1st town: Spartan★ -- I named it that because one of the sports teams mascot is named Spartan (where i live) and i added a star because there was one more spot. I kinda regret it now.
2nd town: Crescent --- I just like it a lot, its simple and cute since my town is gonna aim for that pink feeling
My second town is named after my cat, Moonbeam, he went missing back in August and I needed something that would somewhat remind me of him and I really like that town, it's perfect
My old town, Akeley, was just named after where I live.
My new town, Rockfell, is sort of named after 30 Rock, I couldn't fit Rockfella plaza in the name, so I had to cut it down to rockfell, which does sound like a town from some RPG or something.
My first town was Windrake, and it's not really after anything; I just came up with it and liked it a lot.
My new town is Keydrake, changed it just because. (Though, I kinda regret it now; should've kept true to Windrake since I've discovered I like the name Windrake more. Bleh. Oh well. =/)
I love Eevee so I thought I would name my town after her. So i went ahead and named it Eeville .. Wanting it to be pronounced "Eevee-ville" because I can't change it, I have just accepted the fact that my town name is looks like it's pronounced "Evil" lol.
Caelum and Elinia for ACNL, i wanted to make it sound as foresty and magical as possible ^.^
Rosewood for ACWW, because idk
as for my ACGC i named my town I Dunno because i really did not know where i was going and i thought Rover knew lol
My town name is Seacrest. There's an estate in my town called Seacrest and I felt like it summed up what I wanted my AC town to be like - naturally beautiful and humble. Cheesy, but I love it
When I had to name my town I could only think of some Dutch names (as I am from Holland). There's no way I would give a Dutch name to my village! So I had to think of something.
At time I started playing I was watching Fringe, in that serie there's a lake that's called "Reiden Lake". Simply because I was watching Fringe I knew of that name... it did sound nice, nothing too fancy or some weird transelations (as far as I know).
So I named my town Reiden, nearly two years later I still like that name and I wouldn't change it, even if I could!
I named my town Jungle because I used to be a feral child and I lived in the jungle for many years. It's all I have ever known up until 4 years ago. Now seeing plants, leaves, trees etc make me feel comfortable because it reminds me of the jungle, my home.
I named my town Valhalla because it associates with an anime I watch, and a video game that I play. Despite the two different concepts, the world of Valhalla interests me so much due to it. In the anime, the man is willing to turn his beloved city into the battlefield of Valhalla for his pleasure; whereas in a video game, Valhalla is a place where time stood still and the home of gods.
I'm terrible at coming up with names so I used a town name generator until I found one I liked! I originally picked sumanova because it sounded like a seaside town, then I picked ivywood because it sounded like a nice rainy foresty town!
Mine is named Fuyu, or 冬. <- This is a Kanji character and in Japanese it means winter. Considering my town is winter-themed all year long, the name fits well c:
doomsday/ because in the beginning i was going to make it more of a creepy scary zombie theme. but then i changed my mind. so now my town has a fairytale theme. and its adorably cute so far but... the town name does not fit lol
Mine is Noctos! The only reason is because Noctos is my username everywhere. It was originally a variation of Noctis (genitive of Nox = night in latin) I considered calling it both Nox and Noctis but it just felt more comfortable going with Noctos instead. My town's theme will be sanctuary/sleepy forest. It's a bit confusing now that I'm typing it out...