villager trading but I want to unlock items naturally. I also have a very specific plan for my island with specific dreamies (of which I, miraculously, managed to get all of already, though I'm going to change some things up a bit). I'm kind of rigid in some aspects but looser in others. I do NOT want to speed up any progress, and I'm still kind of upset I got the Nook's Cranny upgrade while cycling. I didn't know it was based on amounts of days played at the time. I'm really burnt out on cycling now though and definitely won't do that anymore. Ever.

Overall I'm trying to play in ways I haven't played before. I didn't have any dreamies in previous games, and I used to TT for bells. Now I'm doing the opposite, going for villagers I never had but saving up bells naturally (except for some amount in villager trades). I never had a plan for my town in NL either, so this time I want to spice things up. I'm not rigid on my playstyle though, I play how I see fit when I feel fit, but I'm still going for a very specific theme on my island.

I do have an app to keep track of my fossils and critters, and I look up some guides whenever the need arises. All in all, I'm just trying to have a good time.
I think when I first got the game, I was playing everyday and constantly trading/cataloging with others. But I've kind of slowed down ever since I unlocked terraforming (that stuff is overwhelming lemme tell ya...lol). Now I just mainly get on to trade over nookazon, and still working on my house decorating~!
I tried to be a completely "natural" player for quite some time, but my desire for completionist status eventually (at least getting all of the Nook Miles achievements) led me to slightly stray from this path. I do not time travel, but I have benefited from people who have time traveled, in terms of trading items, selling turnips, etc. I try to get all of my own flowers, but I trade items such as furniture and clothing. I use a guide to ensure I catch all the fish and insects each month so I can get them all by the earliest possible date without going to islands of a different hemisphere or time traveling. I also use an app to track my fish, insects, and fossils. I allow my less desired villagers to go when they want to move, and I'll use NMTs to attempt to find my dreamies. I keep a list that I want, but I try to remain openminded as well. I also tried initially to not terraform much at all, but I am doing it more and more to beautify my island. It's actually pretty fun and making me enjoy my gameplay more and more!
i think i'm pretty natural, but i definitely utilize the community as part of my play. i like to trade and have people over, so i've been doing that, but i don't trade for fossils or go to other people's islands to catch fish/bugs (the more "completionist" things, i leave to myself, if that makes sense). i trade items and recipes bc i love decorating and want to be able to do more always. i don't time travel because personally, i like the organic flow of time, but i'm not against it at all!
for a little i was worried i was decorating my island too fast and maybe should trade less, because i don't want to "finish the game" anytime soon, but i think my vision for my island is a place i can decorate and tear down and totally redo whenever, so i stopped worrying so much!
No time travelling for me! I'm trading alll the way to get all of my wishlist items and I'd trade for my dreamies as well! I'm using a guide because I intend to be done with my museum in one calendar year!
I personally time travel a fair amount, mostly because I have very little drive to do things for too long after I have the idea. If I wait too long with an idea in my head, I'll forget it or lose the will to do it. So, usually, I'll time travel to finish up construction or something similar so I can actually get it done.
My day to day play style is that I shake all the trees, hit all the rocks and dig up fossils. I then have the fossils assessed and then go to Nook's to see what is in shop and sell everything off I don't plan to keep. After that I check in with my ABD then Able's.

I take and send pics of any items in shops I haven't seen on my island to my friends to see if they want to come shopping and they do the same for me. I am in a private facebook group of a small group of people that are co-workers of my close friend and we all share and help each other out. Any animals that are crafting we let the group know and open our gates, etc.

I have TT'd here and there, mainly to get my bridges and inclines put in without having to wait, then TT'd back to the current time. I did get sick of bunny day and TT'd through the last couple of days to be done with it and once it was over I TT'd back to the right date and played as normal. I haven't gone more than 2 days ahead and I always go back to current time. My work schedule was really messed up for a while and I would TT to swap am for pm because playing only at night when stores are closed and everything is dark wasn't working well for me at all. Now I play during the day so I am on current time.

I guess you can say I play in a way that works for me, and stick to my small group who share without asking anything in return because we all help each other out, no drama and bad feelings that way!

I don't have "dreamies"...yes, there are some animals I like more than others, but I like variety and when I had all my "favorites" in my last town on NL I got bored of them, I will say that I have passed up asking certain ones to move in while island hopping, but I am also not super picky either. I mainly just try to avoid having more than one of certain personality types that I don't care much for.
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My playstyle goes in the way that I do quite a bit of online trading , I do TT in some occasions like doing hybrids and such , I also have a list of dreamies I want and I don't really play with friends , it's mostly solo play.

Sometimes I do let the game go at its own pace , and other times instead of online trading I try to grind for stuff I may want.
Evolved, maybe?

When I first started ACNH I did time travel a bit because I wanted to start designing my island and getting plans in place.

Once I unlocked terraforming, I switched to a 'natural' play style. I haven't time traveled since March 26 and probably won't again.

I let things go for the most part. Villagers will come and go and I'll change up certain areas in my town.

I buy items/clothes I like and don't concern myself too much with a complete catalog. That said, I'm a die-hard on donating all bugs/fish!
i'd say as of now, i play the game pretty naturally. i don't want to resort to things like time travel until much later on in the game and while i have villagers in mind i would like to have, i don't have a set list of "dreamies" and am letting villagers come and go and keeping anyone i find cute and see who i grow an attachment to. i haven't traded with anyone outside of irl friends as of yet, but that'll probably change soon. overall i'm trying to keep my play style different from new leaf and not be as much of a perfectionist. at least for now!
I'm not against time-traveling. I use it especially to, say, move out a villager or work with hybrids because processes like that, to me at least, are super tedious. The first few days I played I tried not to time travel and it made the whole game an excruciating experience. Lately I've been time traveling so I can move my villager's houses more quickly. I couldn't imagine spending two weeks just to move all my villagers' houses to where I want them to be. Other than that, I just play the game day by day.

My dreamie list is pretty much a solid 10, though I had to think a while about who I really wanted in my town. Also, the list is a bit flexible. For instance, I'll be getting Cousteau in my town soon, but perhaps at some point in the future I'll want to trade him out for someone else. There are a few villagers that I absolutely want to keep, but some can come and go and I won't mind too much.

In terms of trading with other players to fill the catalog, I'm only doing that to get the items that I desperately want. Like earlier I just got a rainbow-colored soft-serve lamp from someone. I could've waited to see if I could find it somewhere, but instead I got it on here because it was something that I wanted ASAP. For the most part, I just collect everything at the game's pace, but if there is a particular furniture item I really want then I would rather ask someone for it.

I do really like to play with online friends, though a few of them are p busy and one of them doesn't even have their switch rn, so we don't actually play together very often. Instead we just talk on discord about what we're doing with our towns and sometimes we trade/sell/catalog/giveaway stuff to each other. The times that we do get to play and hang out together are always a fun time :blush:

I do use a fishing/bug guide, because just naturally catching the fish and bugs is such a pain. It gets really frustrating to catch nothing but sea bass and black bass and caps because I have no clue what I'm even looking for. Bugs are a bit easier cause you can see them, but it's still nice to know the time frames that they're active.

One thing I can say that I enjoy doing (that might be considered "cheating"), is I buy a bunch of turnips and sell them at other people's towns for a big profit. I'm not using the money to get a bunch of TBT or make outrageous bids though, it's mainly just so that I have money security and don't have to worry about not being able to afford something I really need (for instance, to move my villager's houses it costs 50k bells per house per day, and two houses I've had to move twice so imagine how much that would cost!!).
Cool topic!

