Splatoon When did you start playing the Splatoon series?


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For me it was December 2016. I was really upset because I missed all of the Splatfests in the first game, but I still enjoyed playing it. Thankfully I made up for all of those missed fests when I got 2 one year later. First Splatfest being Action vs Comedy (team Comedy forever :) )
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I don't remember exactly when. I think it was around March 2019 or a bit earlier (Splatoon 2). I missed a handful of splatfests because I joined pretty late, my first one being Wizard/Knights. I kind of miss splatfest because I enjoyed dressing up with friends but other than that I don't really mind they are over. I still play a lot of splatoon though. It's my go-to game while I wait for ACNH :')
Oh gosh I can't remember specifically, but it must've been late 2015 with Splatoon 1. My first splatfest was the Ninja vs. Barbarian one. I went through a phase of playing every night for a solid 4-6 months, until uni got in the way xD
I first played Splatoon 2 when I rented it this past summer, July 2019. I played the single-player mode to see if I could get a feel for the game, and I kinda did but unfortunately it didn't really interest me beyond the single player mode so I'm likely not going to buy the game. :(
I think like a year and a half-ish ago? I absolutely love it, never gets old! Its a shame they stopped splatfest though :(
Around October 2018, when I got my first Switch. I remember how I had no clue how to play this game because I only knew it back then from Let's Plays and it took me while till I could handle it.
Two days later when Splatoon 2 came out. My friend recommend it to me and I decided to try it out. I wasn't a fan of the story mode but I did enjoy salmon rush, turf war and ranks so that made up for it.
a week after my birthday in 2018, i was given a switch so i went out and bought splat 2, a lot of fun has bene had because of it.
autumn 2016, i think. i played splatoon on my wii u, then i got splatoon 2 for my switch in 2018 maybe? i don't remember at all but yeah.
I've been playing since the first game when it was still on Wii U, around 2015? Right now, I only play it exclusively for Salmon Run. I prefer Freelance to challenge myself or if someone is available to play with, I'm okay with that too!
I think October 2018. I decided to play Splatoon 1's story mode to get a feel for the game and know what's going on in the game's world. Little did I know that it really wasn't all that important. I immediately started on Splatoon 2 afterwards, right after the second Halloween Splatfest happened (Nov. 2018). Other than for Gaming Week, I pretty much stopped playing after Chaos vs Order though. I miss Splatfests. :c
I started with Splatoon 2. Actually picked it up in the NYC Nintendo store on release day, I was lucky to get a copy lol. That place was packed.
I started way back on launch day of the original game back in 2015. I wasn't even driving back then yet and had to beg my Dad to take me to the store so I could buy it lol. They luckily also had one 3 pack of the amiibo which I also ended up buying. :)
I got it a few weeks/months after the first Splatoon released, I had finished a tough class in college so I got it as a reward. I never played 1 or 2 as much as I would have liked, though.
I started playing the day Splatoon 2 came out. Never owned a Wii U, but I knew of Splatoon. Thought it was a stupid, messy game and had no interest in it, lol. Got a little curious about Splatoon 2 when it was announced, and started watching competitive Splatoon 1 matches and fell in love with how unique the strategies within the game are. Ink coverage, ink usage, traversing through your team ink being an advantage, enemy ink being a hinderance, the abilities you can equip. Oh, and I also love the art direction and music.

It’s now the Switch game I put the most hours into. Go figure.
Way back in the original launch on WiiU in 2015. I was in college at the time, got lucky that it came out when I was on break I think. XD
Splatoon 2 I was lil' bit late to because I didn't have a switch right away. Though I think I only missed the first couple of splatfests.

Don't play either game much these days. But they were fun when I played them. Have lots of fun memories from the WiiU version.
And now that I'm reading what I put, can't believe it's been around 5 years since the WiiU version launched... How time does fly by. XD
Technically last year, but formally today! I started playing it myself today, and ended up staying up half the night... ': D
Like.. this month when they put up the demo. Got the full game and eventually today the Octo expansion(cheaty AI but hey cool gear)

lovin turf but ranked matching is :^^^ no
I started playing splatoon the summer of 2015. My cousin played it so I bought it and was OBSESSED. I reached the level cap (it was only 20 in the beginning) the first day because it's all I did that day. Was stoked for splatoon 2 when they announced it for the switch. Still one of my favorite Nintendo games. Excited for the bonus splatfest.
Oh gosh.. I started playing in 2018, shortly after I graduated! My gf was very much into it, which was what drew me to the game.

That all being said, I didn't get too deep into it until octo expansion came out. It helped me understand the weapons a lot better and I feel like my skills really improved since then ^^ !