What's your sleep pattern like?

Lately, I’ve been keeping a pretty regular schedule actually. I’m proud of myself! (12am to 8am sleep) I still wake up every hour or two to pee though d: it’s a curse
Well, before I was put on a medication for my bipolar disorder, I'd stay up as late as 7 am and wake up at 12 pm. Sometimes I'd wake up around 1pm but, before I moved in with my father and was still located at my mom's, I was sleeping up until maybe 4-5pm. Now that I've been put on a medication for my bipolar disorder, I've been going to bed around 1-2am and waking up around 10-11am. I'm super proud that I've been able to establish a healthy sleep schedule! Before the medication I was always going to sleep at the most random times... One night it'd be 3am-12pm, or 1am-11am... or sometimes 6am-12pm ... so odd! But now I'm much better ^^
I have to work in shifts bc of the pandemic so I’ve been waking up at 6am on weekdays and home by 2pm and I end up napping from like 3-5pm lol then I sleep around midnight and repeat o: & on weekends I wake up around 8-9am and sleep sometime between 12-2am
Lately, I’ve been keeping a pretty regular schedule actually. I’m proud of myself! (12am to 8am sleep) I still wake up every hour or two to pee though d: it’s a curse

That's exactly my schedule too, usually my head hits the pillow at around midnight and I sleep right through until 8 in the morning and this is about the same for weekends as well. I function very well on 8 hours sleep, anything more or less makes me feel cranky for the rest of the day.
Ideally up at 5:30am and getting to bed at around 9pm.
I am dosing off at the computer after work typically so it ends up messed up. 🙂
My sleep times.

Bed at 8pm - Wake up at 3am
Bed at 10pm - wake up at 8-10am
Bed at 12+am - wake up at 5 - 8am
my sleep pattern has changed a bit since my last post :’)
during weekdays i usually sleep at 12-1 and wake up at 7 (i usually take like a 3 hour nap lolol) and on weekends i sleep At 12 and wake up at 9-12
I am more a night owl but I'd like to go to bed and wake up earlier ideally. I'm really bad getting ready to bed and committing to falling asleep and not losing track of time...

But now my job starts and ends late so it also enables me to sleep in late haha. But ideally I should be waking up early to get things done.
I am very Early! I love waking up at 7 which isnt early at all but its perfect for me! I go to sleep at around 9 or 9:30. :D

My sleep is always good if I had a good day! <3
I am definitely a night owl. I only work evenings and overnights. I typically wake up around 2:00 or 3:00 PM. I’m content with my sleep schedule. I am not nor could I ever be a morning person. I worked two morning shift jobs, and they didn’t last too long. I hated the hours more than anything. I am more productive evenings and nights. For me, mornings are for sleeping in.
My sleep schedule is terrible. If I'm not in work I don't go to bed until 4amish, and then when I'm in work it's about 1amish. I'm not a morning bird, or a night owl, I'm a permanently exhausted pigeon :'D
I used to sleep from 23h to 9h, but since I've got my baby I sadly don't have that luxury anymore :cry:
So now it's usually from 23h / midnight to 2h, then 2h30 to 5h and then with some luck until 8h 😂
I'm a night owl but in high school. I stay up until 2 or 3 am just because I work better at night and can complete homework/study well at night. I feel more motivated to do things late at night, but I have to wake up at 7 30 for school in the morning. This sucks. I get around 4 or 5 hours of sleep every night and am usually late or barely making it on time to school cause I lie around in bed. I'm sure I could go to bed by midnight, but I feel like my work wouldn't be as good or I won't be able to complete everything I want to do.
for *years* i had such a good sleep schedule, going to bed at half ten ish and waking up any time between 7-9 depending on whether i had school or had to give my cats breakfast etc.. and then i went to uni so although i try to get my eight hours every day, that means sometimes it's midnight to 8am and sometimes (cough last night) it's 6am to 2pm. life's about variety
Wait, "sleeping patterns" exist?

Jokes aside, I've always been a bit of a night owl. I don't get consistent sleep, but I do get enough (albeit probably not a healthy amount) sleep.
My “sleeping schedule” if it can be called that is completely whack. Nowadays I go to bed between 2-4am and wake up between 10-11am. I sometimes have to get up at 6am, on those days I sometimes manage to be in bed by 2.

The problem is, it’s no effort for me whatsoever to stay up. I could stay up past 4 without a problem- I just don’t get tired. Most nights it’s an accident because I’m watching or doing something and lose track of time. Then I look at the clock and oops - 3am again. It wouldn’t be a problem if only I liked it. I hate sleeping half the day away. If I wake up at 11 I feel like I missed half the day already and get stressed about all the things I still need to do. So I end up procrastinating at night because I was so busy during the day and go to bed late. It’s a stupid vicious cycle. I try every day to change it and fail. It’s frustrating but I can’t work up the discipline to stick to a different schedule. I’m too much of a live in the moment person. So every morning I think that I’ll be in bed by 11 that night and once it’s night I’m yoloing the night away. 😑
AWFUL, I can never get up early enough. I feel like a constant failure because I keep getting out of bed at 10-11 am unless I have something scheduled in the morning, in that case I get up 5 minutes before I have to leave. On weekends I often end up sleeping until later, mostly because I work until 1 am at least once most weekends.

I never fall asleep before midnight, usually between 1-3 am. I'm working on going to bed earlier but I lie awake for hours unable to sleep and then I wake up late anyway. When I set an early alarm I get up and turn it off (the alarm clock is on my desk so I have to stand up to turn it off) and lie back down just to "chill for five minutes" and fall asleep again. This happens almost every single day. I have no idea how to fix this properly. I wish I could force myself to just get up but I never have the willpower to not sleep in. ahhhh it's so frustrating
It's pretty stable since I managed to get a 9-5! Usually sleep from around midnight until 8am thanks to working from home, but that all goes out the window come Friday night lol. The two or three months between finishing college and getting this job were rough though, I seldom went to bed before 2am and never really felt the need to set an alarm either.