I’m not time traveling, and for the most part I’m not trading with others for items and flowers; although, if I happen to visit someone’s town, I will check out their Nook’s to see what flowers they have, but I’m not actively making trades for them. I’ve been to a couple cataloguing or take one/leave one parties but I’ve kind of stopped that because I’d prefer to find stuff on my own. Similarly I’d prefer to take my chances with the stalk market unless I’m gonna be taking a loss, but I think from now on I’m just gonna buy less and see how it goes just using my own town to sell, loss or not. Based on all this I guess you can tell that I tend to play by myself, haha.

I also don’t really have dreamies! I have favorite villagers, but I’m not really seeking them out. I think it’s too time-consuming, and I prefer to play like the older games where you never really know who’s coming and who’s going. I might use Amiibo to move in a couple villagers at some point, though, since I’ve already bought a couple. I plan on letting all my villagers leave at some point, even the ones I’ve become really attached to. I’m not really big into terraforming or pathing either for similar reasons. I am open to giving people my villagers when they leave, though (as soon as these glitches are cleared up) because I think it’s nice to make people happy that way rather than just void a villager someone else might really want.
- TT: Nope. I have never really TTed in Animal Crossing in general. Nothing against it, I just enjoy the day-to-day. I only TT to "make-up" days I missed thanks to being busy with real life, but I haven't had to do that yet with NH.
- Dreamie list: Yes, but I have been letting other animals come in along the way. It makes a good balance, I think.
- Who I play with: Only my husband so far, who has his own character on our shared island.
- Trading: Same as above so far. Don't have an online subscription. Will likely get one eventually, but I plan to mostly just trade for things that I can't get on my own, such as alternate color Nook Miles furniture and fruits. I feel like I traded too much in NL, and it hurt some of the fun for me.
- Fish/bugs: Yes, I use guides. It would annoy me to miss out on a bug or fish that goes away at the end of a month and have to wait many months to catch another. I only consider story in video games to be a spoiler, so pretty much nothing is a spoiler in my eyes in the Animal Crossing games. I don't have problems using guides or anything for it.
I think I have a very normal playstyle. I don't TT, do some small stuff around the island each day and don't bother to get clothes/furniture/diy because I can wait for when they appear on my store or I have a clearer idea of what I want to do with both the island and my house.
That being said, I'm trying to get my dreamies as soon as possible and at least have 6-7 of them on lock because I feel that although I want to get to try a lot of different villagers, I think after a while the dialogue will get too repetitive (even though so far it has been nothing but phenomenal!) and so it will be more difficult for me to feel a ''connection'' with them when I have more or less already experienced what their personality is about.
That was the big problem I had with NL and the main reason why I got bored. For the first months I didn't like most of my villagers that much but I got to experience all that they did and said, so when I got to replace them with some others that i did like there was no connection. There were some exceptions but that was mainly the problem, novelty kinda wore off and the villagers felt kinda empty.
I'm like a dog that will yoink something off the dinner table when no one's looking.

I like trading, free diys and town visits. If there's an opportunity, I'll be under the dinner table.

No time traveling but will trade with others online. I stay from trading things I will eventually get like fossils, or out of season items.

I have villagers I want but I like experiencing different characters even if some are a bit horrifying.
I TT to move in two of the Amiibo I wanted in (some I just did day by day) and I also did it for trying to get the Campsite to spit out who I wanted and then I went back to real time. Other than that I played naturally. I don't want to catch anything out of season or do anything to artificially create bells since that's the game play that's fun to me. When I was in TT days I wouldn't water things, pick up fossils, talk to NPCs, ect. because I was there for a strict reason. Obviously I couldn't stop some benefit from rain or the cranny updating early but I wanted to minimize impact. Regarding villagers I have two slots that were allowed to leave whenever they want to naturally cycle in new faces.

Admittedly I did TT back to March 19th to celebrate my birthday belatedly because it was frustrating that I literally started the game on my birthday (in my time zone it released on the 19th) but I couldn't celebrate in game /or/ in real life due to SAH orders.