I’m definitely more of a night owl but have to kind of time my sleep because no matter what, my body will wake up after 7 hours of sleep. If I sleep earlier than 11 I’ll be awake before dawn which is not ideal lol.
I have a bit of a problem. I love getting up super early to get everything done (especially in the winter), but I also like staying up to keep working. I hate sleeping unless I'm mentally fatiueged. Alas- getting up early is healthier.
Now I get up at about 7-8 and go to bed at midnight. In the winter I can work myself up to 6 and going to bed at 11.
I always sleep late, but it's really just because of depression.
I've somehow been waking up early though so that's nice, lel.
I often sleep at 1 - 2 am (11 pm if I'm motivated enough). Wake up at 7 - 8 am, literally an hour before my alarm hits. 11 - 12 if I don't want to get up.
Definitely a night-owl. I love staying up at night because everyone in my house is asleep for the most part, no one will bother me... ;;
I tend to do a lot of my productivity stuff at night as well. Catching up on to-do lists, writing, drawing. I work best and am more successful at night, I'd say.
Sometimes I go to bed as early as 1am (could go to 4am-5am though), and wake up at 12pm-1pm depending on how my body wants to be that day. I haven't slept past or until 3pm in such a long time... so glad for that lol. I love being awake but I do need sleep. If I didn't need sleep though you better believe I'm never sleeping again xD
I am a total night owl. I just love being awake at night. The atmosphere is so much better than in the day. Everything is quieter and more peaceful.
I also have a sleep disorder that keeps me up late at night. If left to my own devices, I will regularly fall asleep around 3-4am and wake up around noon and that is the only way I ever feel rested. Unfortunately, I work a first shift job so I have to force myself to try to fall asleep earlier. The best I can usually do is 1-2am so I only get 5-6 hours of sleep on work days and I feel like a complete zombie until the afternoon hits. Then, I finally get a wave of energy and I can focus on getting my more complex work done after lunch.
My most productive times are late at night, though. I am the most mentally and physically active around 9pm to midnight. It's really unfortunate that I can't find a well-paying office/computer job that will allow me to work those hours because I excel when I'm on second shift.
My sleep patterns were terrible in university, especially during the first semester. I frequently stayed up studying until 2 AM, but over time, I learned the importance of sleep and "sacrificed" leaving an assignment unfinished to sleep by midnight at the very latest (11 PM if it was exam season).
Thankfully, I fall and stay asleep very easily. I can be under a ton of stress due to a mile-long to-do list and still be able to sleep soundly. As much as I like to keep myself busy, I value sleep a lot because it's the one time where my brain is truly resting (at least at the conscious level).
I really only need 7-8 hours of sleep every night. I might get 9 hours if I feel particularly lethargic for whatever reason. Otherwise, too much sleep makes me feel groggy and causes headaches.
I also don't take naps because I find that they throw off my sleep schedule.
I've always been a morning person. I think if my body had its way I'd be sleeping from 10:00 pm - 7:00 am, but over the past year I've pushed it to more like 11:30 pm - 8:00 am because I always try to stay up to finish work (even though I can barely keep my eyes open)
Sometimes I feel like I might have sleeping issues, but the only thing I can maybe claim it as is delayed sleep cycle, and even then I'm not sure. While I try to go to sleep at a regular time, there will be MANY nights that I don't get tired until 4am, or I do go to sleep at my regular time and lay awake in bed for literal hours because my body and/or mind is not sleep ready. I can very easily stay awake till the early am hours and waking up early in the morning is absolutely sucks. When I used to do openings I would get 3-6 hours of sleep at best, but typically got 5, because I had to wake up so early, and when I did I would be SO tired until the afternoon time.
I try to go to sleep at midnight and I usually wake up at 10am. But there will be times that I go to sleep at 3am and I could wake up at 10am (7 hours, what I consider a reasonable amount of sleeping time) or 1pm (10 hours, what I consider a not reasonable amount of sleeping time and yet is my normal amount of time I sleep). And to top it all off, there are some nights that I don't consistently stay asleep, I'll wake up at odd times for no real reason.
If it were up to me, I'm sure my sleep schedule will go full circle, it feels like my body's 24 hour cycle does not line up with the actual 24 hour cycle and I'll keep falling asleep later and later each day.
I'm a morning person no doubt. When I was younger I could sleep like there was no tomorrow.
But when I turned 12 all of a sudden my sleep pattern just went off, I'd wake up at like 2 in the morning each night for about 6 months straight. Granted it was a difficult and stressful time, but it still was a bit annoying.
Since then I usually wake up in the middle of the night every night, and I try to fall back to sleep and it usually doesn't work.
That being said, I can wake up at 5 or 6 in the morning and be ready to start my day. I'm not immediately awake, but I am able to get up and function properly whether it's for my job, school, simply getting up to do yoga, etc.
I generally am really tired in the morning so I've dealt with sleep deprivation for the last 9 years of my life due to the lack of sleep during the night, but usually, unless I'm doing homework or something sort of important, I am able to be tired at 9:30 at night and ready for bed.
Only to be awake for the next hour and a half/two hours trying to fall asleep.
Oh it's quite annoying and it's how my pattern has been since I was 11 I'd say really
My bed time is usually 1:23 am. Don't know why but I always see that time when I check the clock before going to bed, I guess it's just a feeling? I will usually wake up between 7 am - 9 am, later if I don't have work and get to sleep in.
I used to have irregular sleeping patterns and anytime would be a good time to sleep but for the past month, I've been sleeping between 9PM-11PM and waking up around 5AM-7AM. My body clock has been adjusted that it wakes me up automatically around this time in the morning. It's still dark out sometimes when I wake up and I get to see the day come about and hear the roosters
Recently I've been falling asleep around 1 A.M. and waking up at 10. For a guy my age that isn't too late, but I'd like to push it back a few hours. Ideally, my sleep scheldule is from 9 P.M. to 5 A.M.
my sleep schedule is constantly changing. sometimes i wake up early and go to bed early and sometimes i go to bed at a ‘reasonable’ hour and wake up at a time where i don’t get yelled at for waking up so late lmao. but more often than not, especially since this pandemic started, i’ve reverted to my night-owl ways; i stay up until 2-4am and typically don’t wake up until sometime in the afternoon. my family hates it but i mean, i’m not bothering anybody and plus,, sleep is good lmao
i have a horrible time trying to fall asleep, but once i'm asleep i usually don't wake up in the middle of the night (thankfully!)
also, i like waking up early but i don't always. my perfect night is 9 hours of sleep from 10pm-7am, but it's usually more like 6 hours of sleep from 2a-8am haha! also i'd like to just take naps throughout the day, but because it takes me forever to doze off, it's not worth it haha!
i've started taking melatonin and/or benadryl when i can't sleep and it helps a bit c: