What's your town name and why?

my New Leaf town is Wakeport. 'cause uhhhhhhhhh. I dunno. I'm not good at names, and I don't do themes. Wakeport just sounded good, and it's the name of a place in Mario and Luigi Dream Team. yeah...

my City Folk town is Onett 'cause I played that game not too long after I played EarthBound for the first time... and uhhhhhhhh, yeah.
Outset because I was replaying Wind Waker at the time, and it means the start or beginning of something so I thought it was nice.
Uh... Avellana is hazelnut, and I like hazelnuts. It's slightly nature-y. Besides, I found a street in Spain named Avellana, so I can name a whole town that, right? :p

I asked my dad what it should be and he said "Daisy," Then I that that was stupid (lol) and I thought of Rose but I wanted it to seem like an actual town so I added the 'wood' to Rosewood! :)

That's a pretty name.
I named mine "Solace," and although it's a fairly common word, it is somewhat named after/based off of a place called Solace in a certain fantasy series that a few people might recognize.
Everest! I always call all my villages by that name, for some reason when I was a kid I was a big fan of Mt. Everest... Yeah it was weird
I used to play WoW ALL THE TIME!
I didn't think about Pandaria (or w/e it's called now) at the time.
It was probably a mental thing. I donno :|
I named mines Ethereal after a guild I used to run in another game. But, I quit that game so time to keep some memories~.

Aaa- I miss that guild so much.
My new town, Mayscore, was named after a town in The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (or at least in the EU; in the US it's called Whittleton instead). I wanted to make an all-squirrel town for a while, and I couldn't think of names- so I started to go through forest-themed areas I knew of in games, and Mayscore happened to be my first and favourite thought.
Woodfall -- it's a town name in majora's mask because I'm not that creative, and yet not boring enough to name it kokiri or something like that
I named mine Atlantis just because I had the song Atlantis by STRFKR stuck in my head at the time. I wish I picked something more creative but I don't wanna restart again :(
i named my town BluHaven because blue is my favorite color and i liked the word haven so i put them together
Lamar because there is a place that I go on vacations to with an area called Lamar Valley :lemon: